Breast and Pelvic Flashcards
What are the 4 components of the breast exam?
breast inspection
lymph node palpation
breast palpation
How should you inspect the breasts?
inspect both breasts with pt sitting arms at side, pt sitting with arms above head, pt sitting with hands pressed to hips, pt leaning forward
What are you looking for on the breasts?
size, symmetry, shape, contour, skin, scars
Why is nipple inversion concerning?
can be suggestive of underlying malignancy, especially if unilateral
How do you palpate the lymph nodes?
palpate supraclavicular lymph nodes, axillary lymph nodes in 3 sweeps and then lateral chain
How should you palpate the breast?
examine all areas completely
inform pt before each maneuver
keep drape over areas not being examined
ask pt if pressure is comfortable
What are the 5 segments of the breast?
upper outer quadrant, upper inner quadrant, lower inner quadrant, lower outer quadrant, tail of spence
What are the various tissue types of the breast?
adipose, glandular, ductal tissue
What are the different patterns for breast palpation?
vertical strip
concentric circles
radial spoke
utilize dime-sized circles and use pads of fingers
What should you take note of during breast palpation?
nodules, indurations, masses, tenderness, nipple discharge
Recommended time for breast exam for bra size B?
3 minutes/breast
6 minutes total
usually <2min total
How can you check for nipple discharge?
place 2 fingers from each hand at edge of areola press down and inward toward nipple and then up and back down
light milk dc can be norm
serous/bloody dc- abnormal
How can you document large breasts?
When is nipple discharge considered more normal?
if changing with menstrual cycle
What are the 4 parts of the pelvic exam?
vulva and introitus (inspection-external)
speculum exam (inspection: internal exam)
bimanual exam (palpation)
rectal/rectovaginal exam