Spinal Cord Injury Flashcards
Overview of spinal cord injury (SCI)
- About 288,00 people living with SCI
- MVA are currently the leading cause of injury closely followed by falls
- All patient’s with TBIs should be presumed to have SCIs until proven otherwise
Incidence and risk factors for SCI
- Males > females
- Average age of SCI incidents have increased from 29 yrs to 43 yrs
- Catastrophic event within secs, person becomes dependent on others or ADs to perform even most basic ADLs
- Low incidence rate compared to other disorders but high cost
- Lengths of stay in hospital acute care unit have declined from 24 days to 11 days
- Most survivors have incomplete SCI
Common MOIs for SCI
- Neurapraxia (in milder injuries)
- Hyperflexion injuries
- Hyperextension injuries
- Crush fractures
Describe neurapraxia
- Transient neurologic deficits
- Special concern in athletes with cervical spinal stenosis
- Hyper ext/flex. injuries cause transient neurologic deficits including tetraplegia
- Results in temp. conduction block
- Caused by antero-posterior cord compression
- Could be a result of temp. ischemia & edema
Describe hyperextension injuries
- Hangman’s fracture: forced distraction & hyperextension of neck, or from whiplash movements, or chin of unrestrained passenger hitting steering wheel, or falls in older adults
- Causes bilateral fractures of the pars interarticularis of Axis vertebra
Describe crush fractures
- Often result in comminuted fractures
- Body fragments can put pressure or penetrate spinal cord
- 75% chance of complete SCI
How are types of SCI classified
- Concussion: temporary loss of function due to blow or violent shaking
- Contusion: bleeding from local blood vessels due to bruising causes compression from hemorrhages
- Laceration/maceration: more severe; may cause transection from gunshot or knife wounds
What is the type and degree of spinal lesion dependent on
- MOI: excessive flexion or extension; with or without rotation
- Determine severity of SCI: incomplete or complete
Describe a complete SCI
- All functions below the injured area are lost, whether or not the spinal cord is severed
- To be classified as complete there should be absence of all sensory & motor function in the sacral segments supplied by S4-S5
Describe an incomplete SCI
- Involves preservation of some motor and/or sensory function below the level of injury
- To be classified as incomplete it needs some preservation of sensory or motor activity innervated by S4-S5 (sacral sparing)
Difference between complete vs incomplete depends on what
- Functional survival of some axons across the lesion
Describe pathogenesis of a primary SCI
- In 1-2 days: necrotic death 2ndy to direct trauma to tissue or blood vessels (causing hemorrhage & compression)
-Important to adequately stabilize injured spine to stop any additional damage: often tissue & axons in the peripheral rim are spared even after severe injuries - In paraplegia amount of spread rim correlates to level of ambulation capacity
Describe pathogenesis of secondary SCI
- In the following days/weeks/months: further progression of tissue injury due to biochemical mechanisms (inflammatory processes, oxidative damage, apoptosis)
- Acute phase: ischemia/hypoxia causing electrolyte imbalance, excitotoxicity, inflammation by immune cells, edema, oxidative damage
- Sub-acute phase: apoptosis, demyelination, Wallerian degeneration, evolution of glial scar
- Chronic phase: cystic cavity (Syringomyelia), progressive Wallerian degeneration, maturation of glial scar
Describe general pathogenesis for SCI
- Historical remodeling of the primary spinal cord lesion due to secondary injury mechanisms
- Progression of injury in both directions from lesion site, can go as far away as 3-4 spinal segments from the level of direct injury
Describe vascular (blood flow) changes following SCI
- Release of NTs like norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, all cause vasoconstriction
- Loss of auto regulatory response of spinal cord vasculature
- Spinal cord edema (from micro hemorrhages) can spread cranially & caudally
Describe demyelination following a SCI
- Direct trauma to oligos
- Inflammatory response by lymphocytes, macrophages invade lesion site by way of disrupted BBB
- Loss of myelin may render axon dysfunctional, despite being physically intact
- Demyelination & inflammation can trigger Wallerian degeneration of axons
- Cells can die distal & proximal to level of lesion
Describe glial scarring following a SCI
- Tissue is invaded by reactive astrocytes, microglia, macrophages, & fibroblasts
- Reactive astrocytes make a physical scar, a physical barrier to axonal regeneration, around an area of cavitation
Describe syringomyelia following a SCI
- Presence of fluid filled cyst (syrinx) after SCI
- Can continue to develop/extend over several segments
- Happens 4-9 yrs post-trauma
- Causes significant additional symptoms due to compression/destruction of the ascending/descending neural pathways & the autonomic nerves
Symptoms of syringomyelia
- Pain
- Loss of sensation
- LMN signs
- Spasms
- Phantom sensations
- Autonomic signs: low BP w/ lightheadedness, sweating, sexual dysfunction, loss of bladder/bowel control
Most common site of syringomyelia
- Thoracic spine
- Signs distributed like cape over shoulders & back: progression from distal to proximal extremities
Describe dural scarring following a SCI
- Cord moves freely within dura
- Scarring causes sticking/tethering of cord to dura
- Can cause microscopic injuries to cord during neck flexion
What does clinical manifestations of a SCI depend on
- Depends on the area of injury in the cross section of spinal cord
Clinical manifestations of a SCI
- Damage to cervical spinal cord: tetraplegia/paresis in addition to limbs & trunk, and respiratory muscles
- Complete cord lesions: complete loss of sensory & motor function below level of lesion
- Incomplete cord lesions: depends on the SCI syndrome
What are the incomplete SCI syndromes
- Anterior cord syndrome
- Posterior cord syndrome
- Central cord syndrome
- Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Conus Medullaris syndrome
- Cauda Equina syndrome
- Partial cord lesions