Spanish Sentences with Luis (English to Spanish) Flashcards
I am a computer examiner in the police
Yo soy examinador de computadora el la policia
I am a retired police officer for twenty five years
Yo soy retirado policia ase veintecinco anos
I don’t know
No se.
I would like to see…….
Me gustaria ver…..
more or less
mas o menas
computer forensics (two forms)
informatica forenses
computadora forenses
Is this correct?
Es correcto?
I’m from the United States
Soy de los Estados Unidos
I’m from Oregon in the United States.
Soy de Oregon en los Estados Unidos
and you
y tu
I’m sorry.
lo siento
How do you say Spain?
Como se dice Spain?
To say (Se means that all of the people say Espana)
Se dice Espana
two more
dos mas
She’s english
Ella es inglesa
He is english
El es ingles
They are chillean
Ellos son chilenos
Vice versa
Al reves
I come from (verb is Venir)
Vengo de
Countries and nationalities.
Paises y gentilicios
What is your name?
Como te llamas?
Como se llamas usted?
you start
empieza tu
From where are you, Christian? (Where are you from, Christian?)
De donde eres, Christian?
From where is Elaine? Where is Elaine from?
De donde es Elaine?
She is from Brazil.
Ella es de Brasil.
Let’s introduce ourselves.
Vamos a presentate
Christian where is he from? (Where is Christian from?)
Christian de donde es?
What is the nationality of sombody from Spain?
Cual es el gentilicio de Espana? (nya)
male spanyard and female spanyard.
espanol y espanola (nyol y nyola)
Juan is from France. He is French.
Juan es de Francia. El es Frances.
She is French.
Ella es Francesa.
Christian is from Germany. He is German.
Christian es de Alemania. El es Aleman.
Maria is from Germany. She is German.
Maria es de Alemania. Ella es Alemana.
Rosa is from Russia. She is Russian.
Rosa es de Rusia. Ella es Rusa.
Markie is from Russia. He is Russian.
Markie es de Rusia. El es Ruso.
Mario and Carlos are from Japan. They are Japaneses.
Mario y Carlos son de Japon. Ellos son Japoneses.
two more
dos mas
My mother is from England. She is English.
Mi madre es de Inglaterra. Ella es inglesa.
My father is from England. He is English.
Mi padres es de Inglaterra. El es ingles.
My brothers are from Chille. They are Chillean.
Mis hermanos son de Chile. Ellos son Chilenos.
My sisters are from Chille. They are Chillean.
Mis hermanas son de Chile. Elas son Chilenas.
We are Canadian. We’re from Canada. (Venir = to come) To come from Canada.
Nosotros somos canadienses. Venimos de Canada.
You are Ecuadorian. You come from Ecuador.
Ustedes son ecuatorianos. Ellos son de Ecuador.
Where are you from? (From where are you?)
De donde eres?
What is you name?
Como te llamas?
What is your country?
Cual es tu pais?
The cinima is closed.
El cine esta cerrado.