Speech Flashcards
a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea; example: boy, Juan, river, Texas
common noun
names any person place, thing or idea; example: pilot, city, park
proper noun
names a particular person, place, thing, or idea; example: Amelia Earhart, Chicago, Katmai National Park
singular noun
names one person, place, or thing; example: principal, cafeteria, stereos
plural noun
names more than one person, place, or thing; example: principals, switches, communities, toys, leaves, roofs, radios, potatoes, feet, sheep
possessive noun
noun that shows ownership or possession
singular possessive noun
shows ownership by one person or thing; example: my aunt’s house
plural possessive noun
shows ownership by more than one person or thing; example: my friends’ parents
takes the place of one or more noun; example: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, it
when using pronoun, the noun to which it refers; example: HE heard. NICHOLAS heard. // pronouns should agree with number and gender; example: NICHOLAS heard a LIBRARIAN tell STORIES.
subject pronoun
used as a subject or part of a the subject in a sentence; WE are ready to go.
object pronoun
is used as a direct/indirect object in a sentence; example: Rebecca gave ME a gift.
possessive pronoun
shows ownership or possession of something; example: Jerome is learning about HIS ancestors.
reflexive pronoun
usually refers to the subject of a sentence; examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves
indefinite pronoun
a pronoun that does not refer to a specific, person, place, thing, or idea; examples: everyone, everything, everybody, anybody, many, most, few, each, some, someone, all, nothing, nobody, and no one
use as a subject pronoun; example: _____ is not going?
use as an object pronoun; example: To _____ am I speaking?
a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or pronoun; example: We saw LAZY lions beneath a SHADY tree.
adjectives ‘a,’ ‘an,’ and ‘the’
proper adjective
an adjective that is formed from a proper noun; example: Africa
demonstrative adjective
tells which one; examples: this, that, these, and those
predicate adjective
an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject of a sentence; includes forms of taste, look, feel, smell, appear, seem, and become; example: I look TIRED, but I feel FINE.
positive adjective
adjective used when no comparison being made; example: This is a HOT day.
comparative adjective
an adjective used to compare two items; example: Today is HOTTER than yesterday.
superlative adjective
an adjective used to compare three or more items; example: This is the HOTTEST day of the year.
action verb
tells what the subject of a sentence does or did; example: She SLEEPS every day. She SLEPT every day.
linking verb
joins the subject and the predicate
verb phrase
contains the main verb and helping verbs
main verb
the most important verb in a phrase
helping verb
is not the main verb in a phrase; are added to another verb to make the meaning clearer; includes any forms of TO BE
present / present participle
play / (is, are, am) playing
past / past participle
played / (have, has, had) played
verb tense
verb that tells the time of the action or being
present tense
verb that tells something that is happening now; example: Dena LAUGHS at the jokes.
past tense
verb that tells something that happened in the past; example: Dena LAUGHED at the jokes.
future tense
tells that something will happen in the future; uses WILL with the verb; example: Dena WILL LAUGH at the jokes.
present perfect
tense with the past participle and helping verb HAVE and HAS
past perfect
tense with the past participle and helping verb HAD
future perfect
tense with the past participle and helping verb WILL HAVE
irregular verb
does not end with -ed to form the past participle; examples; (is, are, am / was / were) ; (has, have / had / had) ; (do, does / did / done) ; ate, grown, bought, sold, spent, taken, etc.
direct object
noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb; tells who or what receives the action; example: Bobby loved his PARENTS.
indirect object
tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done; example: Jack showed the DOG kindness.
predicate nominative
noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject; example: Lassie has been a CELEBRITY for decades.
transitive verb
action verb followed by a noun or pronoun that receives the action; example: I KNOW the story.
intransitive verb
includes all linking verbs and any action verbs that do not take an object; example: My friends CRIED.
words that describes verbs, adjectives, or other
comparative adverb
adverbs such as lower, nearer, more slowly; faster, more seriously
superlative adverb
adverbs such as lowest, nearest, most slowly; fastest, most seriously
words that mean no; common negatives: no, not, never, nowhere, nothing, nobody, no one, neither, scarcely, barely; use only one in a sentence
shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence; example: I walked ALONG the beach.
object of the preposition
is the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition; example: The sands of the BEACH were white.
prepositional phrase
is made up of a preposition, the object of the preposition, and all the words in between: example: Who lives IN THAT HOUSE?
adjective phrase
prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun; examples: The killer whale is a species of PORPOISE. (tells what kind of species) or That whale WITH THE UNUSUAL MARKINGS is our favorite. (tells which whale)
adverb phrase
prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb; examples: The porpoises performed WITH EASE. (tells how) or Shows begin ON THE HOUR. (tells when)
connects words or word groups
coordinating conjunction
AND, BUT, and OR join ideas that are similar; remember to place a comma before you write sentences; example: Craig gets in trouble, BUT he usually gets out of it.
correlative conjunction
EITHER/OR, NEITHER/NOR, BOTH/AND join pairs of ideas
subordinating conjunction
connects an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses; examples: since, before, unless, however
a word or group of words that expresses strong feeling; example: WELL, Snoopy is at the typewriter again.
a verb that functions as a noun or adjective; the word TO precedes the verb in an infinitive; example: Someday, I would like TO WRITE beautiful poetry.
infinitive phrase
phrase that includes the infinitive, it’s objects, and the objects modifiers
a verb ending in -ing and functions as a noun; example: ESTIMATING is an important mathematics skill.
gerund phrase
includes the gerund, its object, and its object’s modifiers; WRITING A BEST SELLER is the goal of every novelist.
verb that functions as an adjective; example: A RUNNING horse galloped down the road.
participle phrase
phrase that includes the participle, its modifier, and its objects; example: The child, FLASHING A MISCHIEVOUS SMILE, turned and walked away.
collective noun
common noun that names a group with more than one member; examples: jury, brigade, staff
mass noun
a common noun that cannot be easily separated into countable units; examples: water, sand, gold, cement, air
demonstrative pronoun
points out particular person, place, or things
indefinite pronoun
points out person, places, or things, but less clearly;
interrogative pronoun
pronoun that asks a question; examples: who, whom, whose, what, which
reflexive pronoun
pronoun that ends in -self or -selves
concrete noun
names things you can see and touch; examples: pizza, kitten, diamond
abstract noun
names an idea, quality, action, or feeling
intensive pronoun
emphasizes its antecedent; adds emphasis to pronoun or named noun; examples: I MYSELF will go.
personal pronoun
takes the place of a noun or nouns; they show number and gender; example: singular: I, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its / plural: we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, they, them, their, theirs
relative pronoun
linked group of words preceding noun or pronoun; examples: who, which, that
common prepositions
about, behind, above, across, as, after, between, beyond, beside, despite, during, for, inside, in, near, off, outside, onto, opposite, around, against, along, at, before, below, beneath, but, by, down, except, from, into, like, out, over, of, opposite, past, toward, under, upon within, since, through, until, underneath, with
common articles
a, and, the
coordinating conjunctions
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
parts of speech
adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, verbs
types of nouns
common, proper, compound, collective
types of verbs
action, linking, helping, phrases
types of helping verbs
do, does, did, have, has, had, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must
common linking verbs
be, feel, grow, seem, smell, remain, appear, sound, stay, look, taste, turn, become, am, are, is, was, were, am being, can be, have been
types of adjectives
common, proper, compound, articles, indefinite articles
types of indefinite articles
another, each, neither, many, all, more, other, both, either, few, several, any, most, some
common adverbs (non -ly)
afterward, already, quick, hard, never, today, even, low, rather, tomorrow, how, now, then, yesterday, late, often, almost, back, long, soon, when, here, next, still, where, far, more, slow, too, fast, near, so
common pronouns
I, me, mine, my, we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, he, she, him, her, his, it, them, them, their, theirs, its
types of demonstrative pronouns
this, that, these, those
types of indefinite pronouns
anything, no one, all, some, several