Menstrual Cycle I Flashcards

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How is the menstrual cycle controlled and what is the key requirement to maintain this axis?

  • Control of the menstrual cycle is via the HPG axis
  • Pulsatile release is the key requirement to maintain this axis; cessation of the complete cycle if GnRH is administered/released continuously, because the release of LH and FSH is stopped (along with the downstream effects).
  • Pulsatile release of both GnRH and gonadotrophins maintains the HPG axis and, hence, fertility.
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Describe the length of the normal menstrual cycle (MC = most cycles).

  • The length of a menstrual cycle is the number of days between the first day of menstrual bleeding of one cycle to the onset of menses of the next cycle.
  • Day 1 is always the first day of bleeding (menses)
  • Median duration of MC is 28 days with most cycles between 25-30 days
  • Luteal phase is fixed (14 days independent of the life cycle of the corpus luteum). It is the follicular phase that varies. Variable cycles are a result of the variation in the follicular phase. This can make it a bit tricky when timing ovulation for either contraceptive purposes or family planning purposes.
  • Menstruation lasts 3-8 days, written clinically as 7/28 or 5-6/27-32
  • MC<21 days=polymenorrheic; MC>35 days=oligomenorrheic
  • Menstrual cycle typically most irregular around extremes of reproductive life i.e menarche and menopause
  • PCOS can cause irregular cycles throughout their reproductive life (not just at the extremes).
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Draw the hormonal profile with LH (IU), FSH (IU), progesterone (nmol) and oestrogen (nmol) starting from the late luteal phase.

  • Important to link hormonal profile to follicle growth (follicular stage). They are linked and involved feedback.
  • There is an intercycle rise in FSH
  • Two distinct peaks of oestrogen
  • As FSH comes down, oestradiol is rising
  • As oestradiol rises, there is a decrease in FSH. LH surge has a distinct peak. Progesterone (from the corpus luteum) is predominantly in the luteal phase.
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Which steroids are made where during the menstrual cycle (Two-cell-two-gonadotrophin theory)?

  • Two-cell-two-gonadotrophin theory; the cells produce different steroids due to the different enzymes present in different compartments, e.g. aromatase is only found in the granulosa cell compartments. Since aromatase catalyses the conversion of the androgens, either androstenedione or testosterone, to oestrone or oestradiol respectively, that means formation of the oestrogens can only occur in the granulosa cells. The gonadotrophin that drives this is FSH. The enzymes catalyse reactions to make the steroids.
  • Two cells in this context = theca and granulosa, two gonadotrophins = LH and FSH
  • In small antral follicles steroidogenesis is organised. Theca cells produce androgens in response to LH, but granulosa cells do not (do not express CYP17A1). Androgens diffuse from theca cells to granulosa cells, where they are substrates for estrogen formation in response to FSH because granulosa cells differentially express CYP19A1, which encodes aromatase. Granulosa cells primarily express FSH receptors and respond to FSH by producing oestrogen.
  • Formation of the oestrogens only occurs in the granulosa cells.
  • Similarly, in the theca, there are only certain enzymes present (which are not present in the granulosa cells), so most of the androgens are made there. There is one exception.
  • Majority of the androgens are made in the theca
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What are the phases of the menstrual cycle?


1) Late luteal, early follicular phase = progesterone declines. This results in a selective increase in FSH (intercycle rise in FSH). The death of the corpus luteum (due to lack of pregnancy) causes this drop in progesterone production. FSH rises as progesterone is no longer negatively feeding back to the hypothalamus and pituitary. FSH stimulates the follicles.
2) Mid follicular = Antral follicles grow and are producing oestrogen. As oestrogen rises, this reexerts negative feedback onto FSH and so FSH levels decrease. This rise and fall in FSH allows selection of the dominant follicle.
3) Mid cycle = Produces dramatically increased levels of oestrogen. Sustained oestrogen exceeding the threshold (300pmol) is required for around 48h. Feedback switches from negative to positive. This results in the LH surge which brings about ovulation of the dominant follicle
4) Mid luteal = The remainder of the follicle becomes the corpus luteum. Produces a lot of progesterone which exerts negative feedback, keeps FSH and LH low. The peak of oestrogen comes from the corpus luteum, but the progesterone dominates so negative feedback is always maintained in the mid luteal phase.

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What are the differences between the oestrus cycle and the menstrual cycle?

  • All female mammals have cyclical ovarian function & the same reproductive system (in terms of HPG axis) to produce a mature egg(s) and the necessary sex steroids
  • Menstrual cycles occur only in humans, primates (apes and monkeys) & some bats; named for the regular appearance of menses i.e. shedding of the endometrial lining
  • Oestrus cycle in animals named because of:
    1) The cyclic appearance of behavioural sexual activity (heat or oestrus)
    2) They do not menstruate – the endometrium is reabsorbed if fertilization does not occur
    3) Day 0 of the oestrous cycle is the day of beginning sexual receptivity
    4) Ovulation usually occurs early in cycle as high oestrogen levels stimulate sexual behaviour as well as exerting positive feedback
    5) Different species have different lengths of cycles; Some are poly-oestrous i.e. go into heat several times/year (cats, cows, pigs); others are di-oestrous (twice/year) and some have only one breeding season/year i.e. mono-estrous (eg. Bears, foxes, wolves) and usually in spring
    6) Rabbits have no oestrous cycles and are induced to ovulate by mating and can conceive at any arbitrary moment.
  • Most other mammalian species do not shed their endometrial lining after it has been built up to receive implanting embryos; it is absorbed instead
  • The oestrus cycle is a period of sexual receptivity and sexual activity (behaviour). They don’t menstruate; the endometrium is just reabsorbed if fertilisation does not occur.
  • In research and when looking at models of reproduction, it is important to consider what animals are being used. They may not always fit in with the menstrual cycle. Monkeys, specifically apes, would be make an ideal animal model but would there are a lot of ethical issues.
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Outline the HPO axis in detail, including activins and inhibins.

  • This is controlled by feedback and the feedback varies.
  • It is not just about oestrogen and progesterone, there are also activins and inhibins
  • The hypothalamus secretes GnRH which acts on the anterior pituitary.
  • Stimulates release of LH and FSH which acts on the ovary.
  • Ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone which feed back on the pituitary and hypothalamus. This can be positive or negative feedback. Can also positively feed back on the ovary.
  • Negative feedback = luteal phase, Negative & positive feedback = follicular phase
  • Ovary produces activins and inhibins that can positively/negatively feed back on the pituitary.
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Outline the HPO axis in detail, including activins, follistatins and inhibins.

  • This is controlled by feedback and the feedback varies.
  • It is not just about oestrogen and progesterone, there are also activins and inhibins
  • The hypothalamus secretes GnRH which acts on the anterior pituitary.
  • Stimulates release of LH and FSH which acts on the ovary.
  • Ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone which feed back on the pituitary and hypothalamus. This can be positive or negative feedback. Can also positively feed back on the ovary.
  • Negative feedback = luteal phase, Negative & positive feedback = follicular phase
  • Ovary produces activins and inhibins that can positively/negatively feed back on the pituitary.
  • Follistatin binds to activin with high affinity, so prevents activin from feeding back and acting on the pituitary to inhibit FSH (neutralizes FSH-stimulating ability of activin).
  • Lots of input from other systems; insulin, insulin resistance, body fat, nutritional status etc. All of this is about a woman being seen to be fit to reproduce. There are multiple signals which can feed in; stress hormones can affect the axis and feed into this. These can all disrupt the menstrual cycle.
    Many factors affect the menstrual cycle and a women’s ability to reproduce.
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When were inhibins, activins and follistatin discovered?

  • Postulated for long time that gonadal factor involved in feedback regulation of FSH secretion, but only found recently.
  • 1985 purified Inhibin → This was found to be produced in both males and females. Produced by testis (Sertoli cells) and ovary (Granulosa cells); Disulphide-linked protein dimers (two chains)= Common α-subunit with different β-subunits giving two forms of Inhibin. Both forms specifically suppress (INHIBIT) FSH secretion by pituitary without affecting LH secretion.
  • 1986 – isolated Activins from follicular fluid which stimulate FSH secretion
  • 1987 – isolated another FSH-suppressing protein from follicular fluid called Follistatin. It binds to activin with high affinity, so prevents activin from feeding back and acting on the pituitary to inhibit FSH (neutralizes FSH-stimulating ability of activin).
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What are the sub-types of inhibins and activins?

  • Biosynthesis of inhibins and activins occurs from 3 genes, makes precursor protein:
    1) α- protein, specific for Inhibin
    2) βA- protein, can form either Activin/Inhibin
    3) βB- protein, can form either Activin/Inhibin
  • These alpha and beta subunits are all members of TGF-beta superfamily of proteins. The genes encode for larger precursor proteins which are then processed proteolytically. The products are the sub-units which will combine at the time of release from the cell.
  • Made as bigger hormones that have been cleaved down. Made from three genes which make these precursor proteins.
  • The alpha protein is specific for inhibin, while the beta proteins are of different subunits (there is beta-A and beta-B). Inhibins are made up of a common alpha unit with different beta units. Beta A subunit gives its name to inhibin A and beta B to inhibin B. Inhibins take 2 forms depending on β-chain composition = Inhibin A and Inhibin B
  • Activins have no alpha subunit, just combinations of the beta subunits. With the activins, if they had the same beta subunit, they are known as homodimers, otherwise they are heterodimers. Activins take 3 forms depending on β-chain composition = Activin A (βA-homodimer), Activin B (βB-homodimer) & Activin AB (βAβB-heterodimer).
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What are the different forms of inhibin and activin with their dimer subunits?

  • All of these are members of the TGF beta super family of proteins.
  • With the activins, if they had the same beta subunit, they are known as homodimers, otherwise they are heterodimers.

INHIBIN - inhibits FSH secretion

1) Inhibin A = alpha + beta A
2) Inhibin B = alpha + beta B

ACTIVIN - stimulates FSH secretion

1) Activin A = beta A + beta a
2) Activin A = beta A and beta B
3) Activin B = beta B and beta B

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How does the production of activin and inhibin correlate with follicle stage?

  • Activins correlate with FSH rise in early follicular phase of MC and Inhibin with FSH fall in late follicular of MC – also levels of activin high at start of MC (EFP) but fall by luteal phase of MC, whereas inhibin start to rise in LFP of MC and peak in luteal phase.
  • They are both produced from the granulosa cells. Activins activate FSH while inhibins inhibit FSH. However, it is not just simply about how much is produced, it is about the ratio of both.
  • In the earlier antral stages, as a follicle is growing, activins are produced in higher levels compared to inhibins. As folliculogenesis progresses, the inhibins increase in concentration, so the ratio will vary. Link it back to the menstrual cycle graph.
    Include what activins and inhibins are doing in exams (not just oestrogen and progesterone!!!
  • As follicle grows, FSH stimulates the alpha-subunit and get increase in Inhibin B (activin A, then activin AB and then activin B). Preantral follicles = activin B.
  • Dominant follicle =Increase in Inhibin A (because of betaA subunit) and decrease in Inhibin B (inhibin B then inhibin A).
  • CL = Inhibin A but no Inhibin B
  • Activin A = InhbA+InhbA; Activin AB = InhbA+InhbB; Activin B = InhbB+InhbB
    InhibinA = InhA+InhbA; InhibinB = InhA+InhbB
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What experimental evidence shows how activins and inhibins work at different stages of development?

  • How do know? Inject rats in the late antral phase with Inhibin anti-serum – what will anti-serum to Inhibin do? Bind it and prevent it from working – hence see an increase in FSH. However, if inject with normal serum, there is no peak of FSH as normally expected at this stage of MC.
  • Experimental evidence of how this works at different stages
  • There is an inter cycle rise in FSH and then it drops. It is predominantly due to oestrogen feedback as oestrogen increasing from the antral follicles will feedback and exert negative feedback.
  • Dealing with the late follicular phase which corresponds with larger antral follicles. In these experiments, they took female rats and injected them either with normal rabbit serum or with an antiserum against inhibin. They did this in the late follicular phase where there are the big follicular follicles. In this late follicular phase, when measuring FSH, a drop in FSH would be seen in this stage of the cycle. In the rats which were treated with the antiserum, there was a rise in FSH instead. This is because the antiserum to inhibin will bind inhibin, preventing it from working (inhibiting FSH).
  • The dip in FSH normally occurs due to negative feedback of both oestrogen and inhibin.
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What is Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)?

  • AMH is a glycoprotein and also a member of the TGFβ superfamily
  • In males, it is expressed from week 8 of development
    causes regression of the Müllerian ducts by a wave of apoptosis.
  • In 1980s, found to be expressed in rodent ovaries
  • Over the last decade a new and interesting role for AMH has emerged in the ovary
  • It is expressed by ovarian granulosa cells of follicles with levels peaking in selectable follicles (large preantral and small antral follicles), then decreasing. The levels of AMH peak in selectable follicles (early antral follicles). The granulosa cells will produce AMH and it reaches its peak at that stage of folliculogenesis. It can be measured in serum (not just in follicular fluid). It actually can be released and measured in serum, then it will decrease.
  • AMH production in preantral follicles is variable, but has been detected from the primary stage onwards. Studies have been conflicting and it is thought to be different species (species variation).
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How is AMH distributed in follicles at different stages?

  • Ovaries cut into small 5 micron sections and then every other section is stained to find the follicles (don’t know where they will be). The adjacent section can be used to detect any protein of interest.
  • The subsequent section was stained with AMH antibody. The egg is really sticky; binds to any protein during immunohistochemistry. The granulosa cells of these small, early antral follicles shows intense brown staining (AMH protein). The theca shows no staining (AMH is not being produced by the theca). Can see the staining really decreases in the large, dominant preovulatory follicles. Again, no staining in the theca and very low staining (practically none) in the large follicle. This shows the change in AMH at different stages of follicle growth.
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What is the role of AMH in follicles?

  • AMH as a regulator of normal follicle growth and development
  • AMH production in preantral follicles is variable, but has been detected from the primary stage onwards. It is unclear whether preantral follicles express AMHR2. AMH production by surrounding larger follicles is thought to inhibit primordial follicle initiation by a paracrine action. AMH production by granulosa cells increases to the small antral stage by an unknown mechanism. AMH may ‘fine tune’ follicle development by inhibiting early maturation of these follicles. It may reduce follicle sensitivity to FSH, thereby inhibiting aromatase mRNA expression and activity. The effects on cell proliferation are uncertain, but it does not clearly have the apoptotic effect seen in the Müllerian duct during differentiation. AMHR2 has been detected in theca (blue layer) from a range of follicle sizes, but its actions are unknown. As the follicles develop and grow, AMH levels decline, but the causative factor/s remains to be discovered. The decrease in AMH then releases the inhibitory effect, allowing these larger follicles to become responsive to FSH, and stimulating aromatase and oestradiol production.
  • AMH is thought to be a regulator of follicle growth and development in the normal ovary. Behaves differently in the polycystic ovary (pathophysiological situation).
  • AMH has 2 windows of action on folliculogenesis.
    1) One way may be inhibiting the transition of primordial to primary follicles. Women are born with their whole stock of resting primordial follicles and they activate and grow very slowly. Cohorts grow to become a primary follicle and AMH is thought to inhibit that transition. This was found from knockout studies in mice. AMH was not expressed in the follicles of KO mice; removing AMH from the ovary resulted in mass activation and growth of all resting primordial follicles. Results in early menopause or premature ovarian failure. It’s important to maintain that balance; we want that control. We want our pool of resting follicles to grow up slowly, activate slowly for a normal reproductive life span. Perimenopause is approached in the 40s (/late 30s), but in that there is a normal reproductive life span. Part of the problem is that there is no AMH receptor being found on primordial follicles (some on the primary but none on primordial) in humans, so not sure how this story fits. It is thought to be a paracrine effect. Granulosa cells producing AMH could act on any tiny follicles along in the cortex. They would diffuse across and act on them, but the follicles would have to have an AMH receptor.
    2) The second window of action that AMH is involved in is it inhibits FSH-dependent cyclical recruitment of antral follicles. It does this by inhibiting FSH-stimulated aromatase and FSH receptor expression. In the normal cycle, it would act to prevent over-recruitment of growing follicles. Again, it is about a balance, because then, at some stage, AMH levels FALL and FSH can overcome this and recruit those antral follicles to grow more. A balance is required this is what AMH in the normal ovary is supposed to do, it is supposed to be involved in maintaining the balance so there over recruitment and growth of follicles does not occur.

What is the role of AMH in follicles?

  • AMH as a regulator of normal follicle growth and development
  • AMH production in preantral follicles is variable, but has been detected from the primary stage onwards. It is unclear whether preantral follicles express AMHR2. AMH production by surrounding larger follicles is thought to inhibit primordial follicle initiation by a paracrine action. AMH production by granulosa cells increases to the small antral stage by an unknown mechanism. AMH may ‘fine tune’ follicle development by inhibiting early maturation of these follicles. It may reduce follicle sensitivity to FSH, thereby inhibiting aromatase mRNA expression and activity. The effects on cell proliferation are uncertain, but it does not clearly have the apoptotic effect seen in the Müllerian duct during differentiation. AMHR2 has been detected in theca (blue layer) from a range of follicle sizes, but its actions are unknown. As the follicles develop and grow, AMH levels decline, but the causative factor/s remains to be discovered. The decrease in AMH then releases the inhibitory effect, allowing these larger follicles to become responsive to FSH, and stimulating aromatase and oestradiol production.
  • AMH is thought to be a regulator of follicle growth and development in the normal ovary. Behaves differently in the polycystic ovary (pathophysiological situation).
  • AMH has 2 windows of action on folliculogenesis.
    1) One way may be inhibiting the transition of primordial to primary follicles. Women are born with their whole stock of resting primordial follicles and they activate and grow very slowly. Cohorts grow to become a primary follicle and AMH is thought to inhibit that transition. This was found from knockout studies in mice. AMH was not expressed in the follicles of KO mice; removing AMH from the ovary resulted in mass activation and growth of all resting primordial follicles. Results in early menopause or premature ovarian failure. It’s important to maintain that balance; we want that control. We want our pool of resting follicles to grow up slowly, activate slowly for a normal reproductive life span. Perimenopause is approached in the 40s (/late 30s), but in that there is a normal reproductive life span. Part of the problem is that there is no AMH receptor being found on primordial follicles (some on the primary but none on primordial) in humans, so not sure how this story fits. It is thought to be a paracrine effect. Granulosa cells producing AMH could act on any tiny follicles along in the cortex. They would diffuse across and act on them, but the follicles would have to have an AMH receptor.
    2) The second window of action that AMH is involved in is it inhibits FSH-dependent cyclical recruitment of antral follicles. It does this by inhibiting FSH-stimulated aromatase and FSH receptor expression. In the normal cycle, it would act to prevent over-recruitment of growing follicles. Again, it is about a balance, because then, at some stage, AMH levels FALL and FSH can overcome this and recruit those antral follicles to grow more. A balance is required this is what AMH in the normal ovary is supposed to do, it is supposed to be involved in maintaining the balance so there over recruitment and growth of follicles does not occur.
  • Just the early antral follicles. By the time they have grown, even the bigger antral follicle, there is very little expression of AMH. We don’t actually know what switches on and off AMH- we don’t know what controls it, this is currently being looked into.

How are follicles recruited into the cycle?

  • Key part of whole thing; not anything wrong with the other follicles – the dominant follicle is just at the exact stage of development when FSH goes up and then as FSH declines, other follicles die. This occurs because selected follicle doubles in size every 24hrs and makes lots of E2 – which exerts negative feedback on hypothalamus and pituitary to decrease FSH.
  • We know nothing is wrong with other follicles because if give FSH injections can pick them all up (IVF).
  • Once primordial follicles start growing and progress along, that growth is FSH-independent (doesn’t need gonadotrophins). The follicles grow without gonadotrophins very slowly, but they reach a certain point in their growth and development where they need FSH to progress.
  • As FSH levels start to rise (negative feedback has stopped; removed inhibition from progesterone as it dies), follicles at the right stage and size will respond to the rise in FSH levels. They will be recruited into the menstrual cycle and they will grow. There will be cohorts of follicles, like waves, that keep growing up from the resting pool (stock pile). The cohort of follicles which are at the right size at the right time at the right stage to respond to the rise in FSH will be taken up into the cycle and grow exponentially. They also produce activins which aid this. Activin production also stimulates FSH. The granulosa cells of follicles produce activins to aid this (stimulate FSH). They also produce oestrogen which feeds back; FSH levels fall. As oestrogen increases and as inhibin increases, FSH levels fall. This feedback causes FSH to fall. The dominant follicle has been selected (despite FSH levels falling) and any other wave (cohort) of follicles that have been growing up which may be at the right size/stage cannot develop further due to fall in FSH. It is the ratio of activins and inhibins that produce a balance. The ratio of inhibins to activins increases which contributes to FSH falling, as well as a rise in oestrogen from the antral follicles which are feeding back. Any other wave of follicles coming up below, which may be at the right stage, cannot progress; they will just die off.

How is the dominant follicle selected?

  • Raised FSH presents a “window” of opportunity
  • FSH threshold hypothesis = One follicle from the group of antral follicles in ovary is just at the right stage at the right time. This becomes the dominant follicle which survives fall in FSH and goes onto ovulate. Known as “selection”. Can be in either ovary.
  • Oestradiol levels rise reinstating negative feedback at pituitary causing FSH levels to fall prevents further follicle growth.

How does the dominant follicle survive the fall in FSH?

  • As FSH falls, LH increases.
  • Dominant follicle acquires LH receptors on granulosa cells. That enables it to respond to this little bit of increase in LH that is occurring in the cycle. More info in folliculogenesis lecture to understand why dominant follicles survive.
  • Other follicles do not, so they lose their stimulant and die.

Describe the receptor distribution in follicles.



  • Have FSHr, then LHr acquired from mid-follicular phase onwards. Part of the reason the dominant follicle is selected is because FSH switches on the gene to produce LH receptors. In that dominant follicle only, they will acquire LH receptors from mid-follicular phase onwards. Otherwise, the granulosa cells of all follicles have FSH receptors.
  • As a consequence, FSH drives oestrogen production in follicular phase and LH drives progesterone in luteal phase. Oestrogen predominantly is produced as a consequence in granulosa cells.


  • Always has LHr, never has FSHr
  • Remember LH drives androgen and progesterone production from theca

What are the hormonal effects (oestrogen and progesterone) on the reproductive tract?

  • Characteristic changes occur in reproductive tract tissues due to varying concentrations of E2 & P in different parts of MC
    1) Endometrium
    2) Oviduct/Fallopian tubes
    3) Cervix
    4) Vagina - changes in vaginal epithelial cells
  • Don’t just focus on the ovary and what is going on with the follicles. The whole reproductive system is integrated. The oestrogen and progesterone coming from the ovary do not just feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary to control the menstrual cycle in the axis, but they also affect growth of the endometrium through it’s different phases, they affect the cilia and patency of the oviduct/fallopian tubes, they affect the secretions of the cervix in the vagina which then allow and control sperm entry. The whole system is linked and coming together.

At what stage is inhibin A highest and inhibin B?

  • Inhibin B = highest in early-mid FP (ratio of activin:inihibin) and declines in LFP – a small peak in LH surge, declines to nothing in luteal phase. The dramatic decline in Inhibin A at the end of the luteal phase allows for increase in FSH.
  • Inhibin A = increases in late follicular phase with highest levels in luteal phase (being made by CL) – contributes to inhibition of FSH in this phase.
  • Be aware that inhibin B (blue) is higher in the follicular phase and declines in the luteal phase (hardly any). Inhibin A is higher in the luteal phase rather than the follicular phase. That decrease in inhibin A, along with the decrease in progesterone, will allow again for that intercycle rise in FSH.

How does the frequency of GnRH affect FSH and LH production?

  • Activins have a role but inhibins play a more significant role.
  • It is not just about GnRH being produced; it is about GnRH pulse, amplitude and frequency. Where the frequency of GnRH is very high, that will favour LH production and where the frequency (pulses) is more spread apart will favour FSH. That is how one hormone can actually lead to the release of both gonadotrophins at different stages. The amplitude will vary which also means at some stage, it is favouring synthesis rather than release. In the luteal phase, gonadotrophins tend to accumulate in the vesicles ready for release at later stages.
  • Be aware that inhibin B (blue) is higher in the follicular phase and declines in the luteal phase (hardly any). Inhibin A is higher in the luteal phase rather than the follicular phase. That decrease in inhibin A, along with the decrease in progesterone, will allow again for that intercycle rise in FSH.