special mix Flashcards
me paso raspando
he barely missed me
making jerking movements
haciendo movimients bruscos
unsafely pasing cars
rebasando automoviles in cuidado
me iba a dar con su automovil
i was going to be hit with his/her car
was he driving erraticly?
conducia erraticament?
atropello a una mujer que estaba cruzando la calle
he hit a woman who was crossing the street
el se ladeaba de lado a lado
he was serving frrom side to side
i notice that you are wearing glasses
noto que esta usando anteojos
take the witness stand
pasar a declarar
unfortunate accident
un accidente desafortunado
did you tell the police officer what had happened?
le dijo al agente de policia lo que habia pasado?
su negligencia tuvo un resultado tragico
his negligence produced a trajic outcome
no se podia mantener en el mismo carril
he could not remain on the same lane
ella se fracturo todo el cuerpo
her whole body got fractured
over the speed limit
excediendo el limite de velocidad
a stop sign
senyal de pare
your honor
su senyoria
police report
informe policial
el semafor se puse en rojo
the traffic light turned red
sin mis ojos no veo una vaca en el banyo
without my glasses , i cannot see anything
espejito retrovisor
rear view mirror
no tenia las placas todavia
it did not have the license plates yet
de repente
(to) tell the court
digale al juez
your sight is corrced to 20/20 when wearing glasses
tiene la vista perfecta cuando tae puesto los anteojos
con techo descapotable
a convertible
the people would like to call
la fiscalia desea convocar a
Do you swear that the testimony you shall give in this proceeding will be the truth,the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Jura qeu la declaracion que rendira en esta diligencia sera la verdad, toda la verdad, y nada mas que la verdad, con el amparo de Dios?
report (noun)
se paso el semafor en rojo
he ran a red traffic light
driver of the vehicle
conductor del vehiculo
madame counsel
gris plateado
metallic gray
at that time
en esa ocasion
any cross
hay algun contra-interragorio
state your full name for the record
diga su nombre completo para que conste en actas
to testify