Spanish course 24 Flashcards
to arise / come up / emerge
surgir / presentarse
If a problem were to come up while we are away, call me immediately.
Si surgiera algún problema mientras estamos fuera, llámanme de inmediato.
to fold / fold up sth
it’s a small world
el mundo es un pañuelo
el bolsillo
to fit in a pocket
caber en un bolsillo
el poema / el poesía
gold / golden
dismantle / take apart
to develop (an emotion towards)
concebir (una emoción hacia)
Juanita was developing a certain resentment towards her younger brother.
Juanita concebía cierto resentimiento hacia su hermano pequeño.
to Heat up / warm up (training as well)
calentar (caliento)
to get warm
entrar en calor
hot water bottle
una bolsa / botella de agua caliente
Prize / reward
to Award a prize