Spelling Bee January 2020 Flashcards
any of a breed of hardy rugged ponies developed in Ireland
hint: C o n ………..
low birth or common origin
hint: i g n o b ……
a type of apple, or a name
hint: M c I n ………
pay attention to the first three letters,
M is capitalized, c is lower case, I is cap
a small book with useful information,
the word starts with p a m…..
a silver-white metallic element that is used especially in electrical contacts
phonetic: pa la di um
when spelling the word, careful of the number of “l’s”
a long loose-fitting collarless shirt of a style originating in India
hint: k u r t ………
a cape or short cloak formerly worn by women in summer
hint: the word starts with v i s i ……...
a particle capable of detection by a Geiger counter
hint: G e i g ……….
a Titan and the father of Eos, Selene, and Helios
hint: H y p e r i ………
a commission giving a military officer higher nominal rank than that for which pay is received
hint: b r e v e …….
involving or dependent upon the conjoint effect of temperature and salinity (salt content)
hint: t h e r m o h a l ……….
prounced: thermo hay line
any of several cultivated cold-tolerant mandarin trees that bear medium-sized largely seedless fruits with thin smooth skin
hint: the word has roots in Japan, starts with s a t …..
large breed of fishing birds/ any of genus
hint: g a n n e ……….
a sport popular on the east coast, invented by Native Americans
hint: l a c r o …………
a large amount of something
hint: a b u n d………….
profuse perspiration artificially induced
phonetic: dia fo ree sus
a rider of a horse puts their feet into these…..
hint: s t i r ………
a word, verse, or sentence (such as “Able was I ere I saw Elba”) or a number (such as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward
hint: p a l i n d r ………..
being, causing, or accompanied by calamity
hint: c a l a m i t ……….
a radiosonde dropped by parachute from a high-flying airplane to obtain pressure, temperature, and moisture measurements of the air below
hint: d r o p s o n ………
a statement or annuouncement
hint: p r o c l a m a t _ _ _
a device used (as by showmen) to evoke a desired audience response
hint: h o k u ……
huge, gigantic
hint: c o l o s s…….
a dull black ore (a rock like material, like coal)
hint: c o l t a …...
a unit of military organization, such as a group of planes or men
hint: s q u a d r …….
to steep /cover meat, fish, or vegetables in a marinade
hint: m a r i n a …….
a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase
hint : a n a g r a ………
a usually roofed open gallery or portico attached to the exterior of a building
hint: v e r a n d ……..
“veranda” is the common spelling in the USA, singular, adding the “s” refers to plural form
of, relating to, or resembling the Himalayas
hint: H i m a l a y……
a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone’s reputation
hint: a s p e r s i o _ _
Sample: M’s co-worker was jealous of him, and made up aspersions that made others in the Department think he was an idiot.
to end
hint: c u l m i n a t __
Sample: Bee had a great performance, and it will likely culminate with her winning Super High Gold at the competition.
a horse race over a closed course with obstacles (such as hedges and walls)
hint: s t e e p l e c h a s i n __
Sample: Steeplechasing is a popular event at the Summer Olympics.
used for synthetic fluorine-containing resins used especially for molding articles and for nonstick coatings
hint: T e f l o __
Sample: The frying pan has a Teflon coating, food will not stick to it, so it is easy to clean.
any of numerous small domestic fowls that are often miniatures when compared to the normal size of the breeds;
hint: b a n t a ___
Sample: The dog was a bantam of the breed, they are normally much bigger.
E is 13yrs old, he plays on the bantam level hockey team.
a young person who studies under an experiened person
hint: a p p r e n t i c __
Mr H has been a blacksmith for 30 years, Tom is his young apprentice.
f eeling or showing hesitation, or unwillingness to get involved
hint: r e l u c t a n ___
He was reluctant to get involved in the argument between his two friends.
: something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor : legacy, inheritance
hint: h e r i t a g __
…..proud of her Chinese heritage.
……a rich heritage of folklore.
The battlefields are part of our heritage and should be preserved.
someone who is temporarily staying in a place
hint: s o j o u r n e __
think of the word “journey”
Sample: He was a sojourner in London, where he stayed for only a day.
expressive of a low opinion
hint: d e r o g a t o r __
Sample: Trump often makes deragatory comments about his political opponents.
a condition that is marked by uncontrollable tremor and quivering of the body or one or more of its parts
hint: p a l s _
Sample: During his ear infection, he suffered from Bell’s Palsy, where half of his face was affected.
cave containing prehistoric paintings in southwest central France
Phonetic: Lass ko
hint: L a s c a u _
a sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated
For example: people might see a color, such as Red on a piece of paper, and an image of a Red Rose pops into their brain……where as the actual sense being used is sight, and the eyes are actually only seeing a red piece of paper.
hint: s y n e s t h e s i _ / s y n a e s t h e s i _
pronouced: sin us thee zhee a
synesthesia/ synaesthesia
flagrantly wicked
hint: n e f a r i o u _
Sample: He was nefarious (well known in a bad way) for playing practical jokes on his friends.
a group of chemical elements
hint: h a l o g e n __
Sample: Light bulbs that contain halogens are typically small bulbs that produce very bright light, and get very hot.
a bluish-white metallic element used in electronics
hint: g a l l i u _
workers who smelts (melts, works with-processes ) ore
hint: s m e l t e r _
sample: The coal factory hired 20 smelters last week.
a collection of church hyms (religious songs)
hint: h y m n a _
Sample: A hymnal (a book of church songs) is available to each person when they enter the church so they can join in the singing.
a mark (such as a red dot) or piece of jewelry worn on the middle of the forehead especially by Hindu women
hint: b i n d _
someone who comes from the Carribean Island of Haiti.
hint: H a i t i a _
the privy council of the Ottoman Empire/ a council chamber
hint: d i v a _
a game similar to volleyvall, where players use a small racket to hit a shuttlecock over the net
hint: b a d m i n t o _
a large knife type of instrument, that is mounted on the end of a soldier’s rifle
hint: b a y o n e __
a comb made of rows of metallic teeth or serrated ridges and used especially to curry horses
hint: c u r r y c o m _
blatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior
hint: h a u g h t _
to delay momentarily
hint: h e s i t a t __
a good chance for advancement or progress
hint: o p p o r t u n i t __
the Greek and Roman god of sunlight, prophecy, music, and poetry
hint: A p o l l _
the act of granting something
hint: a c c o r d a n c _
hint: a t m o s p h e r i _
an embankment for preventing flooding/ a reception held by a person of distinction on rising from bed
hint: l e v e e _
1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another
2 : dependent on uncertain premises : dubious precarious generalizations
hint: p r e c a r i o u s l _