Special Purpose Frameworks Flashcards
required disclosures for F/S prepared using special purpose framework (SPF)
- title indicating non-GAAP SPF (eg. Statement of income: regulatory basis)
- summary of significant accounting policies
- description of material differences between SPF and GAAP
- if SPF is a contractual basis, description of significant interpretations of contract
SPF include which types of basis
cash basis, tax basis, regulatory basis and contractual basis
True or false:
no comment need be made concerning the appropriateness of the disclosed method
emphasis-of-matter paragraph on SPF
- indicates the SPF
- state that the SPF is non-GAAP
- refers to note in F/s describing SPF
auditors responsibility section uses the phrase..
“…evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting”
estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall presentation of the F/S…”
true or false: F/S and related footnotes are representations of management
true or false: auditor is to modify the report to disclose any reservations regarding SPF
use of SPF emphasis of matter paragraph if the F/S..
meet disclosure requirements and conform to the SPF
when SPF on contractual basis or regulatory basis and F/S are not for general use, auditor will include
an other matter paragraph restricting use of report
legal structure of the transaction
true economic intent or reality of the transaction
when a printed report form calls upon an independent auditor to make an assertion that s/he believes is not justified in making the form,
should be reworded or attached to a separate report
single audit gives a report on
summary of audit results for F/S, I/C and compliance with laws and regulations
schedule of federal award expenditures, schedule of findings & questioned costs
single audits apply to
applies to state and local governments and not-for-profit organizations that receive funds under a major federal financial assistance program (more than $750,000 per year in federal funds)
questioned costs are costs that
seem unreasonable or were not adequately documented
opinions on compliance under Single Audit Act
unmodified: no material noncompliance
qualified: noncompliance has material but not pervasive effect on financial assistance program
adverse : noncompliance has material and pervasive effect on financial assistance program
disclaimer: auditor unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to support an opinion