Headache+ stroke Flashcards
What are headaches?
Can be sx if underlying disorder
- brain tumour, temporal arteritis
Or Migraine H Tension H Cluster H SOCRATES- Site, Onset, Character, Radiation, assc, timing, exacerbations, Severity.
Bam? How long inbetween each episode
Different types of H
Migraine: unilateral, retro orbital- above and behind eye- pulsating, made worse by photopobia, phonophobia, assc N+V during event, last to mins to hrs.
Tension: felt around the entire head, esp occibital muscles- back muscles “vice-like”, - quite a while eg 6 hrs- sustained, not aggrevated by light or sound, less severe.
Very rarely assc w/ non H sx
Cluster H: unilateral, non pulsatile, extremely severe but brief.
Assc w/ eye redness, rhinorrhoea, facial swelling on same side as H. May also be accompined by Horners syndrome.
Migraine: provoking- light, sound. Quality: sharp, pulsatile. Radiation: Superorbital, Severity: 6-8, T: hours to days.
Tension: Procoking: stress, insomnia, hunger, eye-strain. Character: wrapping, tight. R: around head. S: 8, minutes, multiple
Migraines: what are they?
B>G, F>M. Onset: 25-50Y (oestrogen??)
Idiopathic, inflammatory response. Hypothesis- expansion of extracranial vasculature (on scalp) - irritates surrounding nerves.
Unilateral ‼️, retro supraorbital, Pulsating‼️, ❌❌Light, sound. Lie in room, dark! N+V.
Aura- visual here, before event happens.
Scintilatinh scotoma- visual deficit. Classic. (Sparkles, halos)
Hx- healthy ppl, B>G, W>M, 30s,
Genetic predisposition- Fhx.
Women > after menarche, less likeley while pregnant or after menopause- oestrogen + migraine correlation?
Migraine sx:
Aura- usually (20%) visual, vertigo-
Pain phase- unilateral, polsatile, sharp, supraorbital
Dx- clinical sx
IHS criteria-5,4,3,2,1 criteria
5 or more attacks ever
Any of them lasted 4hrs to 3 days duration
2 of more: unilateral, pulsating, moderate ro severe intensity, withdrawal from activities
1 : sensitivity to light or sound
Migraine ID
- Have ur H limited ur acttivities for more than a day in the past 3 M?
- Do ur H cause u to feel N?
- Does light/sound bother u when on ur H?
2/3 Q-> dx made. 81%sensitive, 75% specific.
Migraine H tx
Tx- 1st: triptan derivative- sumatriptan, rizatriptan- sublingual- SEROTONIN AGONISTS- constrict vessels that supposetetly - reduce plexus that is around those vessels
Ergotamines- dihydroergotamine,
NSAIDS- ibuprofen
To prevent: topiramade
If vomiting: Saline IV- dehydration.
Opiods not❌ due to rebound effect. - long term- medication induced .
Best- avoid drugs at alll, then see,
What happens if pt still has 2-4 migraines a Month, every week, what do we do?
Prophylaxis: topiramate, antiepileptic drug,
Divaproex, valproate AED, propranolol - beta blocker
Antiepileptic drugs
But- topamax- cognitive dulling ! Hard to find words.
Pregnant: triptans: acute: sumatriptan, but- acetaminophen -
Not AEDS- only if seizures due to hypoxic complications.
-> but u have less during migraines.
What are complicated migraines?
Residual focal neurological deficits during and after Migraines
Migraine: any neuro deficit will be gradual
Stroke- sudden
Migraine w/ hemiplagia or hemiparesis
Exclude vascular causes- non contrast Ct
Headache: PC - what do different areas mean?
In the morning/when bending/straining (⬆️ICP)
Bilateral, band-like(tension)/unilateral (most others)
Scalp tenderness/jaw claudication(GCA)
Facial Pain (trigeminal neuralgia)
Timing: sudden, severe:SAH, cluster H,/ after fall/trauma (subdural)
Aura/visual disturbance (migraine)
Photophobia/Vomitting (meningitis/migraine/ SAH)
Odd behaviour (encephalitis)
Headache - Disease framework
HPC- exposure to: CO, nitrates, CCB
Witjdrawal from: alcohol, oipoids, oestrogens, corticosteroids, TCAs, SSRIs, NSAIDs
Constitual sx- brain cancer 1o, 2o ,
Exertional onset: -SAH,nduring coitus- coital cephalgia
PMHx Cancer- metastatic Polymyalgia rheumatica (GCA) Angina- nitrates exposure Depression, anxiety , insomnia (tension)
Fhx: close contact has become unwell (meningitis) , familial tendencies (SAH w/ PCOS, migraines)
DHx- anticoagulants, alcoholism (subdural haematoma)
Chronic analgesics: codeine, paracetamol, NSAIDs, triptans
ROS GI Upset/ teuchopsia/ fortification spectra (migraine) Limp-gridle pain /weakness (GCA) Blurred/altered vision (⬆️ICP)/ Transient visual loss
Caffeine, alcohol, dietary precipitants (chocolate, cheese)
Smoking(migrainw, metastatic cancer, SAH)
Overwt (IIH)/cachexia (malignancy)
Photophobia (meningitis/SAH)
HTN /fever/signs of sepsis/ drowsiness
Painful scalp on palpation (GCA, trigemina neuralgia)
Lacrimating red eye- cluster H
Kernig’s sign/ pain on straight leg raise- non blanching rash/ cool peripheries; painful legs( meningitis)
Fundoscopy + visual field examination
FBC - polycythaemia- cause- anaemia due to eg malignancy
U+Es / Ca2+- (dehydration)/ blood sugar/ TFTs
CRP/ESR-⬆️ in infx, GCA (temporal artery biopsy)
EEG- acute changes in intracranial bleed
CT Head/ LP- eg for meningitis/SAH/IIH
Tx of H?
If meningitis suspected: IV benzylpenicillin before urgent transfer to hosp. 3rd generations cephalosporins are the empirical tx b4 causative organisms are identified.
Lifestyle changes- trigger avoidance:
GCA- Giant cell arteritis- prednisolone 40mg daily-> ophtalmology.
Migraine-> simple analgesia (NSAIDS) +- antiemetic
If no relief- triptans or ergotamine
Cluster- treat cluster w/ high flow O2 , sumatriptan,
Prophylaxis w/ prednisolone, verapamil
Tension: simple analgesia, avoid chronic use.
Neuralgia- neuropathetic painkillers; antiepileptics (AEDs)/ TCAs
SAH- nimodipine 60mg 4-hrly, urgent referral- head CT.
Raised ICP- tx cause- radiotherapy, theraputic LP, shunt (IIH), rarely cranioromy.