6 Flashcards
advancement, progress
el adelanto
la barrera
la convivencia
la queja
la discapacidad
la igualdad
la equidad
la mayoria
to deny
la encuesta
el prejuicio
la raza
to respect
el estereotipo
el indocumentado
to be elected
salir electo/a
to advance, pass; We will have to move up the timetable.
adelantar; Tendremos que adelantar el calendario.
to advocate; I would argue for more understanding.
abogar (por); Quisiera abogar por mas comprension.
to approve; They should approve this compromise (commitment).
aprobar; Ellos deben aprobar este compromiso.
to be engaged in, dedicated; She knows what he really does.
dedicarse (a); Ella sabe a que se dedica realmente.
to be (found) in a place or condition; This place is located in the city.
hallarse; Este lugar se halla en la ciudad.
to belong; It is the place to which I belong.
pertenecer (zc); Es la lugar a la que pertenezco.
to blame; You blame me for what happened?
culpar; Me culpas por lo que le paso?
to combat/fight; We must combat that situation that is not acceptable.
combatir; Debemos protestar y combatir esa situacion, que no es aceptable.
to deserve; I deserve something good.
merecer (zc); Merezco algo bueno.
to focus on; The protest might be approached from a different angle.
enfocarse; La protesta podia enfocarse desde un angulo distinto.
to grant, award; I give you the benefit of the doubt.
otorgar; Te otorgo el beneficio de la duda.
to hate
to integrate; Are we going to integrate tehm into our community?
integrar; Los vamos a integrar en nuestra comunidad?
to point out or make known; His finger points at you.
senalar; Su dedo senala a ti.
to raise (grow up); Children should grow up in a balanced environment.
criar(se) ; Nos ninos deben criarse en un medio equilibrado.
to reach; That type reaches a length of about 1 meter.
alcanzar; Ese tipo alcanza una longitud de alrededor de un metro.
to restrict or limit; I restrain myself.
restringir (j); Me restrinjo.
to solve; I am trying to figure out how to solve the problem by myself.
resolver (ue). Estoy intendando ver como resuelvo el problema yo solo.
to strengthen; I have to strengthen my support.
fortalecer (zc); Tengo que fortalecer mi apoyo.
to tend to; We have to tend to them.
tender (ie) a; Tiene que tender a ellos.
to tolerate; I can’t tolerate him.
aguantar; No lo aguanto.
to value; I have to value the work.
valorar; Tengo que valorar el trabajo.
to get; I get what you ask.
conseguir (i i); Yo consigo lo que me pides.
to contribute; I contribute to the world
contribuir (y); Contribuyo al mundo.
to facilitate, provide; How should I provide my documents
facilitar; Como facilito mis documentos?
to fight for; I fight for liberty.
luchar por; Lucho por la libertad.
to carry out; He made a wonderful choice.
realizar; El realizo una maravillosa eleccion.