Spanish Test 3 (edited) Flashcards
la boca, el brazo
mouth, arm
la cabeza, el corazón
head, heart
el cuello, el cuerpo
neck, body
el dedo, el dedo pie
finger, toe
el estómago, la garganta
stomach, throat
el hueso, la nariz
bone, nose
el óido, el ojo
hearing, eye
la oreja, el pie
ear, foot
la pierna, la rodilla
leg, knee
tobillo, caerse
ankle, to fall(down)
dañar, darse con
to fall(down), to damage
dolor(o:e), enfermarse
to hurt, to get sick
estar enfermo/a, estornudar
to be sick, to sneeze
lastimarse(el pie), olvidar
hurting (the foot), forgetting
poner una inyección, prohibir
to give a injection, to prohibit
recetar, romper
to prescribe, to break
romperse (la pierna), sacar(se) un diente
to break (ones leg), to have a tooth removed
ser alérgico/a (a), sufrir una enfermedad
to be allergic, to suffer an illness
tener dolor(m.), tener fiebre(f.)
to have pain, to have a fever
tomar la, temperature
to take someone’s, temperature
torcerse(o:e) (el tobillo), toser
to sprain (ones ankle), to cough
a menudo, a tiempo
often, one time
a veces, además (de), apenas, así
sometimes, in addition (of), barely, as well
bastante, con frecuencia
enough; rather, frequently; often
de niño/a, de vez en cuando
as a child, from time to time
despacio, menos
slowly, less
muchas veces, poco
many times, little
por lo menos, pronto
at least, soon
rápido, todos los días
quickly, every day
mientras, el antibiótico
while, antibiotic
las aspiring, la clínica
aspirin, clinic
el consultorio, el/la dentista
doctors office, dentist
el/la doctor(a), el dolor (de cabeza)
doctor, (head) ache; pain
el accident, el/la enfermero/a, el examen
accident, nurse, physical exam
médico, la farmacia, la gripe, el hospital
Doctor, Pharmacy, Flu, Hospital
infección, el medicamento
infection, medication
la medicina, la operacíon, el/la paciente
medicine, operation, patient
la pastilla, la radiografía, la receta
the pill, the x-ray, the prescription
la receta, el resfriado, la sala de emergencia(s)
prescription, cold(illness), emergency room
la salud, el síntoma, la tos
health, symptom, cough
congestionado, embarazada, grave
congested, pregnant, grave; serious
mareado/a, médico/a, saludable, sano/a
nauseated, medical, healthy, healthy,
el aniversario (de bodas), la boda, el cumpleaños
(weeding) anniversary, wedding, birthday
el día de fiesta, la fiesta, el/la invitado/a
holiday, party, guest
la Navidad, la quinceañera
Christmas, young woman celebrating her 15th birthday surprise
la sorpresa, brindar, celebrar
surprise, to toast, to celebrate
divertirse, invitar, pasarlo bien/mal
Have fun, invite, have a good time/have a bad time
regalar, reírse (e:i)
to give (a gift), to laugh
relajarse, sonreír(e:i), sorprender
to relax, to smile, to surprise
la botella (de vino), el champán, los dulces`
bottle (of wine), champagne, sweets; candy
el flan (de caramelo), la galleta
baked (caramel custard), cookie
el helado, el pastel (de chocolate), el postre
ice cream, (chocolate) cake, pie, dessert
la amistad, el amor, el divorcio
friendship, love, divorce
el estado civil, el matrimonio
marital status, marriage
la pareja, el/la recién, casado/a
(married) couple; partner, newlywed
casarse (con), comprometerse (con), divorciarse
to get married (to), to get engaged (to), to get divorced (de)
enamores (de), llevarse bien/mal (con)
to fall in love, to get along well/badly (with)
odiar, romper (con), salir(con), esparce (de)
to hate, to break up (with), to go out (with); date, to separate (from),
tener una cita, casado/a, divorciado/a, juntos/as
to have a date; to have an appointment, married, divorced, together
separado/a, soltero/a, viudo/a
separated, single, widower/widow
la adolescencia, la edad, las etapas de la vida
adolescence, age, the stages of life
la juventud, la madurez
youth, maturity;middle age
la muerte, el nacimiento, la niñez
death, birth, childhood
la vejez, cambiar (de), graduarse(de/en)
old age, to change, to graduate(from/in),
jubilarse, nacer
to retire (from work), to be born
la alegría, el beso, conmigo, contigo
happiness, kiss, with me, with you
¡Felicidades!/¡Felicitaciones!, !Feliz cumpleaños!
Congratulations!, Happy Birthday
el/la camarero/a, la comida, la cuenta
waiter/waitress, food; meal, bill
el/la dueño/a, el menú, la propina
owner, menu, tip
la sección de (no), fumar
(non) smoking, section
el almurzo, la cena, el desayuno,
lunch, dinner, breakfast,
os entremeses, el plato (principal), delicioso/a, rico/a, sabroso/a
appetizers, (main) dish, delicious, delicious
la banana, las frutas, el limón, la uva
banana, fruits, lemons, grape
la manzana, el melocotón, la naranja, la pera
apple, peach, orange, pear
las arvejas, la cebolla, el champiñón
peas, onion, mushroom
la ensalada, los espárragos, los frijoles, la lechuga, el maíz
salad, asparagus, beans, lettuce, corn
las papas/patatas(fritas), el tomate, las verduras
(fried) potatoes; French fries, tomato, vegetables
la zanahoria, el atún, el bistec
carrot, tuna, steak
los camarones, la carne
shrimp, meat
la carne de res, la chuleta (de cerdo), la hamburguesa
beef, (pork) chop, hamburger,
el jamón, la langosta, los mariscos
ham, lobster, shellfish
el pavo, el pescado
Turkey, fish
el pollo (asado), la salchicha, el salmón
(roats) chicken, sausage, salmon
el aceite, el ajo, el arroz
oil, garlic, rice
el azúcar, los cereales
sugar, cereal;gains
el huevo, la mantequilla, la margarina
egg, butter, margarine
la mayonesa, el pan (tostado), la pimienta, el queso
(toasted) bread, black pepper, cheese
la sal, el sándwich, la sopa
salt, sandwich, soup,
el vinagre, el yogur, el agua
vinegar, yogurt, (mineral) water
la bebida, el café
drink, coffee
la cerveza, el jugo (de fruta), la leche
beer, (fruit) juice, milk
el refresco, el té (helado), el vino
soft drink, (iced) tea, (white/red) wine
escoger, merendar (e:ie)
to choose, to snack
morir (o:e), pedir (e:i), probar (o:e)
to die, to order (food), to taste; to try
recomendar (e:ie), saber (a), servir (e:i)
to recommend, to taste (like), to serve
What is the imperfect tense endings for ar verbs?
aba, abas, aba, ábamos aban
What is the imperfect tense findings for ir and er verbs?
ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
What is the imperfect of hay and what does It mean?
había; meaning: there was; there were; there used to be
What are the only verbs that are irregular in the imperfect?
ir, ser, ver
What is the imperfect of ir?
iba, ibas, iba, íbamos, iban
What is the imperfect of ser?
era, eras, era, éramos, eran
What is the imperfect of ver?
veín, veías, veín, veíamos, veían
What is the difference between the imperfect and the preterite?
imperfect is used to describe an incomplete or continuing action, while the preterite is used to describe a completed action
When do you use the imperfect?When to use preterite?
imperfect - Describe an ongoing past action, express habitual past actions, describe physical and emotional states or characteristics
preterite - express actions that are viewed by the speaker as completed express the beginning or end of a past action, narrate a series of past actions or events
When to use the imperfect tense
When to use: habitual or repeated actions, events or actions that were in progress, physical characteristics, mental or emotional states, telling time, and age (there are 6)
You use the imperfect to….
- Describe an ongoing past action with no reference to its beginning
- Express habitual past actions and events
- Describe physical and emotional states or characteristics
Use the preterite to…
- Express actions that are viewed by the speaker as completed
- Express the beginning or end of past action
- Narrate a series of past actions
What is the preterite of tener? What does it mean?
tener (u-stem) (to have)- tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvieron
What is the preterite of venir? What does it mean?
venir (i-stem) (to come)- vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinieron
What is the preterite of decir? What does it mean?
decir (j-stem) (to say)- dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron
What is the preterite of poder, poner, saber and estar? What do they mean?
Preterite Tener (u-stem) endings: pud-, pus-, sup-, estuv-
to manage to, to put, to know, to be
What is the preterite of querer, hacer? What do they mean?
Preterite venir (i-stem) endings: quis-, hic-
to try, to do
What is the preterite of traer, conducir, traducir? What do they mean?
Preterite decir (j-stem) endings: traj-, conduj-, traduj-
to bring, to drive, to translate
What is the preterite of dar? What does it mean?
di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
to give
What is the preterite of hay? What does it mean?
there is
What verbs change meaning in the preterite, what do they mean in the preterite
Conocer - to meet
saber - to find out; to learn
poder - to manage; to succeed
querer - to try
What is the preterite of ir and ser? What do the mean?
fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
to be, to go
De repente, mesa, volvió/volvía
Suddenly, table, came back
otro lugar, Llovió/Llovía, Así que
somewhere else, it rained, so
regresamos/regresábamos, esta vez, empezamos/empezábamos
we come back, this time, we started
la semana pasada, dar una fiesta, Como siempre
last week, Throw a party, as usual