Special Tests POS/ Indications Flashcards
Apleys scratch test 2nd test
Positive test: significant difference in reach.
Indications: limited GH abduction, external rotation, or scapular elevation and upward rotation
Apleys scratch test 1st test
Positive test: unable
Indication: limited GH adduction, internal rotation or horizontal flexion
Apleys scratch test 3
Positive test: decreased motion on either side.
Indicates: limited GH adduction and int rotation scapular retraction
Pec major contracture test
Positive test: patient is unable to passively have elbows reches the table
Indicates: pec major contracture
Winging scapula test
Pos: the vertebral ( medial) border of the scapula pulls away from the thorax
Indicates: weakness dog the serrated anterior muscle or damage to the long thoracic nerve
SC joint glide
Pos: pain, hyper/ hypo mobility
Indicates: SC joint instability/ adhesions
AC glides
Pos: pain, hyper/hypomobilty
Indication:AC joint instability
Piano key sign
Pos: once the pressure is removed clavicle elevates
Indicates: AC joint instability
Traction( distraction test)
Pos: pain or movement of scapula inferior To clavicle
Indicates: AC CC ligament sprains
Compression/ shear test
Pos: pain or movement of clavicle
Indicates: AC CC ligament sprain
Cross- arm maneuver compression
Pos: pain or movement in the clavicle
Indicates: AC joint; subscapularis, supraspinatus, biceps long head, infraspinatus, Teres minor, posterior capsule
Anterior apprehension test
Pos: facial expression, apprehension in the GH joint
Indicates: anterior GH instability
Jobe relocation
Expression of pain on face
Indication: anterior GH instability
Fulcrum test
Pos: apprehension
Indication: anterior instability
Posterior apprehension test:
Pos: apprehension
Indicates posterior GH instability
Sulcus sign
Pos: excessive inferior humeral translation with step off( sulcus) inferior to the acromion
Indications: multi- directional instability
GH joint glide
Pos: pain hyper/hypomobilty
Indicates GH joint instability/ adhesions labrum, joint capsule
Load and shift
Pos: ant. Or post. Translation greater 25% diameter of humeral
Indication: GH instability
Feagin test
Pos: sulcus sign
Indicates: ant/ inf GH instability, with or without labral tear
Jerk test
Pos: clunk, may be with or without pain
Indications: pos/ inf GH instability with or without labral tear
Anterior drawer
Pos: translation of humeral head relative to the scapula/ glenoid fossa… Apprehension
Indicates: anterior instability
Clunk test
Pos: a positive clunk/ grinding
Indications year of labrum/ apprehension if ant. Instability
O’briens test
Pos:deep ant. Shoulder pain, clicking or give way weakness or AC joint
Indication: anterosuperior labral or biceps anchor injury. Pain with internal rotation, slap lesion. AC jt with cross arm
Compression rotation
Position: Snapping/ catching
Indicates: labral tear.
Grind test
Grinding/ clunking sensation
Glenoid labral tear
Crank test
Pain or clicking
Glenoid labrum pathology
Jerk test
Clunk, with or without pain
Posterior/ inferior GH instability with/ without labral tear
Anterior slide test
Shoulder pain, pop or click under index finger
Slap lesion
Passive flexion test
Pos: pain or apprehension
Indicates: rotator cuff impingement
Drop arm test
Pos: arm does not lower smoothly, or increased pain will occurs during motion
Indicates: rotator cuff imp.
Empty can test
Pos: noted weakness and pain
Indicates: involvement of supraspinatus muscle and impingement or lesion
Cross arm maneuver
Pos: superior shoulder pain
Anterior shoulder pain posterior shoulder pain
Indication: AC subscapularis supra biceps lh infra Teres minor post cap
Ne’er impingement
Shoulder pain apprehension
Impingement of supraspinatus long head between greater tuberosity of humerus and AC or ca arch
Hawkins Kennedy
Shoulder pain apprehension
RC or post labral path internal Impingement
Yergasons test
Pain in area of bicipital groove or snapping
Bicipital tendinitis transverse ligament stretched torn subluxation tendon
Speeds test
Tenderness or pain bicipital groove
Bicipital tendenitis
Ludington test
Pos: pain inability to contract or deficit noted biceps
Bicipital tendinitis or rupture of long head
A group of muscles innervated by a single nerve root
Scapular elevation
Shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion and/ or wrist extension
Elbow and/ or wrist flexion
Thumb extension and/ or ulnar deviation
Abduction and/or adduction of the hand intrinsics
Biceps reflex
Place the thumb over the biceps tendon and strike thumb with the reflex hammered (C5 through C6)
Triceps reflex
Triceps reflex had arm abducted and extended with the elbow flexed placing the triceps in a straight line C7