Spine to UL - the kinetic chain - the axioappendicular area Flashcards
what is kinetic chain?
the sequential recruitment of prime movers to increase velocity.
increased number of segments + increased velocity at distal end of change
Bones of shoulder gurdle
- scapula (glenoid fossa)
- clavicle
- manubrium
- sternum
- ******humerus******
3 main joints of axioappendicular skeleton
- ******Sternoclavicular (syn) - saddle******
- Acromioclavicular (syn)
- Glenohumeral (syn)
- Scapula moves on thoracic wall (not true joint)
every synovial joint presents:
- synovial fluid
- joint capsule
- articular cartilage
Acromioclavicular joint
- acromioclavicular ligament
- coraco-acromial ligament
Coracoclavicular lig
- trapezoid lig
- conoid lig
- Function: prevent superior displacement of the humerus in the glenoid fossa (CA)
- Function: maintain relationship of clavicle to scapula in elevation of UL (AC & CC)
Clavicle supports
- protraction/retraction
- elevation/depression
****as well as****
- internal/external rotation
- upward/downward rotation
- anterior/posterior tilt
Posterior axioappendicular muscles
levator scapulae
rhomboids minor
rhomboids major
latissimus dorsi
P: superior nuchal line, occipital protuberance, nuchal
ligament, spinous process C7 – T12
D: spine of scapula, lateral 1/3 clavicle
Action: moves scapula
Descending (Superior, Upper): elevation & upward rotation
Middle: retraction
Ascending (Inferior, Lower): depression & upward
Innervated by accessory nerve
Lat dorsi
P: spinous processes T6-12, thoracolumbar fascia (TLF), inferior ribs, iliac crest
D: floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Innervated by thoracodorsal ligament
Action: Adduction, External rotation, Internal Rotation of GHJ
Directly moves arm on GHJ
Indirectly moves scapula on STJ
Levator Scapulae
P: transverse processes C1-4
D: superior angle, medial border, base C4
(root) of spine of scapula
Action: elevate scapula, side flexion
of neck, control scapula in UL movements
NS: dorsal scapular n.
Rhomb. minor
Deep to trapezius
P: spinous processes C7-T1, nuchal ligament
D: medial border on the base of the spine of scapula
Action: retract & rotate scapula; fix scapula
to thoracic wall
NS: Dorsal scapular n.
Rhomb. major
P: spinous processes T2-5
D: medial border of scapula from spine of scapula to inferior angle
Action: retract & rotate scapula; fix scapula to thoracic wall
NS: Dorsal scapular n.
Anterior axio appendicular muscles
pec major
pec minor
serratus anterior
Pec major
(clav & stern head)
Clavicular head: medial clavicle
Sternal head: sternum and superior 6
Distal: lateral lip intertubercular sulcus humerus
Action: Adduction & IR humerus
Clavicular: flexes humerus
Sternal: extends humerus from flexed position
NS: lateral & medial pectoral n.
Pec minor
P: anterior surface of 3rd -5th ribs near costal cartilages
D: coracoid process
Action: draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly against thorax (scapula IR); scapula posterior tilt, stabilise scapula
NS: medial pectoral n.
Pec minor
P: anterior surface of 3rd -5th ribs near costal cartilages
D: coracoid process
Action: draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly against thorax (scapula IR); scapula posterior tilt, stabilise scapula
NS: medial pectoral n.
Between clavicle and 1st rib
P: costal cartilaginous joint 1st rib
D: clavicle
Function: pulls clavicle into SCJ (stabiliser)
NS: nerve to subclavius
Serratus Anterior
P: ribs 1-8 (Ser8us)
D: medial border of scapula
Action: protract and upwardly rotate scapula; stabilise scapula against thoracic wall
NS: Long thoracic n.