SPEN Dossier Flashcards
Total indirect cost allowance?
CAI allowance (indirects)?
Business support allowance (indirects)?
£292M - excludes £106M corporate costs.
Total controllable allowance?
Total reduction in allowable controllable totex submission v final determination?
Step change in EBITDA from DR5?
1% cumulative productivity improvement equates to £Xm?
Final determination v slow track reduction. What was it and what was it made up of?
RPEs = £140M
Smart metering = £161M
How was the reduction v the final determination split between SPD and SPM?
£44M SPD
£257M SPM
Name benchmarking models and their weighting?
Top\down = 25% Bottom\up = 25% Disaggregated = 50%
Reduction in FTE?
FTE at end of ED1?
Split of CAI\BS between BS and Corporate?
CAI £540M; Corp £330M