Special Interest Groups Flashcards
Describe the 3 Main areas in which political parties and Interest groups differ
- The making of the nominations
- Their primary focus
- The scope of their interests
How do interest groups simulate interest in public affairs?
by developing and promoting the policies they favor and by opposing the policies they see as threats to their interests
What are some additional functions of interest groups?
- Help simulate interest in public affairs
- Represent their members on the basis of shared attitudes than geography
- Provide useful/detailed information to the government
What are interest groups criticized on?
- Some interest groups have an influence far out of proportion to their size
- Hard to tell who or how many people a group really represents
- Don’t represent the views of all the people they claim to speak for
- Their tactics could undermine the whole political system
What are the four major types of economically based interest groups?
- Business groups
- Labor Groups
- Agricultural groups
- Professional groups
For what reasons, other than economic ones, are interest groups created?
- Groups that promote causes
- organizations that promote the welfare of certain people
- religious organizations
What is a public interest group?
An interest group that seeks to institute certain public policies of benefit to all or most people in this country, whether or not they belong to or support that organization
What is public policy?
All of the goals a government sets and the various courses of action it pursues as it attempts to realize these goals