Special Senses Flashcards
Optic nerve
The nerve that carries impulses from eye to the brain is the optic nerve
The white outer layer of the eye is called the sclera
Aqueous humor
The thin, watery fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye is the aqueous humor
Vitreous humor
The jelly like substance that fills the posterior chamber behind the lens is the vitreous humor
The divided point between the anterior and posterior portion of the eye is the lens
The iris of the eye is made up of muscle
The eyelids are covered on their surfaces by the mucous membrane called the conjunctiva
Lacrimal glands
Tears that bathe the eyeball and keep it moist are produced by the lacrimal gland
Night vision is concerned with retinal cells known as rods
Daylight vision and color are permitted by retinal cross known as cones
Blind spot
The optical disc contains no visual receptors and is therefore called the blind spot
Optic lobe
The lobe of the brain where visual patterns are interpreted is the optic lobe
The term for nearsighted people is called myopia
The term for farsighted people is called hyperopia
Irregular curvature of the lens results in a disorder known as stigmatism
Is known as the bending of light as it passes through the eye
Temporal lobe
The area of the brain that processes auditory inland oration a called the temporal lobe
Tympanic membrane
The technical term for the eardrum is called the type if membrane
Eustachian tube
The long slender tube leading from the middle ear to the back of throat is called the Eustachian tube
The small like structure in the inner ear is called the cochlea
Olfactory receptors
Olfactory receptors are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in the mucus that allow you to smell
The eye contains 70% of the bodies sensory receptors
Lysosomes, enzymes, and antibodies
Tears contain
The hammer transfers vibration from the eardrum to the anvil
The stirrup transfers vibrations from the anvil to the fluid in the inner ear
Vestibule sends static equilibrium information to the cerebellum about head position
Taste buds
Taste buds are small peg like projections on the dorsal surface of the tongue
The purpose of the eye is to gather light from the environment and form an image on the retina which is in the back of the eye