Specific Learning difficulties - bruce Evans Flashcards
What is profound learning disabilities?
This is like downs syndrome. IQ will be down in general
What is specific learning difficulties?
IQ may be normal but may under preform due to a specific reasons such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
What did the study with evans et al. (1994) report with their results?
Subjects with dyslexia reported more transient blurring of text compared to non-dyslexic subjects
What is dyslexia?
LD that effects reading and spelling
What are causes?
- Visual attention span
- Breaking down what you see into, units we understand (phoneme awareness)
What is binocular instability with dyslexia?
- Blurring
- Double vision
- Visual perceptual disorders
This can causes eye strain and HA
How can we detect binocular instability clinically?
- Unstable heterophoria - Mallet unit
- Low fusional reserves - prisms
What is the prevalence’s of binocular instability compared to a good reader?
X3 chance.
But still a lot of px dyslexic will not have it. 15%
When do we treat binocular instability?
- It Is causing symptoms.
- It will get worse if not treated.
What treatment for binocular instability?
- RX
- Fusional reserve exercises
- Very rare but prisms
What is the Magno system?
- Good at detecting rapid changes (flicker and motion)
- Operates in the peripheral retina
- Not good with fine detail, contrast and colour
What is the parvo system?
- Not good at detecting rapid changes
- Operates in the fovea
Good at detecting fine detail, contrast, and colour
Do these work together (parvo and magno)?
Yes magno and parvo work together hand in hand
Which system do dyslexic people have a deficit with?
The magno system :(
Is magno deficit related to binocular instability?
YES (Evans 1994)
Why is it hard proving that colour filters help with dyslexia?
Because the magno system is not colour specific!
What is a behavioural optometrist?
- Good detailed H and S
- They care for the whole body (and the person) not just eyes
- Good orthoptist assessment
Why do behavioural optoms think saccades involved?
Because of the DEM test!
They compared this task between dyslexic and non-dyslexic px.
What is mearres-ilrean syndrome / sensory visual stress?
Certain Symptoms and will benefits from colour.
Visual stress Symptoms :
- Transient blurring
- Moving words
Do coloured filters work?
It can help ease the stress, but it is not a one colour for all ; different people need different colours to help alleviate the visual stress
Why might coloured filters work?
Placebo OR..
They actually do work
What is the Wilkins reading test?
The text is smaller and the reader has to read this as fast as possible.
It is random words and simple words… the reader does not need to be good to read them.
You will test using overlays and without overlays. You get the mean reading speed.
What are research points derived from the “intuitive system”?
- Overlays is associated with improved speed of reading
- Coloured glasses helps with reading
Why do coloured filters help?
Pattern glare
Why is the colour different for the lens and the overlayer?
Because of colour adaption.
What is a problem when researching with coloured tints?
It is hard to control against placebo effect ; the intervention knows what they have.
What is a pitfall in research with visual stress?
- Researching the target condition
- Prescribe colour individually
- Use appropriate outcome measures
- Use appropriate population
What should we do in clinical practise with conservative interventions?
- Listen but do not over treat
- Beware of favourite colours and gender! (boys may pick blue more)
- Solution for many digital devices.
What is pattern glare?
This is discomfort when looking at certain visual stimulus such as text.
Why do people get pattern glare?
Overloading of the visual cortex system
Who is pattern glare more prevalent in?
- Sensory visual stress
- Migranes (aliya)
- Photsensitive epilepsy (anisha)
- Autism (hardeep)
- Nothing (priyesh)
What are some symptoms of visual stress?
- Eye strain
- Headaches
- Visual perceptual distortions (moving words)
What do we do with visual stress?
We need to rule out any other conditions before visual stress. Then consider coloured overlays to aid visual stress