Special Purpose Frameworks Flashcards
Cash Basis
- Revenue Recognition: Recognized when cash is received.
- Expense Recognition: Recognized when cash is paid.
- Used by: Small businesses, sole proprietors, simple transactions
- Advantages: Simplicity, ease of understanding, low cost.
- Disadvantages: Ignores outstanding receivables and payables.
- Compliance: Not in compliance with GAAP or IFRS
- Titles under cash basis:
- Balance Sheet: Statement of Cash & Equity arising from Cash transactions
- Income statement: Statement of cash receipts and disbursements
- Cashflow statement: Not required for financial statements under OCBOA.
Modified Cash basis of Accounting
-revenue recognition: Generally recognized when cash is received, come on an accrual basis.
- Expense recognition: Generally recognized when cash paid; some on accrual basis (Deprciation)
- Used by: Small to medium-sized entities
- Advantages: More comprehensive than cash basis, some economic accuracy, simplicity.
- Disadvantages: May not fully represent financial position or performance.
Compliance: Not in compliance with GAAP or IFRS
Titles under Modified Cash basis:
Balance Sheet: Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Equity- Modified Cash Basis
Income statement: Statement of revenue and Expenses- Modified Cash Basis
Cashflow Statement: Not required for Financial Statements under OCBOA.
Income Tax Basis
- Revenue recognition: Recognized according to tax laws and regulations
- Expense Recognition: Recognized according to tax laws and regulations
Used by: Entities aligning financial reporting with tax reporting, closely held businesses.
Advantages: Simplifies tax returns may provide tax planning benefits.
Disadvantages: : May not accurately represent financial position or performance, policy goals. or economic representation.
Compliance: Not in compliance with GAAP or IFRS
Titles under Income Tax Basis
Balance Sheet: Statement of Assets & liabilities- Income Tax basis
Income Statement: Statement of Income- Income Tax Basis
Cashflow statement: Not required for Financial Statements under OCBOA.
Regulatory Basis
Revenue Recognition: Recognized according to specific regulations or laws.
Expense Recognition: Recognized according to specific regulations or laws.
Used by: Governmental entities, public utilities, insurance companies, industries with specific regulatory requirements.
Advantages- Ensures compliance with regulations or laws, policy goals, or public interests.
Disadvantages: May noy accurately represent financial position or performance, regulations with other goals in mind.
Compliance: May or may not comply with GAAP or IFRS, depending on regulations or laws.
Titles under Regulatory Basis:
- Balance Sheet: Statement of Financial position- Regulatory Basis.
Income Statement: Statement of Income- regulatory basis
Cashflow statement: Not required for financial statements under OCBOA.
Contractual Basis
Revenue Recognition: Recognized according to specific agreements or contracts.
Expense Recognition: Recognized according to specific agreements or contracts.
Used by: Entities with specific contractual obligations, joint ventures, partnerships, unique financing arrangements
Advantages: Tailored to specific contracts or agreements, compliance with obligations, flexibility.
Disadvantages: May not accurately represent financial position or performance, contracts with specific business or financial goals in mind.
Compliance: May or may not comply with GAAP or IFRS, depending on regulations or laws.
Titles under Contractual Basis
Balance Sheet: Statement of Assets & Liabilities- Contractual Basis
Income statement: Statement of Revenue & Expenses- Contractual Basis
Cashflow statement: Not required for financial statements under OCBOA.