Spinal Cord Dx Flashcards
Cauda Equina syndrome
Spinal damage or distal to L1 (common- central prolapse of an Intervertebral disc at lumbosacral J) injures cauda equina- formed by lumbar and sacral nerve roots.
Flaccid paralysis (spastic paralysis above L1)
Sacral numbness
Urinary retention
What are lesions on spinal roots called?
Neurological hx
Motor complaimts- stiffness, loss of power, incoordination
Fever, alcohol, vaccination
What does a neurological examination provide us with?
Higher mental fx:status of cortex
Cranial nerve exam:level of lesion at brainstem?
Motor sx: type of lesion + apprx level of lesion
Sensory sx:accurate site of lesion
Gait disturbances: could be 1 lesion
Cerebellar exam:
Signs of meningeal irritation: could be local
Skull + spine
Local examination
Systemic examination
Motor system
Cerebral cortex: corona radiata- > internal capsule-> crac cerebri- cerebral peduncle–> ventral pons, -> as pyramids in ventral medulla-> lower medulla: 85% decussate -> lateral CS -> descend in white matter, -> synapse-> then enter grey matter and gomto anterior horn–> leaves cord via ventral spinal root-> peripheral nerve. (Lower limbs)
Uncrosses fiberes: anterior CS- end at mid thoracic level
->AH cell. Marks junction of UMN and LMN.