Special Exams-Midterm Practical Flashcards
How do you perform orthostatic pulse & BP
take BP supine, sitting and standing
Decrease in systolic BP by 20mmHg or decrease in diastolic BP by 10mmHg is abnormal
When would you palpate the temporal arteries
if temporal arteritis is on your differential (inflammation of medium and large arteries that supply the head area)
Sxs: HA, “it hurts when I comb my hair”
How do you transilluminate the sinuses?
perform if sinuses ttp
Can transilluminate the frontal/maxillary sinuses
Dim the lights, use a strong narrow light source, visualization of a reddish glow is consistent with normal (air-filled) sinuses
Why would you perform the cover-uncover test?
to evaluate for strabismus if corneal light reflexes are not symmetric
How do you perform the cover-uncover test?
used to uncover an imbalance of extraocular eye muscle tone
- Cover normal (strong) eye with a card
- The abnormal (weak) eye will move to the correct position to fix on the light
- uncover the normal eye
- The abnormal eye will deviate again as the strong eye fixates on light
When the strong eye is covered, the abnormal eye can fixate correctly
How can you test visual fields?
Have pt cover one eye
Place hands in two upper quadrants of visual fields and ask pt which fingers you are moving
Do the same for two lower quadrants
Have patient cover the other eye and repeat
When would you perform a weber test? How is this done?
perform if hearing is diminished
Place vibrating tuning form on the top of the patient’s head. Ask the pt if they hear it on both sides equally or only on one side
If unilateral conductive hearing loss is present, sound lateralizes to the bad ear
If unilateral sensorineural hearing loss is present, sound lateralizes to the good ear
When would you perform a rinne test? How is this done?
perform if hearing is diminished.
Place vibrating tuning fork on mastoid bone, behind ear at level of canal. When the pt can no loner hear the sound quickly place the tuning form close to the ear canal and assess whether or not sound can be hear. If sound is heard AC >BC
If sensorineural loss present, test is normal AC> BC
When would you auscultate the thyroid for bruits?
if thyroid is enlarged
Use diaphragm and the bell
Define fremitus
Increased transmission of vibration
suggests that normally air-filled lung has become airless (due to pna/consolidation)
How do you perform tactile fremitus exam??
Ask the pt to say “99” each time you press against their back/chest . Palpate for tactile fremitus using ulnar sides of the hands and compare lung fields.
Increase fremitus: consolidation
Decreased fremitus: COPD, pleural effusion, pneumothorax
How do you perform bronchophony test?
Ask pt to say “99” each time you place your stethoscope.
Louder clearer sound is bronchophony and suggests consolidation
How do you perform egophony test?
Ask pt to say “eee” each time you move the stethoscope
“eee” sounding like “ay” is egophony and suggests consolidation
How do you perform whispered pectoriloquy?
Ask pt to whisper “99” each time you place your stethoscope
louder clearer sound is whispered pectoriloquy and suggests consolidation
How do you test chest expansion?
Place thumbs at level of the 10th rib with fingers loosely grasping & parallel to lateral rib cage
Ask pt to inhale deeply and watch distance between thumbs as they move apart during inspiration
Unilateral decrease in expansion may indicate underlying lung disease (fibrosis, lobar pna)
How do you percuss for diaphragmatic excursion
Instruct pt to exhale completely and hold it
Then percuss for & mark level of dullness (boundary between resonant lung tissue & duller structures below diaphragm)
Then ask pt to inhale completely and hold it, percuss for & mark the level of fullness
Normal extent of diaphragmatic excursion is 5-6cm
How do you auscultate for soft murmurs at base of heart?
The base of the heart is the best position for listening to soft murmurs
Ask pt to lean forward, exhale and hold breath in expiration
while pt is holding breath, auscultate at base of heart with diaphragm
How can you check for hepatojugular reflux
apply firm pressure to the RUQ and observe for JVD
When would you percuss for L border of the heart?
To check heart size when point of maximum impulse is not palpable
Dullness extending to the L of the MCL suggests cardiomegaly
How can you auscultate for low pitched murmurs &S3 &S4 heart sounds at apex of heart
ask pt to roll onto their left side (left lateral decubitus position)
Auscultate apex of heart with the bell