Spirochetes Flashcards
outer sheath
act as unit membrane covering the protoplasmic cylinder
axial filament
inserted through proximal hook that runs along protoplasmic cylinder and under outer sheath
other borrelia species that cause lyme
B garinii – europe
B afzelii – asia
why is borrelia burgdoferi difficult to culture
low numbers of organisms present in infected animals
transmission of borrelia burgdoferi
ticks – Ixodes species
Ixodes scapularis in northeast and southeast US
Ixodes pacificus in pacific areas of US
what disease does borrelia burgdoferi cause
lyme disease
do ticks transmit lyme disease
how to diagnose borrelia burgdoferi
when do most borrelia burgdoferi infections occur
spring and fall
what virulence factor elicits inflammmatory response in Borrelia burgdoferi
LPS and a novel peptidoglycan
what contributes to arthritis in borrelia burgdoferi
large amounts of peptidoglycan continue to be shed in the joints
why can borrelia burgdoferi infection progress, why can’t body get rid of it
persistence of bacteria
autoimmune reaction
what does borrelia burgdoferi do to host immune response
suppress the host immune response
is borrelia burgdoferi common in horses
what is main symptom of borrelia burgdoferi in horses
can horses have in utero infections of borrelia burgdoferi
in utero infections may occur, resulting in death adn infections in foals by weaning
is vaccination for borrelia burgdoferi in horses recommended
how long after a tick bite do symptoms occur in dogs
may take 2-5 months afer a bite for symptoms to appear
what cna borrelia burgdoferi infection cause in dogs
renal disease
rarely myocarditis
is borrelia burgdoferi infection common in cattle
rare in cattle
can cattle get in utero infections of borrelia burgdoferi
in utero infections may occur resulting in deaths of calves
range of lyme symptoms in humans
wide range in severity of symptoms
what type of immunity to borrelia burgdoferi
what cytokines are produced in immune response to borrelia burgdoferi
why do chronic infections of borrelia burgdoferi occur
suppression of host immune response
autoimmune reaction of peptidoglycan
bacterial DNA in certain tissues persist
diagnosis of borrelia burgdoferi
history, clinical signs, PCR
serology, western blot