Spinal Masqueraders Flashcards
Characteristics Visceral pain + Referred Pain
- RP = Neuron convergence theory
- Visceral P= vague, diffuse & assoc. W auto responses (sweating, nausea)- can result in central sensitisation (hyperalgesia & increased M. tone)
- RP= localised & well defined, deep or superficial (cutaneous)
Visceral Pain Referral sites
Pharynx- Ear Heart- L. shoulder Esophagus- substernal Diaphragm- Shoulder Pancrease- Mid back Bladder/Urethra- Perineum/ Pelvis
Suspecting pain is not due to mechanical cause
- pain seems out the ordinary
- Severe
- Refractory (non responsive to normal P relief/meds)
- Atypical in location or character
- may be due to Visceral disorders, infections, Tumors, metabolic Bone Disease (osteoporosis)
Medical conditions masquerading as back pain
Emergency: Dissecting aortic aneurysm, ectopic preg., myocardial infarction
Urgent: Acute pancreatitis, Duodenal ulcer, Pyelonephritis, Visceral trauma
Potentially serious: gall stones, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Kidney stones, Pelvic Inflam D, pregnancy, prostatitis, UTI
Detecting pathology causing Pain
- onset, cause, quality pain
- Abdominal P- suggests visceral
- Costovertebral angle P- Kidneys
- Colicky P- partial/complete obstruction hollow viscera)
- Severe/excruciating- increasing concern
- Worse at night/rest- malignant
- S+S illness or auto arousal (sweating, fever, hypertension)
Examination clues
- Site of path palpation or active/passive movements recreating P, MSK will not
- neurological symptoms (weakness, loss bowel/bladder control, saddle paraesthesia)
- abdominal tenderness/ rebound tenderness
- Lack of recovery when expected
Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm (emergency)
12% will present W back P Tearing/ ripping severe P Location P reflects site aneurysm -Ascending A= Neck, -Aortic arch= Ant. chest -Descending Thoracic= Interscapular -Diaph hiatus/abd= mid back/TL junction
Myocardial Infarction (emergency)
Mid thoracic P & radiate to arm/axilla or jaw
P in substernal /L UEX
P unaffected by movement/change in position
Assoc. symp: Ant chest heaviness/crushing, Diaphoresis, Dyspnoea, nausea, sense of impending doom, weak pulse
Ectopic Pregnancy (emergency)
Sexually active females must be considered if suffering LBP & Abd P.
Triad symp- Missed periods, Vaginal bleeding, abdom/LBP (lower pelvic or L1/2 dermatomes intermittent/deep)
Abdom exam = cramp P.
If tubal rupture then sudden sharp P. & signs hypovolemia
Urgent conditions
- Trauma
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Duodenal Ulcer
Trauma: Pts often present with Hx trauma. Be sure to inc. retroperitoneal organs/duodenum may be injured & cause RP LB. occur with flex-distract inj. MVA.
Blunt trauma leads to pancreatitis or retroperitoneal hematoma.