SPAN 3313 Examen Flashcards
Ambiente sonoro
Sound Environment
Set of acoustic signals that recreate the frame and atmosphere of a radio space or section.
Sound signal that on the tune or musical background include credits, fixed titles, and other texts on the contents of a radio space
Door curtains
Also called burst, it is the sound signal that separates sections, news or paragraphs in a radio space.
Music, words, and other sound resources, intended for the sale of a commercial product or to capture an audience for a radio space
Another type is a wedge that advances some themes that are going to be developed in a radio space.
Oral expressions of protagonists or prominent people in the political, economic, and social fields, on matters of general interest.
Short text that, seeks to capture the attention of the listener before the news, interview or report that is broadcast below.
Questions and answers exchanged between professionals of a station and current protagonists
Sound effect that serves to accentuate a specific moment of a radio space. It can include music, word, and other resources. It is used when you want to underline a situation
Guión de continuidad
Continuity Script
Writing that collects the content of a radio program. It includes texts of the presenter’s voice-over, external sound sources, sound resources and technical instructions for control.
Oral expressions that reflect someone’s points of view on certain events.
Very brief sound montage that identifies a station to the listener. Includes music, words and any radio resource.
La escaleta
The ladder
Outline after the development of the script, guideline that accurately reflects the data that was previously only estimates: topics, tenses, feet or ends of sentences, and, now, technical indications.
Marco inmediato
Immediate frame
Defines the immediate environment (domestic, family, work, etc.) of people.
Thematic unit of a station’s programming that, deals with news, issues or characters.
Scheme prior to the script that contains the structure of a radio space. It includes the thematic blocks and the estimated duration, but speech texts and technical instructions are excluded.
Radio resource that has the same function as the callsign (to identify), a specific space in its programming.
Radio convencional
Conventional radio
Station that alternates all types of radio spaces and formats in its programming.
Your grill can be horizontal, when you maintain the same spaces at the same times daily; or vertical, if there is a different schedule each day of the week.
Radio temática o monográfica
Thematic or monographic radio
Station whose programming deals exclusively with one subject (economics, sports, classical music, religion…) and uses a variety of radio formats
Type of programming uses similar content in a single daily schedule.
Tend to be musical and have a basic formal scheme, which is repeated throughout the day.
Rueda de corresponsales
Round of correspondents
Radio conference whose participants are correspondents and special envoys abroad.
Rueda de emisoras
Station wheel
Radio conference in which informants from different delegations of a network participate. It usually revolves around a specific topic or news.
Each of the formal or thematic sections into which a radio space is divided.
Sound signal, usually a melody, that marks the beginning and end of a radio space. It serves to identify you among others.
Survey, used to know the state of opinion of the audience before a matter or current news.
Oral expressions of the protagonists or witnesses of certain events that transmit their experiences about them
Rueda radiofónica
Radio wheel
Directed by a presenter who coordinates, from the central studio, the interventions of the participants.
The format consists of simultaneous connections through multiplex.
The Historical Text as Literary Artifact: de Hayden White
- Argues that historical narratives are shaped by literary techniques rather than just facts
- He believes that historians construct stories much like novelists do, influencing how readers understand the past
- By focusing on the language and structure of historical writing, White highlights that history is both an art and a science.
- This view challenges the idea that history is purely objective, showing the role of interpretation in historical accounts
Orígenes del lenguaje
- 100,000 a.C.
- period when language was evolving
Pinturas rupestres
- Cave paitings
- 40.000 a.C. (neandertales)
- Found in: Altamira, Spain, and Lascaux, France
- earliest known forms of expression, show animals
Torre de Babel
- Pieter Bruegel!, painted the Torre de Babel
- God disrupts the plan to build a large tower to the heavens by confusing the people’s language, causing them to stop building and scatter across the earth.
Orígenes del sedentarismo (vs. nomadismo)
- 10.000 a.C
- Humans transitioned from nomadism (moving in search of food) to sedentarism (settling in one place)
- moving around the world in search of food
- settling in one place
A partir del cuarto milenio a.C.
- Pictogramas, ideogramas, jeroglíficos
- Sumeria (Mesopotamia), Egipto, Valle del Indo, China, Olemcas, Zapotecas, Mayas
- A system of writing using simple drawings representing objects, animals, or ideas
- Sumeria (Mesopotamia)
- Valle del Indo
- Olmecs
- Zapotecs
- A system of writing using symbols representing ideas or concepts
- China
- Mayas
- A system of writing using symbols that represented sounds, words, and ideas
- Egypt
A partir del segundomilenio a.C.
alfabetos semítico (cananeo); griego, latino; arameo, árabe, hebreo, etc
Pictograma sumerio
Jeroglífico egipcio
Piedra Roseta
Jeroglífico olmeca
Pictograma sumerio
- A partir del segundomilenio a.C.
- a writing system that represented words and sounds
- Sumeria (Mesopotamia)
Jeroglífico egipcio
- A partir del segundomilenio a.C.
- Egyptian hieroglyphs became more complex, mixing pictures with sounds
- Egypt
Piedra Roseta
- A partir del segundomilenio a.C.
- allowing scholars to understand Egyptian hieroglyphs