spinal reflexes Flashcards
name the three types of movement classifications
- simple reflexes
- rhythmic motor patterns
- voluntary
what are examples of simple reflex types (generalised)
what are examples of rhythmic motor patterns
combines voluntary + reflexive acts - walking, running, chewing
once initiated they are reflexive
what are examples of voluntary actions
complex- reading, writing
learned + purposeful
what three horns make up the grey matter of the spinal cord
dorsal horn
lateral horn
ventral horn
is the dorsal horn or ventral horn on the anterior side
ventral horn
does the dorsal root have a ganglion?
which is responsible for flexion - the dorsal nerves or ventral nerves
which is responsible for extension - the dorsal nerves or ventral nerves
what are Renshaw cells
interneurons involved in recurrent or feedback inhibition
-suppress weakly firing motor neurons
-dampens strongly firing ones to produce economical movement
what is the muscle spindle involved in (what is its role)
it identifies stretch
doesnt allow muscle to overstretch
what happens if a muscle stretches too far
gets damaged
how is the muscle spindle involved in proprioception
muscle spindle understands length of muscle and sends it to CNS so you know where limbs are at all times
what do afferent axons do
identify length and rate of stretch
what do gamma motor neurons do
modify set point of muscle spindle - change length not force!
sends it to spinal cord
what type of reflex is a myotatic (knee jerk) reflex
monosynaptic stretch reflex
what is a myotatic reflex
knee jerk reflex
what is the name of the afferent neuron involved in myotatic reflex (reflex)
la afferent
describe the pathway of a myotatic reflex (knee jerk) - there are 4 steps
- tap of patellar tendon stretches quadriceps muscle
- stimulates dynamic nuclear bag receptors of muscle spindle
- increases rate of firing of la afferent leads to contraction of quadriceps muscle
- la fibers also stimulate inhibitory interneurons which inhibits antagonistic (flexor) muscles of knee joint
the knee jerk reflex is lost if ______ are damaged
lower lumbar dorsal roots of spinal cord are damaged
what direction do reflexes travel through the spinal cord
in through the ganglion into the dorsal root, through into the ventral root
what are the two phases in the gait cycle?
right stance phase
right swing phase
what happens during the stance phase
foot touches the ground, flexion of knee and ankle
finishes with extension of all joints ready for forward movement
what happens during the swing phase
flexion of hip, knee + ankle
then knee and ankle extend
what is the definition of a central pattern generator
use lots of reflexes together to run in a repetitive motion
how are central pattern generators modulated
via proprioceptive input