What is the basic life cycle of a neutron star/black hole?
Cloud of dust and gas
Main sequence star
Red SUPER giant
Super nova
Neutron star/black hole
What is the basic life cycle of a black dwarf?
Cloud of dust and gas
Main sequence star
Red giant
White dwarf
Black dwarf
What is a cloud of dust and gas that stars originate from called?
A nebula
How does a cloud of dust and gas form a protostar?
Force of gravity pulls the dust and gas together
Temp rises as the star gets denser and more particles collide
Nuclear fusion occurs which uses large amounts of energy to keep the star core hot
How does a protostar form a main sequence star?
Long stable period where the outward pressure (caused by nuclear fusion) that tries to expand the star balances the fore of gravity pulling everything inwards
How does a main sequence star form a super/red giant?
Hydrogen begins to run out
Star swells into super/red giant
Becomes red because surface cools
Fusion of helium occurs
How does a super red giant form a supernova?
Undergo more fusion and expand/contract several times
Explode into supernova
How does a supernova form a neutron star?
Exploding supernova throws the outer layers of dust and gas leave a very dense core called a neutron star
How does a supernova form a black hole?
If the supernova star is massive enough a black hole will be formed
How does a red giant form a white dwarf?
Red giant becomes unstable and ejects its outer later of dust and gas which leaves behind a hot dense solid core (white dwarf)
How does a white dwarf form a black dwarf?
White dwarf cools down and emits less and less energy
When it no longer emits a significant amount of energy it becomes a black dwarf
What is our solar system?
All the stuff that orbits our sun
What are planets?
Large objects that orbit a sun
Have to be large enough to have ‘cleared their neighbourhoods’
What are dwarf planets?
Planet-like objects but don’t meet all of the rules for being a planet
What does it mean when planets have ‘cleared their neighbourhoods’?
Their gravity is strong enough to have pulled in any nearby objects apart from their natural satellites