Audit Engagements, Terms, Requirements & Communications Flashcards
What are the 9 elements of engagement letters?
1. fees
2. auditors responsibilities
3. confirmation of engagement
4. scope of objectives
5. internal controls
6. management responsibilities
7. irregularities (fraud)
8. illegal act
9. errors
what are 5 responsibilities of auditors in relationship to the engagement letter?
- provide reasonable assurance about whether the F/S are free of material misstatements caused by error or fraud
- adhere to auditing standards
- understand the regulatory environment
- assess I/C
- audit is not designed to detect error or fraud that is immaterial to the F/S
what are 6 responsibilities of management in relationship to the engagement letter?
- preparation and fair presentation of F/S in accordance with applicable framework (GAAP)
- comply with laws & regulations
- design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR)
- providing the auditor with relevant information and resources
- will include on each page of F/S “no assurance was provided”
- correct misstatements prior to issuing report
what are the two types of fraud?
- misappropriation of assets
- fraudulent financial reporting
what is misappropriation of assets?
when an EE steals or misuses company assets
what is fraudulent financial reporting?
when managers make false entries intended to deceive users
What are the factors affecting the decision to separate engagement letters from a parent and component entity?
- who engages the component auditor
- legal requirements relating to the appointment of the auditor
- whether a separate audit report will be issued on the component
- degree of parent ownership of component
- component’s independence from the parent
how do you downgrade from an audit to a review?
if reasonable justification exists, a standard review report is issued stating a review is substantially smaller in scope than an audit
if reasonable justification doesn’t exist, the accountant should consider withdrawing
What 3 things should the new report in a downgrade not include?
- original audit engagement
- description of the auditing procedures completed before the original engagement was changed unless GASS indicates those procedures should be included in
- reason for the change
if the auditor compiles a company’s F/S notes, independence…..
is impaired
if an other-matter paragraph is added to the successor’s report, what 4 things does it include?
- that the F/S of the prior period were audited by another auditor (whose name is not presented)
- the date of the predecessor’s report
- the type of report issued by the predecessor
- if the report was modified, the substantive reasons therefor
internal control documentation can be determined by an auditor through these 4 common methods
- yes and no questions only
- flow chart
- narrative
- decision tree
internal controls must be reviewed and documented even if…
an opinion on I/C is not issued
during initial planning, an auditor focuses on what 3 components?
- details of audit strategy
- nature, timing and extent of testing
- procedures to comply with GAAS
what does the auditor base their assessment on when determining the nature, timing and extent of testing?
the control risk and inherent risk of material misstatement
after the risk assessment phase, the control risk and inherent risk affects what 3 components of documentation?
form, content and extent
What 5 types evidence is provided through the auditors documentation (auditor’s property) and gets reviewed by a supervisor or manager?
- work performed
- evidence evaluated (who performed the work)
- conclusions drawn
- provide primary support for the opinion expressed in the audit report
- provide evidence of compliance with GAAS
what 3 things does the quantity and content of audit documentation depend on?
- the condition of the client’s records
- the assessed level of control risk
- the type of report being issued
working papers should provide sufficient documentation to reflect work performed and support audit opinions. this includes what 3 components?
- audit program
- reconciliations of client accounting records to financial statements
- an assessment of risk based on the client’s I/C structure
what are 4 components found on the working trial balance?
- account
- balance per client records
- reclassifications/adjustments
- F/S amount
what is the deadline for the completion of audit documentation?
within 60 days after report release date for non-issuers which is retained for 5 years
within 45 days after report release date for issuers which is retained for 7 years
what are the two types of audit work paper files?
current file
permanent file
What is the current file and some examples?
contains information related only to a specific year’s audit engagement
exs: audit program, trial balance, lead schedules, auditor reconciliations/analysis, responses to info requests
What is the permanent file and some examples?
contains documentation that has ongoing significance and applies to multiple years
exs: company bylaws, articles of incorporation, minutes, control flowcharts, long-term debt agreements, equit account analyses
auditors should communicate what 6 things to those charged with governance any significant observations that are relevant to the financial statements?
- fraud
- disagreements with management (even if resolved)
- accounting methods
- planned scope and timing of audit at general strategic level
- their responsibilities with respect to the audit
- timely observations about significant findings from the audit
all audit engagements require the auditor issue a report to management outlining any….
material weaknesses and significant deficiencies in internal controls
non-issuer client I/C are identified during a financial audit to design appropriate audit procedures, but not for…*
the purpose of expressing an opinion on controls
fraud involving material amounts or perpetrated by senior management should be reported to who?
those charged with governance; (regardless of amount)
within _________ of the discovery of an illegal act, the auditor of an issuer must inform the board of director. if the board does not provide proof on informing the SEC within ________, the auditor should ________ OR _____________
one business day; one business day;
withdraw; notify the SEC
What is a cognizant agency for audit and how is it assigned?
a federal agency (like US dept. of treasury) that has primary audit responsibilities for a nonfederal entity
the federal agency that provides the MOST FUNDING to the nonfederal entity is usually assigned as the cognizant agency for the audit