Spleen ( IMAGES ) Flashcards
Accessory spleen.
An isoechoic mass is seen adjacent to the spleen
The diaphragm is also clearly identified in this image (arrow)
Transverse image of an enlarged spleen in a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
There are multiple prominent blood vessels adjacent to the splenic hilum
Splenic cyst.
Splenic infarct.
often appear as wedge-shaped hypochoic areas within the spleen
Splenic hematoma.
An intraparenchymal hematoma (H) is seen as a solid-appearing mass within the spleen (S).
Splenic hemangioma.
Two small, echogenic masses representing hemangiomas are noted in this asymptomatic patient.
Transverse image of the spleen in a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma reveals a hypochoic mass (between calipers).
Color Doppler shows the splenic arterial system within the spleen
The splenic venous system is well demarcated with color Doppler
Color Doppler shows the dilated splenic vessels that may be seen with portal hypertension and varices
Patterns of splenomegaly.
A and B, The tip of the enlarged spleen covers the lower pole of the kidney.
C, The dilated splenic hilum is secondary to portal hypertension; with hepato-splenomegaly.
A patient with thalassemia major shows a huge spleen extending into the lower abdominal cavity.
Patient with acute myeloge-nous leukemia shows a large mass within the splenic parenchyma and enlarged nodes in the hilum.
A patient with thalassemia major shows a huge spleen extending into the lower abdominal cavity.
enlarged spleen is seen with an inhomogeneous texture in this patient with lymphoma.
Patient with granulomatous infection may have bright echogenic lesions
images of a patient with a splenic abscess.
Sonography of a patient with a large splenic abscess.
Sonography of a small splenic abscess with debris within.
Sonography of the spleen with multiple areas of abscess formation.
Sonography of an enlarged spleen with diffuse areas of hypochoic lesions throughout in a patient with a splenic abscess.
Sonography of a tuberculous abscess of the spleen; these collections may show echo-poor or cystic masses.
A, Sonography of a patient with a splenic infarct demonstrates an inhomogeneous texture in the midsplenic paren-chyma.
B, Splenic infarcts may present as wedge-shaped abnormalities within the splenic parenchyma.
Splenic laceration altering splenic echotexture
Small hypochoic separation medial to the splenic capsule represents a splenic hematoma
Separation of the splenic capsule from the spleen secondary to a large hematoma resulting from an automobile accident.
Hamartoma of the spleen.
Small, solitary hypere-choic lesion within the spleen was seen in a young patient with ascites.
Metastases in the spleen with various sonographic patterns.
B, Inhomogeneous vascular mass.
C, Large complex lesion with hypochoic central core.
D, Diffuse isoechoic lesions with halo effect.