Span final frases Flashcards
This soup taste like lentils and mushrooms.
Esta sopa sabe a lentajas y hongos. Note use of “a”
This soup smells like sea food.
Esta sopa huele a mariscos. Note use of “a”
They say that frog legs taste like chicken.
Dicen que ancas de rana saben a pollo. Note use of “a”
The spoon, the knife, the fork are utensils.
La cucharra, el cuchillo, el teneador son utensilios.
la zanahoria
la lechuga
Ad - Need a cook who knows how to prepare food.
Anuncio - Necesita un cocinero que sepa preparar la comida. Use of subj
John doubted that the food was cooked. Past
Juan dudaba que la comida estuviera cocinado. Imp subj
I was looking for a store that sold frsh seafood.past
Buscaba una tienda que vendiera mariscos frescos. Imp subj
We weren’t going to eat the fried grasshoppers even if they were the specialty. Past
No ibamos a comer los chapulines fritos aunque fueran la especialidad. Imp subj
We want the chef to bring us the specialty.
Queremos que el chef nos traiga la especialidad. Pres subj. - will-doubt-denial-emotion w new subj
There is no vegatable that I like.
No hay ninguna verdura que me guste. Pres subj - uncertain or nonexistent antecedent
I am going to prepare dinner as you tell me.
Voy a preparar la cena como me digas. Pres subj -adv clause uncertain or unknown action -
I would like to taste the meatballs. Polite
Quisiera probar las albóndigas. imp subj for polite
Could you give me half a kilo, please? Polite
Pudiera darme medio kilo por favor. imp subj for polite
They should follow the recipe. Polite
Debieran seguir la receta. imp subj for politeness
I wish -hope that mom had lentils for dinner
Ojalá que mamá tuviera lengjas para la cena. - she doesn’t or she probably won’t. imp subj
I wish my grandfather would take care of himself better and not eat so many sweets.
Ojalá que mi abuelo se cuidara más y no comiera tantos dulces. Imp subj
When we were younger we wanted to continue a diet that was less salty.
Cuando eramos más joven quisiéramos
A saying - after overeating and drinking - a day of fasting.
Un dicho - Después de un atracón - un dio de ayuna.
To lose weight - one must burn more calories than you ingest or take in.
Para adelgazar se debe quemar más calorias ue las que ingerir o se consume.
Would you order rice?
¿Pedirías arroz? - conditional
I thought -believed that there would be more people.
Creía que habría más gente. -conditional
I would like to have a glass of water.
Me gustaría tomar un vaso de aqua. Conditional-polite
Could you pass me the salt?
Podrías pasarme la sal?
You thought the waiter would tell us there was a special today.
Creías que el mesero nos diría que hoy había un plato especial. Irreg conditional like future
In that case we would know what to order.
En ese caso sabíamos que pedir. Irreg conditional like future
I was sure that the menu would have seafood.
Estaba seguro que el menú tendría seafood. Irreg conditional like future.
They should turn on the oven now.
Deberían encender el horno ahora. Deber - Translates to should as does indicative
I want to lose weight. What would you do in my place?
Quiero adelgazar. Que harías tú en mi lugar?
I am afraid that the chicken will come out dry. I would cover it. I would buy it already roasted.
Temo que el pollo salga seco. Yo lo cubría. Yo lo compraría ya asado.
If you don’t take the ice cream out of the freezer now, it will be very hard when you serve it. -future
Si, no sacaría el helado del congelador ahora - estará muy duro cuando lo sirvas. Si pres -> fut or pres
If I had money, I would ask you out for a drink.
Si tuviera dinero - te invitaría a una copa. Implausable or contrary to fact
I would can the tomatoes if you helped me.
Enlataría los tomates si me ayundaras. Implausable or contrary to fact.
John eats breadfast as if he were not going to eat again.
Juan desayuna como si no fuera a comer otra vez. Como si - as if- takes imperf subj
Ana talks to us about the menu as if she knew the chef.
Ana nos habla del menú como si conociera al chef.
carefully - painstakingly
Im going to have a good time. Last night I had a good time.
Voy a divertirme. Anoche lo pasé bien. Divertirse or pasarlo bien
Have a good time! 2 ways - Imperative and subj coloquiel - not divertirse
¡Pasalo bien! Que lo pases bien!
waste of time
pérdida de tiempo
We want you to have a good time.
Queremos que lo pases bien. Subj
We’ve looked for a guide who knows the place.
Hemos buscado un guia que conozca el pais. Subj
We will spend our vacation wherever you want.
Pasaremos nuestra vacación donde tú quieras. Subj.
Tell them to practice swimming more.
Digales que practiquen más la natación. Subj
It is good that you have learned how to skate.
Es bueno que hayas aprendido a patinar. Subj
You would have done mountain climbing if you had had time.
Habrías hecho mantañismo se hubieras tenido tiempo. Pluperf subjunctive - action would preceed
They don’t believe that she was such a good insructor.
No creen que ella fuera tan buena instructora. Completed action in past.
The athletes are among the most accomplished -skilled in the world.
Los atletas son entre los más diestros del mundo.
She became an astronomer after finishing her work.
Ella llegó a ser astrónoma después de terminar su trabajo. Llegar a ser=become after time/effort
One day I will become rich and famous.
Un dia voy a hacerme rico y famoso. Hacerse = become after deliberate change- identity
When their son weas born, they became/turned into excellent parents.
Cuando nacío su hijo ellos se convertieron en padres excelentes. Convertirse en =turn into-become
I became nervous before speaking at the meeting.
Yo me puse nervioso antes de hablar en la reunión. Ponerse = become sudden emotional