Neural Tube Defects & Muscular Dystrophies Flashcards
Congenital neural tube defects
- combination of spinal canal deformities resulting from failure of neural tube closure during development
- normally the spinal cord, cauda equina, and the protective meninges are enclosed inside the bony vertebral canal which happens with neural tube closure during fetal development
Describe neural tube closure during development
- neural plate on dorsal side of fetus
- neural groove by 20 days
- neural tube: bottom end closes by day 27
- lumbosacral area is the last to close
3 types of neural tube disorders (NTDs)
- Spina Bifida Occulta (mildest form)
- Meningocele
- Myelomeningcele
- generally occur ion lumbosacral level
Incidence and etiology of NTDs (neural tube disorders)
- Overall incidence is declining due to improved maternal screening (MSAFP), better nutrition, use of prenatal vitamins containing Folic acid (Vitamin B9)
- Etiology of NTDs is multifactorial: genetic predisposition, teratogenic exposure, & folic acid deficiency
- Teratogens that are linked to increased rates of NTDs: valproic acid, lead, herbicides, solvents, alcohol, etc
Pathogensis of NTDs (neural tube disorders)
- neural groove created by cell proliferation & production of hyaluronic acid extracellular matrix
- 4 reasons for failure to close: (1) abnormalities in hyaluronic matrix; (2) abnormal overgrowth at caudal end; (3) abnormal production of surface ectoderm glycoproteins (act as glue holding cells together); (4) rupture of neural tube after closure due to CSF pressure
Loss of motor function is evenly distributed over the limbs & spine True/False
- False: so muscle imbalance and scoliosis and contractures can occur
Clinical manifestations of Spina Bifida Occulta
- doesn’t protrude visibly
- depression/dimple on skin
- tuft of hair present
- soft fatty deposits underlying the skin
- no neurologic dysfunction
- occasional bladder/bowel disturbances & foot weakness
- Meningocele manifestations are similar
Clinical manifestations of Myelomeningocele
- permanent neurologic impairment
- typically flaccid (LMN) paralysis, less often spastic
- truncal hypotonia & delayed postural reactions during 1-2 yrs
- absence of DTRs
- sensory impairment below lesion level, loss of pain & touch
- Musculoskeletal deformities: scoliosis, hip dysplasia/dislocation, hip/knee contractures, clubfoot, talipes valgus (vertical talus)
Define hydrocephalus
- associated with Myelomeningocele
- increased CSF pressure in the brain possibly due to blockage of CSF flow or after surgery closure of myelomeningcele
Signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus
- bulging soft spot on top of child’s head
- enlargement of head
- large prominent veins on scalp
- setting sun sign (always looking down)
- seizures
- vomiting
- nausea
- irritability
- sleepiness
Describe Arnold-Chiari type I/II malformations
- associated with Myelomeningcele
- Type I: cerebellar tonsils extend down through foramen magnum
- Type II: both cerebellum & brain stem extend down
- Symptoms: weakness, vertigo, ataxia, diplopia, pain
- can cause hydrocephalus
Describe tethered cord syndrome
- associated with myelomeningcele
- common following surgical closure
- spinal cord becomes ‘tethered’ or bound down resulting in progressive neurologic impairments like weakness, pain, and incontinence
- could cause Arnold-Chiari malformations leading to hydrocephalus
Describe bladder and bowel incontinence
- associated with myelomeningcele
- always present
- either small spastic bladder (hold little urine) and urge incontinence (ureteral reflux) or large flaccid bladder (residual urine) and overflow incontinence (infections)
- can have dyssynergistic bladder (problems with emptying/ureteral reflux)
Describe syringomyelia
- associated with myelomeningcele
- fluid filled cavity or ‘syrinx’ present within spinal cord or brain stem
- Symptoms: sleep apnea, choking, may require mechanical ventilation, can be fatal
Diagnosis of myelomeningcele
- Prenatally using US scanning, AFP testing, fetal MRI, Amniocentesis can only detect open NTDs
- Postnatally: obvious on exam, differential diagnosis by transillumination (light shines through for meningocele but not myelomeningcele
Surgical treatment of myelomeningcele
- Sac closure: timing of sac closure is important
- Prenatal surgical repair: improves ambulation ability, decreases incidence of hydrocephalus & Arnold-Chiari malformations but has risk of premature birth, infection, tethered cord syndrome
- Postnatal closure: needs to be within 48hrs
- Ventriculoperitoneal shunt might be required to prevent hydrocephalus (unilateral valve prevents back flow)
Orthopedic corrective surges for myelomeningcele
- to improve postural alignment throughout growing yrs
- muscle releases to address hip/knee flexion contractures
- soft tissue or bony procedures to correct foot deformities
Describe bladder/bowel management for myelomeningcele
- Spastic bladder: complete bladder emptying using clean intermittent catheterization to prevent high pressures
- Anticholinergic drugs to decrease high pressure & increase capacity
- Bladder augmentation for increased pressure
- Artificial urinary sphincters to manage urine outflow
- Antibiotics to manage infections in flaccid bladder
- Renal problems can cause significant morbidity & mortality & needs continuous monitoring
- modifying diet and timed enemas
Describe the prognosis of myelomeningcele
- early aggressive care improves prognosis
- survival to adulthood is 85% with most deaths before 4
-poorest prognosis in cases of total paralysis below lesion, kyphoscsliosis, hydrocephalus, progressive loss of renal function - if child is able to ambulate or use a w/c outdoors by age 7 = good prognosis if not by age 9 then ambulation might not happen
- ambulation status declines with age due to increasing body size, loss of LE/UE strength, immobilization for extended periods of times due to surgeries
Implications for therapists for myelomeningcele
- work with pt throughout life span providing direct interventions: proper positioning, skin ulcers during pre/post operative care, preventing complications like contractures, providing adaptive equipment to maintain/prolong functional status & educate family
Care for myelomeningcele in NICU
- pressure in sac must be avoided
- prone positioning is optimal, allows hip extension and maintains neutral foot position with legs abducted
- can be sidelying for position changes & to facilitate feeding
- careful handling needed with hydrocephalus: avoid pressure & stretch to shunt, avoid head down positions
Skin care foe myelomeningcele
- proper positioning & padding to avoid skin breakdown when sensory/motor is involved
- gentle massage can help with circulation
- check skin daily for red areas
- check bath water temp.
- avoid latex gloves as they tend to be allergic
Passive ROM & stretching for myelomeningcele
- should be performed carefully
- hip flexion/adduction may aggravate hip subluxation
Therapy program for best outcomes for myelomeningcele
- emphasize upright activities & ambulation show better outcomes
Describe muscular dystrophies
- largest/most common group of inherited progressive neuromuscular disorders
- characterized by symmetric progressive muscle wasting with increasing deformities & disabilities
Types of muscular dystrophies
- Duchenne MD
- Becker MD
- Limb-girdle MD
- Congenital MD
- Facioscapulohumeral MD
- Myotonic Dystrophy
- all primarily present with degeneration of muscle
Duchenne MD (DMD) and Becker MD (BMD) etiology
- most common type is DMD
- DMD is x-linked recessive disorders
- predominantly males affected and females mostly carriers
- signs/symptoms apparent by 2-4yrs, rapidly progressive, death in 20s
- BMD: slowly progressive, lifespan til adulthood
Limb Girdle MD (LGMD) etiology
- has many subtypes
- LGMD type 1: autosomal dominant
- LGMD type 2: autosomal recessive & more common than type 1
- onset in late childhood to early adolescence
- slowly progressive & milder presentation
Congenital MD etiology
- onset of symptoms at birth or shortly afterwards
- mostly autosomal recessively inherited
- severity & rate of progression varies, some die in first yrs, others can live longer & achieve ambulation
Facio-Scapulo-Humeral MD etiology
- autosomal dominant
- son or daughter of affected person has 50% chance of inheriting the defective gene
- males affected more than females
- early adolescence onset, slowly progressive, lifespan varies
Myotonic Dystrophy etiology
- 1/550 in isolated geographic populations due to ‘local founders effect’ (lack of genetic variation, genes of the ‘founders’ start appearing more frequently
- subsequent generation shows more severe clinical presentation due to autosomal dominant inheritance & the phenomenon of ‘anticipation’ (enlargement in size of a triple repeat genetic code)
Duchenne MD (DMD) and Becker MD (BMD) pathology
- caused by mutation of the dystrophin dystrophin glycoprotein transmembrane complex) gene Xp21
- Dystrophin links muscle membrane (sarcolemma) to the contractile proteins (actin/myosin)
What happens when their is a lack of dystrophin
- lack of dystrophin leads to disruption of sarcolemma during contraction relaxation cycles, uncontrolled influx of Ca2+ which triggers destruction of the muscle cell
- inflammatory process initiates muscle necrosis/apoptosis, favors production of fibroblasts & adipose tissue
- muscle is replaced by fatty connective tissue & contractures develop
Difference between DMD and BMD
- DMD: males with undetectable levels of dystrophin, lose ambulation before 13yrs
- BMD: males with abnormal or lower levels of dystrophin, able to walk past age 16
- can also be determined by age at which they lose ambulation capacity
- Intermediate MD: those who walk past age 12 and lose the ability by 15
Limb Gridle MD pathogenesis
- can lead to damage to the proteins in the muscle which can to complications/defects such as sarcoglycanopathies & dystroglycanopathies
Congenital MD pathogenesis
- WWS (Walker Warburg Syndrome): most severe form of CMD, result from severe defects in POMT1 or POMT2 glycosylation enzymes
- MEB (Muscle eye brain disease): result from severe defect in POMGnT1
- Fukuyama CMD: severe defects in Fukutin, common DMDs in Japanese population
- Ullrich CMD: result of defect in extracellular matrix protein collagen VI, more common CMD
Facio-Scapulo-Humeral MD pathogenesis
- occurs due to expression of a protein not naturally present
- presence of reduced number of repeats produces a protein called double home box protein 4 (DUX4) which is normally not present
Myotonic Dystrophy pathogenesis
- defect due to the phenomenon of anticipation (increasingly larger number trinucleotide repeats ion subsequent generations), cytosine, thymine, & guanine are repeated abnormally large number of times
- defective expression of protein kinase enzyme which affects chloride channels in membrane, insulin receptors and protein tau
- Chloride channel: myotonia; Insulin receptor: risk of diabetes; Microtubule associated protein tau: cognitive delay
- muscle fibers show altered resting membrane potential due to deregulation of ion channels
Clinical manifestations of Duchenne MD (DMD)
- effects muscles of shoulder girdle, rectus abdominis, pelvic girdle, by age 2-4 yrs & later hamstrings & calf muscles
- Gower’s sign: walking up the legs using hands until weight of trunk is posterior to hip joint
- Increased lumbar lordosis in standing to compensate for weak abs & hip extensors
- Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles, toe walking, & Trendelenburg’s sign
- Scapular winging
- Can’t use crutches due to shoulder weakness & increased lordosis
- Loses ability to walk by 7-9 yrs
- eventually become w/c bound
- respiratory muscles get affected & increases risk for respiratory infections
- cardiac muscles become affected
- Common causes of mortality are respiratory, cardiac, or GI failure
Clinical manifestations of Becker MD (BMD)
- pattern resembles DMD but show later onset, slow progression, longer life expectancy
- ambulation preserved till adolescence or later, toe walking
- muscle cramps common in late childhood
- scoliosis, UE/LE contractures, & other comorbidities found in DMD are also present but less severe
Clinical manifestations of Limb Girdle MD (LGMD)
- later onset, slow progression, first noticed in adolescence to adulthood
- affects proximal shoulder & pelvic girdle
- Scapular winging, lumbar lordosis, abdominal protrusion, waddling gait, poor balance, inability to raise arms up
- ambulation capacity varies widely depending on the type of LGMD
Clinical manifestations of Congenital MD (CMD)
- more severe
- symptoms typically present at birth, rapid loss of muscle strength & progressive respiratory Sx
- WWS (Walker Warburg Syndrome): most severe CMD, present at birth, rapid progression, death usually prior to 1 yr, ocular impairments, brain abnormalities
- MEB (muscle eye brain) disease: similar findings as WWS but wider variations, retinal abnormalities, glaucoma, polymicrogyria, cerebellar abnormalities
- Fukuyama CMD: onset near birth, progressive weakness & contractures, typical loss of ambulation by 10yrs
Clinical manifestations of Facio-Scapulo-Humeral MD (FSHD)
- mild MD
- onset around 2nd decade
- inability to close eyes (possible 1st sign), facial flattening, pouting lower lip
- scapular winging, difficulty raising arms overhead
- most have normal lifespan
Clinical manifestations of myotonic dystrophy (MD)
- presents with muscle weakness, wasting, & myotonia (delayed relaxation of muscle following contraction)
- ocular cataracts
- cardiac conduction deficits may be serious comorbidity
- severity based on the size of the genetic triple repeats
Diagnosis of MDs
- based on clinical presentation, family hx, genetic testing, EMG, muscle US or MRI, serum enzyme levels
- EMG studies show fibrillation potentials, “dive-bomber” kind of sound typical in myotonia MD
- muscle biopsy shows centrally placed nuclei, fat/connective tissue deposits
- serum creatinine kinases levels may be high (sign of active muscle breakdown)
Treatment of MDs
- no known tx that stops progression
- use of prednisone in DMD/BMD may delay progression & allow child to walk more yrs
- corticosteroids could decrease progression of scoliosis
- may require spinal fusion when scoliosis approaches 40º
- stem cell & gene therapy are under investigation
Prognosis of MDs
- depends on type of MD
- respiratory muscle dysfunction, cardiac muscle conduction defects are common sources of morbidity & mortality
- DMD/BMD, CMD are more severe with shorter life spans
- people with FSHD & LGMD can expect relatively normal life spans
Implications for physical therapy
- Tx focused on maintaining function for as long as possible
- Contracture management (splinting, stretching, serial casting)
- Encourage activity as much as possible specially with milder types of MD
- Muscle strengthening specially high intensity eccentric type, might be contraindicated
- Breathing exercise would be encouraged
- Later stages might require airway clearance techniques like postural drainage & percussion to prevent complications