Spanish Test 3 Flashcards
la boca, el brazo, la cabeza, el corazón, el cuello, el cuerpo, el dedo, el dedo del pie
mouth, arm, head, heart, neck, body, finger, toe
el estómago, la garganta, el hueso, la nariz, el oído, el ojo, la oreja, el pie
stomach, throat, bone, nose, hearing, eye, ear, foot
la pierna, la rodilla, tobillo, caerse, dañar, darse con, doler(o:e), enfermarse
leg, knee, ankle, to fall(down), to damage; to bump into, to hurt, to get sick
estar enfermo/a, estornudar, lastimarse(el pie), olvidar, poner una inyección, prohibir, recetar, romper
to be sick, to sneeze, to injure, to forget, to give an injection, to prohibit, to prescribe, to break
romperse (la pierna), sacar(se) un diente, ser alérgico/a (a), sufrir una, enfermedad, tener dolor(m.), tener fiebre(f.), tomar la, temperature
To break (one leg), to have a tooth removed, to be allergic, to suffer an illness, to have pain, to have a fever, to take someone’s, temperature
torcerse(o:e) (el tobillo), toser, a menudo, a tiempo, a veces, además (de), apenas, así
to sprain (ones ankle), to cough, often, one time, sometimes. furthermore; besides, hardly; scarcely, like this; so
bastante, con frecuencia, de niño/a, de vez en cuando, despacio, menos, muchas veces, poco
enough; rather, almost, frequently, as a child, from time to time, slowly, less, a lot; many times, little
por lo menos, pronto, rápido, todos los días, mientras, el antibiótico, las aspiring, la clínica, el cnnsultorio, el/la dentista, el/la doctor(a), el dolor (de cabeza)
at least, soon, quickly, every day, while, antibiotic, aspirin, clinic, doctors office, dentist, doctor, (head) ache; pain
el accident, el/la enfermero/a, el examen médico, la farmacia, la gripe, el hospital, infección, el medicamento
accident, nurse, physical exam, pharmacy, flu, hospital, infection, medication
la medicina, la operacíon, el/la paciente, la pastilla, la radiografía, la receta, el resfriado, la sala de emergencia(s)
medicine, operation, patient, pill, X-ray, prescription, cold(illness), emergency room
la salud, el síntoma, la tos, congestionado, embarazada, grave, mareado/a, médico/a, saludable, sano/a
health, symptom, cough, congested, pregnant, grave; serious, dizzy; nauseated, medical, healthy, healthy,
el aniversario, (de bodas), la boda, el cumpleaños, el día de fiesta, la fiesta, el/la invitado/a, la Navidad, la quinceañera
(weeding) anniversary, wedding, birthday, holiday, party, guest, Christmas, young woman celebrating her 15th birthday surprise
la sorpresa, brindar, celebrar, divertirse, invitar, pasarlo bien/mal, regalar, reírse (e:i)
surprise, to toast, to celebrate, to have fun, to invite, to have fun, to invite, to have a good\bas time
to give (a gift), to laugh
relajarse, sonreír(e:i), sorprender, la botella (de vino), el champán, los dulces, el flan (de caramelo), la galleta
to relax, to smile, to surprise, bottle (of wine), champagne, sweets; candy, baked (caramel custard), cookie
el helado, el pastel (de chocolate), el postre, la amistad, el amor, el divorcio, el estado civil, el matrimonio
ice cream, (chocolate) cake, pie, dessert, friendship, love, divorce, marital status, marriage
la pareja, el/la recién, casado/a, casarse (con), comprometerse (con), divorciarse (de), enamores (de), llevarse bien/mal (con)
(married) couple; partner, newlywed, to get married (to), to get engaged (to), to get divorced, to fall in love, to get along well/badly (with)
odiar, romper (con), salir(con), esparce (de), tener una cita, casado/a, divorciado/a, juntos/as
to hate, to break up (with), to go out (with); date, to separate (from), to have a date; to have an appointment, married, divorced, together
separado/a, soltero/a, viudo/a, la adolescencia, la edad, las etapas de la vida, la juventud, la madurez
separated, single, widower/widow, adolescence, age, the stages of life, youth, maturity;middle age
la muerte, el nacimiento, la niñez, la vejez, cambiar (de), graduarse(de/en) , jubilarse, nacer
death, birth, childhood, old age, to change, to graduate(from/in), to retire (from work), to be born
la alegría, el beso, conmigo, contigo, ¡Felicidades!/¡Felicitaciones!, !Feliz cumpleaños!
happiness, kiss, with me, with you, Congratulations!, Happy Birthday
el/la camarero/a, la comida, la cuenta, el/la dueño/a, el menú, la propina, la sección de (no), fumar
waiter/waitress, food; meal, bill, owner, menu, tip, (non) smoking, section
el almurzo, la cena, el desayuno, los entremeses, el plato (principal), delicioso/a, rico/a, sabroso/a
lunch, dinner, breakfast, appetizers, (main) dish, delicious, delicious
la banana, las frutas, el limón, la manzana, el melocotón, la naranja, la pera, la uva
banana, fruits, lemons, apple, peach, orange, pear, grape
las arvejas, la cebolla, el champiñón, la ensalada, los espárragos, los frijoles, la lechuga, el maíz
peas, onion, mushroom, salad, asparagus, beans, lettuce, corn
las papas/patatas(fritas), el tomate, las verduras, la zanahoria, el atún, el bistec, los camarones, la carne,
(fried) potatoes; French fries, tomato, vegetables, carrot, tuna, steak, shrimp, meat
la carne de res, la chuleta (de cerdo), la hamburguesa, el jamón, la langosta, los mariscos, el pavo, el pescado
beef, (pork) chop, hamburger, ham, lobster, shellfish, Turkey, fish
el pollo (asado), la salchicha, el salmón, el aceite, el ajo, el arroz, el azúcar, los cereales
(roats) chicken, sausage, salmon, oil, garlic, rice, sugar, cereal;gains
el huevo, la mantequilla, la margarina, la mayonesa, el pan (tostado), la pimienta, el queso
egg, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, (toasted) bread, black pepper, cheese
la sal, el sándwich, la sopa, el vinagre, el yogur, el agua, la bebida, el café
salt, sandwich, soup, vinegar, yogurt, (mineral) water, drink, coffee
la cerveza, el jugo (de fruta), la leche, el refresco, el té (helado), el vino (blanco/tinto), escoger, merendar (e:ie)
beer, (fruit) juice, milk, soft drink, (iced) tea, (white/red) wine, to choose, to snack
morir (o:e), pedir (e:i), probar (o:e), recomendar (e:ie), saber (a), servir (e:i)
to choose, to snack, to die, to order (food), to taste; to try, to recommend, to taste (like), to serve
What is the imperfect tense for ar verbs?
aba, abas, aba, ábamos aban
What is the imperfect tense for er verbs?
ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
What is the imperfect tense for ir verbs?
ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
What is the imperfect of hay and what does It mean?
había; meaning: there was; there were; there used to be
What are the only verbs that are irregular in the imperfect? What are their congjuations?
ir, ser, ver
ir - iba, ibas, iba, íbamos, iban
ser - era, eras, era, éramos, eran
ver, veín, veías, veín, veíamos, veían
What is the difference between the imperfect and the preterite? When do you use the imperfect?When to use preterite?
imperfect is used to describe an incomplete or continuing action, while the preterite is used to describe a completed action
imperfect - Describe an ongoing past action, express habitual past actions, describe physical and emotional states or characteristics
preterite - express actions that are viewed by the speaker as completed express the beginning or end of a past action, narrate a series of past actions or events
When to use the imperfect tense
When to use: habitual or repeated actions, events or actions that were in progress, physical characteristics, mental or emotional states, telling time, and age (there are 6)
You use the imperfect to….
- Describe an ongoing past action with no reference to its beginning
- Express habitual past actions and events
- Describe physical and emotional states or characteristics
Use the preterite to…
- Express actions that are viewed by the speaker as completed
- Express the beginning or end of past action
- Narrate a series of past actions
What is the preterite of tener, venir, and decir? What do they mean?
- tener (u-stem) (to have)- tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvieron
- venir (i-stem) (to come)- vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinieron
- decir (j-stem) (to say)- dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron
What is the preterite of poder, poner, saber and estar? What do they mean?
Preterite Tener (u-stem) endings: pud-, pus-, sup-, estuv-
to manage to, to put, to know, to be
What is the preterite of querer, hacer? What do they mean?
Preterite venir (i-stem) endings: quis-, hic-
to try, to do
What is the preterite of traer, conducir, traducir? What do they mean?
Preterite decir (j-stem) endings: traj-, conduj-, traduj-
to bring, to drive, to translate
What is the preterite of dar? What does it mean?
di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
to give
What is the preterite of hay? What does it mean?
there is
What verbs change meaning in the preterite, what do they mean in the preterite
Conocer - to meet
saber - to find out; to learn
poder - to manage; to succeed
querer - to try