Governmental Accounting Flashcards
Objectives for governmental Accounting
-Operational Accountability
* Has the government entity been effective and efficient in its operations?
- Government- wide financial statements.
-Fiscal Accountability
* Has the government entity complied and achieved its budgets?
* Fund- financial statements
Governmental Financial Statements
- Introductory Section
- Letter of Transmittal
- List of Principal Officers
- Organizational Chart
- Management discission and Analysis
- Government Wide Financial Statements
- Fund Financial Statements
- Governmental Funds Financial Statement
- Proprietary Funds Financial Statement
- Fiduciary Funds Financial Statement
- Component Units Financial Statements
- Notes to Financial Statements
- Required Supplementary Information other than MD&A
- Statistical Section
*10-years of Selected Financial Data - 10-years of Economic Data
Measurement Focus & Accounting Basis for Governmental Financial Statements
Government-Wide Financial Statements
* Accrual Basis
* Economic Resources
* Measurement Focus
Governmental Funds Financial Statements
* Modified Accrual Basis
* Current Financial Resources
* Measurement Focus
Proprietary Funds Financial Statement
* Accrual Basis
* Economic Resources
* Measurement Focus
Fiduciary Funds Financial Statements
* Accrual basis
* Economic resources
* Measurement Focus
Component Units Financial Statements
* Accrual basis
* Economic Resources
* Measurement Focus
Governmental Funds
- General Fund
- The primary operating fund used to account for all financial resources not allocated to other specific funds.
Special Revenue Funds
* Account for specific revenue sources that are restricted or committed to finance particular activities or programs.
-Capital Projects Funds
* Account for financial resources used for the acquisition or construction of major capital assets, such as buildings, infrastructure, or equipment.
- Debt Service Funds
- Account for the accumulation of resources and payment of principal and interest on long-term debt.
-Permanent Funds
* Account for resources that are legally restricted, where only earnings (and not the principal ) can be used for purposes that support the governments programs.
Proprietary Funds
-Enterprise Funds
* account for operations that provide goods or services to the public and are financed through user charges.
* Examples include water utilities, public transportation systems, and airports.
-Internal Service Funds
* Account for activities that provide goods or services to other departments or agencies within the government, or other governments, on a cost-reimbursement basis.
- Examples include central printing, Fleet management, and information technology services.
Fiduciary Funds
- Pension Trust Funds
- Account for resources held in trust for the payment of retirement benefits for employees of the government or other participating entities.
- Investing Trust Funds
- Account for resources held in trust by the government for the benefit of specific individuals, organizations or other governments.
-Private-purpose Trust Funds
* Account for resources held in trust by the government for the benefit of specific individuals, organizations, or other governments.
-Custodial Funds
* Account for resources held by the government in a purely custodial capacity for others, such as taxes collected on behalf of another government or assets held for unclaimed property.
Component Units
-Component units are legally separate organizations that are closely related to a primary government, such that their financial activities should be included in the primary governments financial statement.
- Component units are autonomous legally separate units satisfying either of the 2 conditions below.
- The primary government appoints a voting majority of the organizations governing board.
- The organization is fiscally dependent on the primary government, and there is a financial benefit or burden relationship between the primary government and the organization.