Lesson 4 with Luis (Hay) Flashcards
There is, There are (Infinitive / and Conjugated forms)
/ The conjugated form is based on ….?
Haber (infinitive form) / Hay (conjugated form for both singular and plural) In English we say There is and There are, but in Spanish, ‘Hay’ is used for both forms. / The conjugated form ‘Hay’ is based on Unknown Things for the listener. (ie. There is a house. You don’t know who the house belongs to, you just know there is a house.)
There is, There are (conjugated form)
There is a house (conjugated form)
Hay una casa.
There are two houses. (conjugated form)
Hay dos casas.
delete this
delete this
one (masculine singular)
one (masculine plural)
one (femanine)
one (femanine plural)
pluma o boligrafo
a pencil
un lapiz
a glass
un vaso
a softdrink
un refresco
The Coca Cola is a softdrink.
La Coca Cola es un refresco.
a tree
un arbol
a pen (two forms)
una pluma / un boligrafo
Chrstmas tree
arbol de navidad
Happy Easter
Feliz Pascua
Happy Chritmas
Feliz navidad
Happy Birthday
Feliz cumpleanos (nyo)
cumpleanos (nyo)
a pyramid
una piramide
There are many pyramid’s in Mexico
Hay mucahas piramides en Mexico.
Muy vs muchos. When do you use each?
Muy is always used before an adjective. (ie. muy bonito). Muchos is always used before a noun if the noun is masculine. If it is femanine, the use muchas before the noun. (ie. Muchos carros. / Hay muchas piramides en Mexico).
There are a lot of men.
Hay muchos hombres.
a shirt
una camisa
a t-shirt
una camiseta
a gift
un regalo
a wallet
una cartera
a pair of glasses (bifocals)
unos lentes (exception to the rule. normally the ending of an ‘e’ (singular) or ‘es’ (plural) is femanine, but in this case (lentes, is masculine so it is preceded by unos.
a key
una llave (llave ends in an e so it is femanine)
some keys
unas llaves (The singular form of llaves is llave. Llave ends in an e so it is femanine)
a belt
un cinturon
sucker (lolipop)
a sucker (lolipop)(candypop)
una paleta
paleta de heilo (candypop of ice)
having breakfast (as a verb)
desayunar (There is no english equivelant) This conjugates into desayuno, etc..
I’m having a breakfast (as a conjugated verb)
Yo desayuno
a meal
una comida
Is there a garden at your house?
Hay un jardin es su casa?
There is a garden of vegitables.
Hay un jardin de verduras.
rice (singular) / rice (plural)
arroz / arroces
City / Cities
ciudad / ciudades
paper (singular) / paper (plural)
papel / papeles
garden / gardens
jardin / jardines
light / lights
luz / luces
cake / cakes
pastel / pasteles
wristwatch / wristwatches
reloj / relojes
pencil / pencils
lapiz / lapices
finger / fingers
dedo / dedos
a house
una casa
Some houses
unas casas
plane / planes (as in airplane)
avion / aviones (Accent is over ‘o’ for singular, and no accent for plural)
cruise / cruises
crucero / cruceros
step / steps
escalon / escalones (accent over ‘o’ on singular, no accent on plural)
index / indexes
indice / indices
cross / crosses
cruz / cruces
cruise / cruises
crucero / cruceros
poster / posters
cartel / carteles
fire (light) singular / plural
lumbre / lumbres
soft drink / soft drinks
refresco / refrescos
pyramid / pyramids
piramide / piramides
lemon / lemons
limon / limones
button / buttons
boton / botones
foot / feet
pie / pieces (??)
finger, toe / fingers, toes
dedo / dedos
sock / socks
calcetin / calcetines
shoe / shoes
zapato / zapatos
door / doors
puerta / puertas
window / windows
ventana / ventanas
ring / rings (jewelry ??)
anillo / anillos
hair (singular) / hair (plural)
pelo / pelos
man, sir / men, sirs
senior / seniores
wallet, purse / wallets, purses
cartera / carteras
disc / disc’s
disco / discos
cigar / cigars
cigarro/ cigarros
letter / letters
letra / letras
language / languages
idioma / idiomas
class / classes
clase / clases (???)
stair, latter / stairs, ladders
escalera / escaleras
class / classes
clase / clases (???)
eye / eyes
ojo / ojos
nose / nose’s
nariz / narices
mouth / mouths
boca / bocas
bull / bulls
toro / toros
following (singular) / following (plural)
siguiente / siguientes
word / words
palabra / palabras
light / lights
luz / luces
glass / glasses
vidrio / vidrios | vaso / vasos
Time / time (plural)
vez / veces
notebook / notebooks
cuaderno / cuadernos
blackboard / blackboards
pizarron / pizarrones
marker (scoreboard) / Markers (scoreboards)
marcador / marcadores
eraser / erasers
barrador / borradores