Spastic Dysarthria Flashcards
Spastic Dysarthria is a perceptually distinctive MSD produced by ______ damage.
bilateral UMN
Where does damage occur to cause spastic dysarthria?
damage to the direct and indirect activation pathways of the CNS
Characteristics reflect the combined effects of _____ and _____ in a manner that slows movement and recudes range and force.
weakness and spasticity
Speech characteristics of spastic dysarthria are not associated w/ weakness of individual muscles bu _____.
impaired movement patterns
Speech of an individual with spastic dysarthria is ____, _____, and has a ____ voice quality.
Spastic Dysarthria is AKA
pseudobulbar pasly
Spastic Dysarthria is a diesease of the ?
Corticobulbar tracts
Increased muscle tone of spasticity in various muscles of the vocal tract
s/s distincitive from other MSD
weakness, reduced range of motion and decreased fine motor control
s/s distinctive from other MSD
Direct activation pathways are responsible for _____ motor control for face and body.
Indirect activation pathways are responsible (mostly) for _____ control.
If damaged, pyramidal system can cause …
weakness, slowness in speech musculature
If damaged, extrapyramidal system can cause …
increased muscle tone, abnormal reflexes
T or F? Selective damage to only the pyramidal or extrapyramidal system is commong.
False; it is NOT common
UMN lesions to both pathways
Which is more serious, UUUM or Spastic?
Spastic, b/c bulbar tracts are bilaterally innervated
Spastic Dysarthria can be accompanied by what cognitive disturbances?
Dementia, cognitive-communication deficits associated w/ RHD, TB or apahsia.
What are causes of spastic dysarthria?
CP, single stroke to brainstem or multiple strokes to other areas, ALS, TBI, and MS. Tumors.
Uncontrollable crying or laughing that can accompany damage to UMN of brainstem.
Pseudobulbar affect
Speech errors in spastic dysarthria are a result of?
Articulation erros in spastic dysarthria are …
very common
imprecise consonant production and vowel distortions
What is the most common artic error in spastic dysarthria?
imprecise consonant production
What is the most common phonatory error?
harsh vocal quality
What kind of vocal quality is characteristic of spastic dhysphonia?
strained-strangled vocal quality
strained-strangled vocal qualty : ?
tight hyperadduction of VFs
Hypersnaslity is present in spastic dysarthria but with no ?
nasal emission
What prosody speech characteristics are present in SD?
short phrases
slow AMRS w/ reduced ROM
T or F? Problems of respiration play a great role in SD?
False; they do NOT
What are phonation/prosody problems more likely a result of?
hyperadduction of vocal folds
What distintive features does SD have?
strained harsh voice quality, accompanied by monopitch/monoloudness and slow speech
Pt complaints of SD
- slow/effortful speech
- drooling
- swallowing difficulty
- difficulty controlling emotions
- increased nasality
- reduced intelligibility
- fatigue associated w/ speaking