Spinal tracts Flashcards
What are sensory pathways?
carry information from sensory receptors to the brain.
Conscious vs unconscious information
Conscious= reach cerebral cortex
Unconscious= does not reach cerebral cortex
Sensory receptors: what are the unencapsulated nerve endings?
Free nerve endings, tactile discs, hair receptors
Sensory receptors: what are the encapsulated nerve endings?
tactile corpuscles, Krause end bulbs, lamellate corpuscles, muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs
What are kinaesthetic receptors?
Position and movement of muscles and joints. They include muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs and free nerve endings.
What is the generic sensory pathway?
1st order neuron with cell body in DRG.
2nd order neuron with cell body in doorsal horn or medulla
3rd order neutron with cell body in the thalamus
What does the spinothalamic pathway control?
Touch, pain and warmth/ cold
What does the dorsal column pathway control?
Fine touch, vibration and proprioception
What does the spinocerebellar pathway control?
Muscle control
What are the two motor pathways?
Pyramidal= direct, conscious
Extrapyramidal= indirect, unconscious
What are examples of the pyramidal pathway?
corticospinal and corticobulbar