Spermatogenesis Flashcards
How is sperm produced and released?
- Produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis
- During ejaculation, contractions in the epididymis and vas deferens propel the sperm up and out through the vas deferens. Sperm is mixed with epididymal fluid at this stage.
- Sperm + epididymal fluid reach seminal vesicles from the two vas deferens.
- Sperm + epididymal fluid + secretions from seminal vesicles.
- As it approaches the ejaculatory duct, secretions from the prostate and Cowper’s glands (just underneath the prostate) are added.
- Ready for ejaculation. The corpus cavernosum is normally filled with blood when there is an erection. The corpus spongiosum (tissue underneath) remains flexible, while the corpus cavernosum is filled with blood. The importance of this is to keep the urethra open to allow for the passage of semen.
What is the evolutionary significance of testes hanging outside the body?
- Testes produce sperm and store it
- Normal volume of about 15-25ml
- Testes produce hormones, particularly testosterone, which regulate spermatogenesis
- Testes lie in scrotum outside of body cavity; well-vascularised, well-innervated, 1.5-2.5 degrees below body temperature (optimum temperature for sperm production)
- After ejaculation into the female tract, it is possible the temperature difference acts as a form of sperm activation.
What is the structure of a testicle?
- Seminiferous tubules-rete testis-epididymis-vas deferens
- About 300 lobes filled with seminiferous tubules in the average testis
- Tightly coiled tubules collect in rete testis
- Efferent ductules lead to epididymis
- Epididymis is a highly convoluted, tubular structure made of three segments = head, body, tail (caput, corpus, cauda)
- 90% of the testes is actually seminiferous tubules (about 600m)
What happens at the seminiferous epithelium of the seminiferous tubules?
- Mitotic division of primordial germ cells allows males to have a lifetime supply of sperm cells, unlike females born with a fixed number of primordial oocytes.
- Adluminal compartments are tight junctions between each sertoli cell. Area where sperm develop.
- The seminiferous epithelium has a basal membrane (basal lamina).
- Spermatogenic (germ) cells can be seen undergoing spermatogenesis with different cell divisions taking place. Released into lumen.
What is the role of the sertoli cell?
- Maintain close contact with the sperm and mediate between the endocrine system and the developing sperm, receiving signals and severing factors that help sperm to develop (+feedback)
- Between each cluster of germ cells, there are Sertoli cells. They respond to testosterone and regulate the process of spermatogenesis (the divisions that are taking place). Just outside of the basal lamina, the leydig cells can be seen. The leydig cells produce testosterone. The testosterone crosses the basal membrane to the Sertoli cells. The Sertoli cells respond to this and use it to regulate spermatogenesis.
- Germ cell-primary spermatocyte (diploid)-secondary spermatocyte (haploid)-spermatids-spermatozoa
- From primary spermatocyte (type B spermatogonia more specifically), the germ cell is committed to meiosis (no going back)
What is the purpose of tight junctions?
- Exist between Sertoli cells to form the blood-testis barrier.
- Open to allow passage of spermatogonia prior to completion of meiosis. The germ cells dividing are forcing their way through those junctions and dividing through them. The junctions form a seal around each of the germ cells. This is important as the surrounds are well-vascularised (blood-testis barrier)
- Important to note that two compartments are formed as a result of the tight junctions = divides into basal and adluminal compartments
- Protects spermatogonia from immune attack
- Allows specific enclosed environment for spermatogenesis which is filled with secretions from Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells provide sustenance for the spermatogenic cells. This regulatory process takes place via the formation of tight junctions.
Why is it important for tight junctions to form a blood-testis barrier?
- The tight junctions creates a seal that forms the blood-testis barrier which separates the testis from the blood (and immune system). This protects the germ cells from immune attack.
- If the testes (or spermatogenic cells) were exposed, the immune system would create antibodies against the spermatic and attack the germ cells. These antibodies would agglutinate on the sperm and slow them down, preventing them from functioning normally. The classic case is a vasectomy reversal; when the vas deference has been reattached and is healing, there is sometimes leakage of sperm into the system and anti-sperm antibodies are developed as a result.
- The surroundings are well-vascularised (lots of capillaries outside of the basal lamina), so tight junctions are important to protect the spermatogenic cells.
What are the stages of spermatogenesis?
1) Spermatagonia
- Germ cell on basement membrane
- Diploid
- Capable of mitotic divisions to produce more spermatogonia or meiotic divisions to produce primary spermatocytes
- Two populations = type A amd type B. Two categories of type A = type A dark and type A pale. Type A dark can either give rise to another copy of itself or could differentiate into a type A pale. Type A pale undergoes further differentiation into type B spermatogonia. At this point, it is committed to the differentiated pathway for spermatogenesis. The type B then undergoes further differentiation into primary spermatocytes
2) Primary spermatocytes
- Cell committed to differentiative pathway
- Diploid
- Move into adluminal compartment and duplicate DNA to produce sister chromatids which exchange genetic material and enter meiosis I.
- Following the first meiotic division, two daughter cells are formed with haploid number of chromosomes that are arranged as sister chromatids. These are called secondary spermatocytes.
3) Secondary spermatocytes
- Have undergone meiosis I
- Haploid number of chromosomes arranged as sister chromatids
- Undergo second meiotic division
4) Spermatids
- Meiosis II produces four truly haploid spermatids (round in shape)
- Marks the end of mitotic and meiotic divisions associated with spermatogenesis
- Differentiations that confer maturity take place after (maturation).
- Extra cytoplasm removed, formation of an acrosome and tail. Condensation of spermatogenesis nuclear chromatin characterised by the replacement of spermatogonial histones with sperm-specific protamines results in transcriptional inactivity in spermatozoa.
- Maturation process is known as spermiogenesis; transforms round spermatids to complex spermatozoa
5) Spermatozoa
- New cycle every 16 days, entire process takes approximately 74 days.
- Movement into lumen is controlled by Sertoli cell secretions. Factors produced by Sertoli cells are required for development.
To summarise:
1) Mitotic proliferation of spermatogonia
2) Meiosis and development of spermatocytes
2) Spermiogenesis = elongation, loss of cytoplasm, movement of cellular contents
Summarise the HPG axis
- In the archetypal HPG axis paradigm, there is a positive drive of GnRH from the hypothalamus to the pituitary (pulsatile release)
- Differs between males and females (cyclical in females. Once FSH and LH act on the ovaries in females, oestrogen and progesterone can act negatively in terms of feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary. When the oestrogen threshold is exceeded in the case of ovulation, positive feedback acts on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
- In the case of males, there is always a tonic level of hormone production (not cyclical, fairly constant) and the feedback is always negative.
- The androgens and inhibit always feedback negatively on the HPG axis.
Where do LH and FSH act in the testes?
- LH from the anterior pituitary acts on LH receptors found on leydig cells.
- Leydig cells convert cholesterol into androgens.
- Intratesticular testosterone levels are 100x those in plasma.
- Androgens produced by leydig cells cross over to stimulate Sertoli cell function and thereby control spermatogenesis.
- Sertoli cells contain FSH receptors and convert androgens to oestrogen.
- FSH established a quantitatively normal Sertoli cell population, whereas androgen initiated and maintains sperm production. FSH acts directly on Sertoli cells to regulate numbers. Also provides sustenance to growing germ cells. Produced androgen-binding protein. The ABP binds to testosterone and then concentrates this testosterone within the seminiferous epithelium to aid with regulation of spermatogenesis.
How does inhibin act in the testis?
- Inhibin B is produced in males by Sertoli cells in response to FSH
- Reduces FSH production by the anterior pituitary
- Germ cells appear to be required for Inhibin B production
- FSH and Inhibin B in combination have been correlated with testicular volume and spermatogenic activity but this hasn’t been proven clinically useful as yet (thought it would have the same clinical value as AMH which is a good indicator of ovarian reserve; thought it would be the male version, inhibin + activin + AMH all have very similar structures). Semen analysis remains the gold standard for assessing male fertility.
Describe the structure of the spermatozoon.
- Cytoskeletal structure can be divided into two main regions = head and flagellum (tail)
- Tail can be further divided into three distinct regions = middle piece, principal piece and end piece
- Head contains a nucleus and acrosomal region
- Middle piece contains mitochondria (for energy£) and houses a lot of ion channels (responsible for intercellular calcium signalling in the sperm when it is in the female reproductive tract in response to extracellular signals)
- Head (5 micrometers)-neck-middle piece (5 micrometers)-principal piece (50 micrometers)-endpiece (5 micrometers)
Describe the ejaculate.
- 300 million spermatocytes produced per day on average
- Normal ejaculate volume is 1.5 - 6 ml (WHO criteria)
- Spermatozoa account for very small proportion of the total volume of the ejaculate (1 - 5%)
- Initial portion of the ejaculate is the most sperm rich. 99.9% lost before reaching the ampulla of the uterine tube. Around 120,000 sperm get close to the egg, only one penetrates.
- Seminal fluid consists of secretions from = seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbo-urethral (Cowper’s) gland combined with epididymal fluid
What is the role of the seminal fluid?
- Transport of sperm through the male reproductive tract and through the female reproductive tract. When in the male reproductive tract, the sperm itself is non-motile.
- Coagulation of the ejaculate and creating a sperm deposit in the vagina. When initially ejaculated, it is in the form of a coagulant which liquifies later on. This coagulative deposit gives the sperm a better chance of making its way through the cervix and into the female reproductive tract (would just leak out of the vagina if it was all liquid to begin with).
- Creates a neutral to slightly alkaline bugger milieu in the vagina to protect spermatozoa from the acidic vaginal milieu.
- Activation and augmenting the motility of the sperm cells. Once the sperm comes into contact with ejaculated seminal fluid, motility is activated.
- Coating the sperm cells with capacitation inhibitors. Capacitation is the process that sperm cells have to go through in order to be able to fertilise an egg. If capacitation takes place before it makes its way past the cervix, it would have occurred too early (needs to occur when it is just arriving/on its way to the egg).
- Applying nutrients for the sperm cells
Draw parallels between the meiotic and mitotic aspects of spermatogenesis and the fundamental mitosis and meiosis divisions.
To be answered
Outline the process of meiosis.
- During S phase, each chromosome is replicated
- The replicated chromosomes stay attached to the originals, forming identical sister chromatids.
- At the start of meiosis I, homologous chromosomes group together in pairs.
- Exchange genetic material, which gives rise to new chromosomes containing a mixture of maternal and paternal genes.
- At the end of meiosis I, sister chromatids remain attached and may differ from one another if crossing-over occurred.
- Cell division creates two haploid daughter cells, but each chromosome is two sister chromatids. These are no longer identical due to crossing-over.
- In meiosis II, sister chromatids separate ss cell divides = haploid gametes.
- Sperm production is continuous from puberty (no male andropause/menopause)
- Process is long and complex with many errors (high number, low quality)
- Objective is to produce high numbers
- Process is driven by FSH and testosterone
- Result is production of sperm highly specialised for function
Semen analysis (WHO, 2021) Criteria
- Semen analysis is the clinical diagnostic assessment of human semen parameters as a measure of male fertility potential. Also used as an investigative measure when determining treatment options for assisted reproduction.
- Criteria is updated about every 10 years as large data sets are acquired from males globally and standardised reference values are evaluated.
- The latest manual includes further diagnostic tests, e.g sperm DNA fragmentation (not routinely practice)
Volume = 1.4 - 6 ml (used to be 1.5 ml; now based on much larger datasets using more robust data to inform these criteria)
Appearance = grey-opalescent
Liquefaction = <30 mins (any longer is indicative of problems with secretions from prostate, bulbourethral gland or accessory glands.
Sperm concentration = >16 million/ml
Motility = >42%
Progressive motility = >30%
Normal morphology = >4%
Vitality (live) = >54%
pH = 7.2 - 8
Leucocytes = <1 million/ml (anything higher than this is indicative of a potential illness/infection)
- A key change is a switch to counting four categories of motility instead of three = rapidly progressive, slowly progressive, non-progressive and non-motile (used to just be progressive). A high proportion of sperm with slow progressive motility may be a clinical indicator of potential problems in efficiently reaching the site of fertilisation. Further studies showed clinical value in taking a closer look at the kind of progression taking place.
- Reference values are starting to be looked at as decision limits as opposed to reference ranges too. Can use these limits to make clinical decisions in fertility treatments (as opposed to just looking at them as reference values).
- The larger, more robust data set solidified 4% is the morphology reference value for normal spermatocytes. High number, low quality from an evolutionary perspective. Lots of spermatogenesis produced, but very few make it to the site of fertilisation.
- Sperm vitality is performed using certain stains. This is usually done at the diagnostic stage since the dye can be cytotoxic to sperm cells (never performed during treatment). The indication for carrying out a vitality test is assessed to be very low. This is when there is value in looking at vitality (sample with motile sperm is a clear indicator that most sperm are alive). Reference value has changed from 58% to 54%.
- Morphology of a normal sperm = oval head, large acrosomal region (occupies about 2/3 the size of the head), nuclear material, the midpiece and the tail.
- A lot of the cases of abnormal midpiece are as a result of cytoplasmic droplets. During spermiogenesis, when the excess cytoplasm is being removed, if there is a fault in this process/if it hasn’t occurred properly, there will be excess cytoplasm still hanging around the midpiece in the form of a cytoplasmic droplet. In the case of assisted reproductive technology, it might be an indicator to recommend ICSI as opposed to IVF.