One who is donating blood for his or her own future use
Autologous Donor
the safest blood possible for transfusion
Autologous blood
Criteria for Autologous Donor
1. ___ age limit
2. ___ weight requirement
3. Hemoglobin/Hematocrit: should not be less than ____
4. Frequency: Donations should not be more frequent than every ____ and the final donation must be completed at least 3 days prior to the scheduled surgical procedure
No strict
11 g/dL and 33%
3 days
Types of Autologous Donations/ Transfusions (4)
- Pre-deposit donation
- Intraoperative autologous transfusion
- Immediate preoperative hemodilution
- Post-operative salvage
refers to the blood that is drawn some time before the anticipated transfusion and stored, usually liquid but occasionally frozen.
Pre-deposit donation
occurs when blood is collected during the surgical procedure and usually reinfused immediately
Intraoperative autologous transfusion
takes place in the operating room when 1-3 units of whole blood are collected and the patient’s volume is replaced with colloid or crystalloid. The blood is reinfused during the surgical procedure
Post-operative salvage