Spinal cord and Periphery Flashcards
Name the components of the cross sectional anatomy anatomy of the spinal cord
- Has a central grey matter & peripheral white matter.
- The grey matter has on each side a dorsal & a ventral horn.
- The axons of sensory fibres enter through the dorsal root into the dorsal horn of grey matter.
- Motor neurons have their cell bodies in the ventral horn.
How is the white matter in the spinal cord arranged?
- The white matter is arranged in 3 columns - posterior, leteral & anterior
- Each column has various bundles (tracts) of axons
- Ascending pathways are sensory, descending pathways are motor
- Different tracts carry different information
List the Ascending tracts
- Lateral spinothalmic
- Ventral spinothalmic
- Dorsal column
- Spinocerebellar
- Cuneocerebellar
- Spinoreticular
- Spino-olivary
List the descending tracts
- Corticospnal
- Reticulospinal
- Rubrospinal
- Vestibulospinal
- Tectospinal
What are the three important spinal tracts?
- Corticospinal/pyramidal tract - carries motor impulses from motor cortex to skeletal muscles
- Posterior/dorsal column - carries touch, tactile localisation, vibration sense, proprioception
- Lateral spinothalmic tract - pain and temperature
Explain the Corticospinal/Pyramidal tract
- Control of voluntary skilled movements (i.e. motor pathway).
- Pathway starts from the motor cortex (Area 4)
- Posterior limb of Internal Capsule (blood supply Middle Cerebral Artery).
- Corticobulbar fibres go to contralateral cranial n nucleii.
- Corticospinal fibres mostly cross in decussation of pyramids (Lateral corticospinal tract).
What neurons are involved in the costicospinal/pyramidal tract?
- 2 neurons in the pathway. These are called the upper and lower motor neurons respectively.
- Decussates to the opposite side in the medulla.
Where is the site of lower motor neurons
Ventral horn= site of lower motor neurons
Describe the Posterior/Dorsal column
- Carries sensations of fine touch, tactile localisation, vibration sense, proprioception
- 1st order neuron ends by synapsing with the cell body of the 2nd neuron. This is situated in the lower part of the medulla.
- 2nd order neuron crosses over (decussates) in the medulla.
- The tract now is called medial lemniscus and passes through the medulla, pons and midbrain to reach the thalamus
- The third order neuron starts from the thalamus and axons pass through the IC and radiate to the post-central gyrus (Area 2,1,3)
Describe the Lateral Spinothalmic tract
- Pain and temperature
- First order neuron enters into the grey matter and ends at the same level.
- 2nd order neurons cross over to reach the lateral column and is now called lateral spinothalamic tract
- 2nd order neuron ends in thalamus and 3rd order passes through IC, radiation to reach post-central gyrus•
Describe the Ascending spinal tracts
Pathways reaching conscious level have common characteristics:
There are 3 neurons between peripheral receptor and cortex.
Explain what Reflexes are?
- A reflex is an involuntary stereotyped pattern of response brought about by a sensory stimulus.
- Many reflexes are mediated at the level of the spinal cord (spinal reflexes).
- Anatomically they may be monosynaptic (eg: stretch reflex) or polysynaptic (eg: flexor reflex).
Describe the steps in Stretch reflex( and reciprocal innervation)
- Tendon stretched
- Intrafusal muscle fibres stimulated
- Sensory neuron activated
- Monosynaptic reflex arc
- Polysynaptic reflex arc to inhibitory interneuron
- Muscle contraction
- Reciprocal innervation
Describe the Flexor and corssed extensor reflex
What mediated reflexes?
Lower motor neuron