GAO & DOL Flashcards
audit of employee benefits plans requires…
under DOL/GAO rules, independence is impaired under any of the following conditions in regards to employee benefit plans
- the auditor has direct or material indirect financial interests in the benefit plan
- acts as the plan’s promotor, underwriter, investment advisor, voting trustee, director, officer or employee
- maintains the plan’s financial records
there are 3 types of independence impairments under GAO independence standards and they are…
- Personal
- Organization
- External
during the period of the professional engagement and the date the opinion is rendered…
independence must be maintained
what are 2 GAO overreaching principles?
- auditors must not perform non-audit services that involve performing management functions or making management decisions
- auditors must not audit their own work or provide non-audit services in situations in which the non-audit services are significant or material to the subject matter of the audit
under GAGAS, a government internal audit function can be presumed to be free from organizational impairments to independence for reporting internally if the head of the organization meets all 5 criteria:
- is accountable to the head of deputy, head of the government entity or to those charged with governance
- reports the audit results both to the head or deputy head of the government entity and to those charged with governance
- is located organizationally outside the staff or line-management function of the unit under audit
- has access to those charged with governance
- is sufficiently removed from political pressures to conduct audits and report findings, opinions and conclusions objectively without fear of political reprisal
DOL rules apply to independence from the plan and…
the plan sponsor
when the client takes no action to the instance of fraud…
the auditor should report the fraud outside the entity
what is materiality?
a measure of whether a misstatement will influence users of financial information
what are the 5 ethical principles of Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS)?
- public interest
- intergrity and objectivity
- proper use of government information, resources and positions
- professional behavior
- independence
requirements in addition to GAAS internal control…
scope of testing AND material weaknesses and significant deficiencies identified
requirements in addition to GAAS in compliance with laws, regulations and contracts…
scope of testing AND significant noncompliance or fraud identified or suspected
what threat is unique to GAO standards?
structural threat
what are the two levels of requirements in auditing standards?
- presumptively mandatory requirement: (indicated by) “should” auditors must comply or document reason for not doing so (ie. INEFFECTIVE)
unconditional requirement:
(indicated by) “must”, “is required”
auditor must ALWAYS comply to be in accordance with GAAS
what is the structural threat?
the auditor’s ability to perform work and report results objectively will be impacted by:
1. the auditor’s placement within a government entity
2. the structure of the auditee
GAO’s ethical guidelines apply to those who conduct audits for which two groups?
- government entities (federal, state, local units)
- entities that receive government grants
independence under DOL applies to which two groups defined as “member”?
- a partner in the firm
- all professional employees located in an office of the firm doing all (or almost all) of the audit
if DOL’s rules on financial interest and employment ties are not violated, it is permissible for an audit firm to perform:
various non-audit services to a benefit plan that it audits
True or False: DOL does not have a conceptual framework
GAO’s conceptual framework is almost identical to:
DOL is responsible for:
enforcing audit requirements
GAO’s mission is in support of which governing body?
What type of audits do GAO conduct and whom do they report the results?
operational audits;
a non-federal entity that spends more than $50 million a year in federal grants is required to have:
a cognizant agency for audit
What is a cognizant agency for audit?
a federal agency that has primary audit responsibilities for a nonfederal entity (the auditee); typically the one that provides the most funding
What are the 4 professional behavior standards mentioned by the GAO?
- avoid conflicts of interest
- be sensitive to appearances of impropriety
- put forth an honest effort to meet technical and professional standards
- comply with all relevant legal, regulatory and professional obligations