space and place Flashcards
generally has no “character”, can be seen as one dimensional. no specific use or emotional attachment
dynamic multilayered areas with people at the centre of them
physical geography
natural environment e.g. altitude, aspect, drainage, geology…
breakdown of the population e.g. number of people, ages, gender, ethnicity…
interaction of people and economic factors e.g. employment, income, family status, education…
local traditions, religion, clubs, societies…
involving local, regional and national government and local groups such as residents association
built environment
age/style of the buildings, building materials, building density…
time-space compression
a set of processes leading to a “shrinking world” caused by reductions in the relative distance between places e.g. travel times now compared with 200 years ago
knowledge economy
wealth creating activities that gather, store and analyse knowledge e.g. high-tech manufacturing, finance and education
life cycle
the progress of a person through various stages based on age and family unit from infancy to old age
formal representation
objective representation closely linked to stats and data, linked to a place.
informal representation
subjective representation that shows geographical context, usually through media. can be used to give opinion/tell a story
social inequality
spatial inequality
unequal distribution of factors such as income, education, or health across a population - leading to deprivation
unequal distribution of factors across geographic space at any scale
Quality of life
the extent to which people’s needs and desires (social, psychological or physical) are met.
equal rights, access to services (healthcare, education, leisure) and respect
standard of living
the ability to access services and goods. this includes the basics such as food, water, clothing and housing.
Gini coefficient
used to measure levels of income inequality within countries measured between 0 ans 1. 0 would mean everyone has equal income, 1 means all income is in the hands of 1 person
Informal sector
jobs which are not recognised as normal income sources (no formal contract and no tax paid on it)
global shift
relocation of manufacturing production form ACs to LIDCs and EDCs on a global scale.
comparative advantage
the idea that countries/regions benefit from specialising in economic activities in which they have an advantage or are more efficient in
the socio-economic system in which production of goods takes place to generate profit. the main driving force is desire and self interest.
core region
an area where economic activity is concentrated and living standards are high.
individuals/groups who can influence or be influenced by the process of change
Foreign direct investment
inward investment by a foreign company (usually TNC)
developments aimed at changing negative perceptions of a place, making it more attractive to investment
developments associated with rebranding and usually involving cultural, artistic or sporting elements to alter/improve a place’s image
process b which former low income inner city housing districts in ACs are invaded by higher income groups and refurbished.
Multifaceted approach to planning design and management of public places. Controlled by government, architects and local communities