Spanish Verbs Like Gustar Flashcards
Agobiar To overwhelm, to burden
Agotar To exhaust
Agradar To please
Alegrar To make happy
Aliviar To relieve
Alterar To upset
Alucinar To amaze, to hallucinate
Amargar To embitter, to sour
Angustiar To distress
Apetecer To feel like / to crave
Asombrar To astonish
Asquear To disgust
Apasionar To be passionate about
Asustar To frighten, to scare
Atormentar To torment, to torture
Aterrar To terrify
Aturdir To stun, to bewilder
Avergonzar To embarrass, to shame
Bastar To be enough
Cabrear To annoy, to anger
Caer To like, to appeal to
Calmar To calm, to soothe
Cansar To tire, to weary
Cautivar To captivate, to charm
Complacer To please, to satisfy
Conmocionar To shock
Conmover To move emotionally
Consolar To console, to comfort
Contentar To satisfy
Dar miedo To scare, to frighten
Dar pena To feel sorry for
Dar vergüenza To feel embarrassed
Deleitar To delight, to please