Spine MMT Flashcards
Capital Extension
Primary M: rectus capitis posterior (maj and min), obliques capitis (sup and inf)
Secondary M:
Grade 5: prone w head off table “look where the wall meets the floor”
Grade 2: supine, “tilt your chin up w out lifting your head”
Comp patterns: cervical extension
Cervical Extension
Primary M: longissimus cervicis, semispinalis cervicis
Secondary M: interspinales cervices
Grade 5: prone, “keep looking at floor and push your head into my hand
Grade 2: supine, hold head, “try to push your head down into my hands”
Comp patterns: capital extension
Combined Extension
Primary M: rectus capitis (maj and min), longissimus cervicis
Secondary M: interspinales cervices
Grade 5: prone, “lift your head and look at the wall”
Grade 2: partial ROM
Comp patterns: flexing lumbar
Capital Flexion
Primary M: rectus capitis anterior and lateralis
Secondary M: mylohyoid
Grade 5: supine, “tuck in your chin, don’t life your head from table”
Grade 2: partial ROM
Comp patterns: cervical flexion
Cervical Flexion
Primary M: SCM, longus colli Secondary M: mylohyoid Grade 5: supine, push head into table Grade 2: partial ROM Comp patterns: platysma activation, shoulders raising off of table
Combined Flexion
Primary M: SCM, rectus capitis anterior
Secondary M: mylohyoid
Grade 5: pt flexes head and neck bringing chin to chest
Grade 2: partial ROM
Comp patterns: shoulders raise off of table
Cervical rotation
Primary M: SCM, semispinalis Secondary M: Grade 5: head supported on table, "turn head and face the ceiling, dont let me turn you back" Grade 2: partial ROM Comp patterns: cervical flexion
Trunk Extension
Primary M: iliocostalis, longissimus thoracis
Secondary M: glute max
Grade 5: prone, “raise head, shoulders and chest off table as high as you can” clear ulbilicus
Grade 2: partial ROM
Comp patterns: raised pelvis, hip extension
- tests for hip extension and neck extension need to come first
Lumbar Extension Grade 4&5
Primary M: iliocostalis, semispinalis
Secondary M: glute max
Grade 5: prone, hands behind head. stabilize LE
Comp patterns: raised pelvis
Combined cervical flexion to isolate single SCM
starts in supine resting position, turn head and “lift up head keeping head turned”
Grade 2: roll head side to side
- turn head to the left to test right SCM
Thoracic Extension Grades 5,4
Grade 5: prone, chest is off of table with hands behind head. stabilize at LE
Primary M: iliocostalis, semispinalis
Secondary M: glute max
Trunk Flexion
Primary M: rectus abdominus, internal oblique
Secondary M: psoas’
Grade 5: keep chin pointed up at ceiling and lift your head, shoulders and back off of the table. scapular clearance
Grade 4: hands across chest
Grade 3: hands out
Hook lying for grades 1-2
Comp patterns: hip flexion
Trunk rotation
Primary M: internal and external obliques
Secondary M:
Grade 5: supine, right elbow to left knee tests right external obliques and left internal obliques and vice verse. scapular clearance
Grade 4: arms across chest
Grade 3: arms down
Grade 2: depression of rib cage
Trunk and lumbar extension under grade 4
done combined