Imperfect subjunctive Flashcards
She wanted me to speak in Spanish.
Ella quería que yo hablara en español. (main clause is in the past)
It was terrible that we were sick.
Fue terrible que estuviéramos enfermos. (main clause in past)
They wanted you to know the answer.
Querían que supieras la repuesta. (main clause in past)
He doubted that you could dance.
Él dudaba que pudieras bailar. (main clause in the past)
I hoped that there wasn’t an accident.
Yo esperaba que no hubiera un accidente. (main clause in past)
We ate before they arrived.
Comimos antes de que ellos llegaran. (main clause is in past)
She hopes that I didn’t spend all the money.
Ella espera que yo no gastara todo el dinero. (main clause present with subord in past)
I’m sorry that we didn’t meet him.
Siento que no conociéramos a él. (main clause present with subord in past)
I’m happy that he studied.
Estoy contento de que él estudiara. (main in present with subord in past)
It’s absurd that they had to pay.
Es absurdo que tuvieran que pagar. (main in present with subord in past)
If I were taller, I would play basketball.
Si yo fuera más alto, jugaría basquetbol. (hypothetical if-clause in past)
You would get good grades if you studied.
Recibirías buenas notas si estudiaras.(hypothetical if-clause in past)
I wouldn’t go if I were you.
Yo no iría si fuera tú. (hypothetical if-clause in past)
Would you stay if there were a fire?
¿Te quedarías si hubiera un incendio?(hypothetical if-clause in past)
You look as if you were guilty.
Te ves como si fueras culpable. (as if/though)
We acted as if we were sick.
Actuábamos como si estuviéramos enfermos. (as if/though)
He put on his hat as though he were the king.
Él se puso el sombrero como si fuera el rey.(as if/though)
They were talking as though they knew everything.
Hablaban como si supieran todo. (as if/though)