Shoulder Special Tests Flashcards
Yergason test
Forearm is flexed at 90 degrees. The wrist is pronated. Examiner puts one hand along the subjects forearm. Other hand in proximal portion of the humerus, near the bicipital groove. Resist the subjects ability to actively supinate wrist
Empty Can (Supraspinatus)test
Both shoulders abducted to 90 degrees, horizontal adduction 30 degrees. Internally rotated shoulders( thumbs pointed down)
Examiner resists flexion of the arms
Speeds test
Arm in anatomical position, supinated. The examiner resists the subjects ability to flex the arm,
Ludingtons sign
Subject sits or stands while examiner stands directly behind subject. The subject interlock fingers and place them on superior/ posterior aspect of head.
Palmate the long head of the biceps bilaterally for contractions
Drop arm test
Examiner passively abducts the subjects arm to 90 degrees and let them slowly adduct the arm to their side
Appleys scratch test
Take one hand and touch the opposite shoulder
- flex arm and reach to the middle of the back
- abduct and internally rotate to scratch back
Crossover impingement test
Subject sits
Examiner had one hand on the posterior aspect of shoulder to stabilize the trunk and the other holding the subjects elbow
Passive horizontal adduction
Posterior impingement
Subject lays supine
Shoulder placed in 90-110 degrees of abduction an 10 degrees of extension
- examiner grasps wrist and other hand grasps the subjects elbow
- slowly rotate the shoulder into maximum external rotation
Neers Impingement test
The subject sits or stands relaxed
- examiner had one hand on the scapula and the other grasping the elbow
Flex the arm passively while it is internally rotated
Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test
The subject sits or stands. The arm is flexed 90 degrees at forearm and arm
-examiner grabs elbow with one hand and grabs the wrist with the other. Internally rotates the shoulder
Sternoclavicular SC joint stress test
The subject is sitting and the examiner places one hand on the proximal clavicle and the other on the spine of the scapula . Gently place posterior and inferior pressure on clavicle looking for movement on the sternoclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular Joint distraction test
The subject sits with arms at side.
- the examiner stands on involved side with one hand at the crease of the elbow and the other hand over the acromioclavicular joint.
- apply downward pressure on arm and feel for movement of the joint.
Acromioclavicular AC joint compression test( shear)
Subject is sitting and relaxed
- examiner sits on involved side placing one hand on the clavicle and the other on the spine of the scapula
- squeeze hands together noting any movement at the joint.
Piano Key Sign
Subject sits and involves limb relaxed
- apply pressure inferiorly on the distal clavicle
Apprehension test (anterior)
The subject is supine and the arm is abducted 90 degrees and slowly externally rotated
Apprehension test posterior
The subject is supine. The arm is flexed 90 degrees and horizontally adducted across the body.
The examiner places one hand under the shoulder to hold the scapula. The other is placed on the elbow and pushed in to see if the humerus subluxes
Anterior drawer test
The subject is supine with the glenohumeral joint positioned at the edge of the table
- one hand is around the humerus below the surgical neck the other hand stabilizes the scapula and the thumb over coracoid process
Examiner passively abducts the joint 70-80 degrees forward flexes 0-10 degrees external rotation 0-10
- glides the head of humerus anteriorly while applying slight distraction to glenohumeral joint
Posterior drawer test
Subject lies supine examiner holds shoulder at the elbow, passively abducts shoulder 90 degrees then horizontally flex shoulder 20-30 degrees. One hand at the elbow and the other stabilizing the scapula
- downward pressure pushing humeral head posteriorly
Jobe relocation
The subject is supine and the arm is abducted to 90 degrees, next the forearm is flexed and the arm is externally rotated
- the examiner holds one hand in the wrist and the other putting pressure on the anterior shoulder as they continue to rotate the arm
Surprise Test (Active Release Test)
Subject is supine with arm flexed and externally rotated with examiners hand placing pressure on the anterior shoulder. As you reach close to maximum external rotation reseas the pressure arm from the humeral head
Sulcus sign
The subject sits with the forearms and hands resting on the lap.
- the examiner is grabbing the scapula with one hand for stabilization and the other is on the elbow where they apply inferior force with the distal hand
Grind test
Subject lies supine on the table shoulder abducted to 90 degrees, elbow flexed to 90 degrees
- examiner grasp subjects elbow with one hand and the other grabs the proximal humerus.
- apply compression to the glenoid labrum while attempting 360 degrees around the surface of the glenoid fossa
Clunk Test
The subject lies supine. Examiner places one hand on the posterior aspect of the humeral head and the other hand proximal to the subjects elbow.
- passively abducts and externally rotate the arm overhead and apply an anterior force to the humerus
- then circumduction the humeral head around the glenoid labrum
Crank test
Subject standing or sitting, examiner placed distal hand in subjects elbow and the other on the proximal humerus then passively elevate the subjects shoulder 160 degrees in the scapular plane
-distal arm applies a load along the long axis of humerus and internally rotate the humerus
O’Brien Test (Active compression)
90 degrees of forwards flexion 30-45 horizontal adduction and maximal internal rotation, the subject horizontally adducts and flexes the shoulder against the examiners resistance. Repeat the test while arms are externally rotated
Brachial Plexus Stretch
The examiner stands behind the subject and places one hand on the side of the subjects head and the other in the shoulder. laterally flexes the subject head whip applying downward pressure on the shoulder
Adson’s Maneuver
The subject sits or stands. The examiner takes a radial pulse. After finding the pulse extend the arm and externally rotate and subject extends and rotates neck toward tested arm
Allen’s Test
The subject is standing . The examiner takes a radial pulse, after the pulse is found, the shoulder is abducted 90 degrees and elbow 90 degrees. External rotation. The subject neck is turned away from the examined arm
Roos test
The subject is standing both shoulder abducted 90 and forearms flexed 90
-subject rapidly opens and closes hands for three minutes
Pectoralis major contracture test
The subject is supine with both hands clasped together behind the head.
-examiner passively moves the subjects elbow toward. The subject should relax during movement.