Spasticity Flashcards
What is spasticity?
Velocity-dependent increase in resistance to passive stretch of a muscle with exaggerated tendon reflexes.
What is a stretch reflex?
Get sensory input from muscle spindle -> afferent nerve -> dorsal horn -> ventral horn -> motor (efferent) -> reflex/movement.
Why would it become enhanced?
Due to UMN lesion inhibitory tracts the stretch reflex is enhanced increasing muscle tone.
Why is spasticity bad?
- muscles shorten
- reduction in number of sarcomeres
- Increase in collagen content
- Increase in passive stiffness of the joint.
- feeling of increased tone
How to educate a person with spaasticity?
Infection, red/broken skin,
urinary retention, constipation, tight clothing, poor posture.
How to treat spasticity?
Maintaining muscle length/joint rom
Correct postures
facilitate strengthening, neuro recovery, function.
What is active movement and what its benefits?
Aerobic - increase muscle strength, improve arom, enhance motor relearning
Functional treatment - helps inhibition, improves function, the ability for the brain to adapt
NHMES - improve movement patterns, motor re-learning, neuroplasticity, reps, skill acquisition