Speech Mech Chapter 9 Part 1 Flashcards
The process associated with hearing
The ear is
an energy transducer; it changes acoustic energy into electrochemical energy
Structures of the ear
Outer, middle, inner ear, auditory pathways
The pinna (auricle)
Prominence referred to
“the ear”
Structure provided
by a cartilaginous framework
A Collector of sound that is processed in the middle ear and cochlea
Landmarks of pinna
•Helix (curled margin) and auricular tubercle (posterior bulge on the helix)
•Concha- entrance to ear canal
Concha: aids in
localizing the sound sources that come from the front, below and above the head
Concha helps
to funnel sounds directed to it to the external auditory canal
The auricle is more efficient at delivering
high frequency sounds than low frequency
The auricle helps
in localization of sounds delivered to the head
small auricle
refers to complete absence of the pinna
Pre-auricular tags
are prominences that form prenatally anterior to the pinna
External auditory meatus (EAM) is the
External ear canal
and is 7 mm in diameter and 2.5 cm long
External auditory meatus (EAM)Terminates at the
tympanic membrane
* Two-thirds of ear canal housed in bone (osseous
* One-third of ear canal composed of cartilaginous
Resonating cavity that contributes to hearing
Determine resonant frequency
Outer third- line with hair cells and cerum (ear
protects by trapping dirt and insects
The two portions of the EAC meet
together at the