Species at Risk and Protections Flashcards
What is a species “at-risk”?
Species at risk are the plants and animals that may disappear unless human beings step in to help.
How is a species designated as “at-risk” by IUCN?
They have people that perform assessments but also review assessments submitted by anyone who has appropriate qualifications.
Species are classified into one of nine Red List Categories: Extinct, Extinct in the Wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened, Least Concern, Data Deficient and Not Evaluated. Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered species are considered to be threatened with extinction.
They have a list of criteria that they use to evaluate each assessment and if it meets the criteria associated with a particular category, that’s where the species is placed.
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is an independent advisory panel to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada that meets twice a year to assess the status of wildlife species at risk of extinction.
Composed of different subcommittees that assess specific areas.
Categories based on IUCN categories: extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, special concern, data deficient, not at risk.
Typically reconsiders designations of species on a five-year rotation to determine if change in status is warranted.
Speed of which COSEWIC and its subcommittees can work is limited to their funding and support, especially because members are volunteers.
They send their recommendations to Federal government to list under SARA. However, that doesn’t mean the ECCC minister will agree to list them.
How are snapping turtles in Canada protected? In Ontario?
Not protected by ON Endangered Species Act because they are special concern and I was unable to find any Ontario specific management plans for them.
Sort of protected by SARA because the only protection special concern species are granted is that a management plan be made for them but there are no punishments listed if this is not done or if the management plan is not followed - as far as I could see. A lot of management plans I’ve seen also group a bunch of things together and say it will indirectly help the species.
There was a management plan created for snappers in 2020 (though they were listed as SC in 2011) and the goals in it will be assessed in 2025.
They are protected by the ON Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act in that ppl aren’t allowed to destroy their nests or eggs and can’t hunt them although it only became illegal to hunt them in 2017.
How are my fishes in Canada protected? In Ontario?
None of the fish species I’m studying are considered at risk so they fall under general FMZ 18 fishing regulations that go along with a fishing licence.
Muskie, walleye, and northern pike all have date and size limits (from being able to keep none or 6 per day depending on the licence type and species).
White sucker don’t have any date or size restrictions, they’re listed as a baitfish and you can catch 120 of them a day.
My species also not listed as at risk federally so have general protections based on fisheries act.
The fisheries act itself provides protections for all fish and fish habitat but permits can be obtained to break these protections.
Fisheries Act
Provides the legal framework for regulating impacts on fish and fish habitat.
Authority to manage fish habitat but no control over waters/habitats under provincial jurisdiction.
Exceptions can be made by the Minister of Fisheries.
(BIOL 4503 Notes)
How are invertebrates in Canada protected? In Ontario?
From what I could find molluscs are included in both the Ontario Endangered Species Act and the Species at Risk Act but that’s about it.
There are arthropods that likely includes the larval stages that would be included in benthic macroinvertebrates.
Endangered Species Act
Ontario Act for species at risk.
Species classified as endangered, threatened, or extirpated automatically receive legal protection. Their habitat does as well.
Has the following categories:
special concern
Used by SARA and ON.
Lives somewhere in the world, and at one time lived in the wild in Ontario or Canada, but no longer lives in the wild there.
Used by SARA and ON.
Lives in the wild but is facing imminent extinction or extirpation.
Used by SARA and ON.
Lives in the wild, is not endangered, but is likely to become endangered if steps are not taken to address factors threatening it.
Special Concern
Used by SARA and ON.
Lives in the wild, is not endangered or threatened, but may become threatened or endangered due to a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.
Management Plan
In accordance with SARA, a management plan must be developed in cooperation with others and published on the Species at Risk Public Registry for all species of special concern. A management plan sets goals and objectives for maintaining sustainable population levels of the species.