Disease dilemmas Flashcards
infectious diseases
A disease spread by pathogens e.g. parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi. MOST can be transmitted between people
a non communicable disease due to age, genetic defects, life style choices e.g. cancer, heart disease.
communicable diseases
an infectious disease that spreads from host to host
non communicable disease
medical condition/disease which in non infectious and non transmissible among people.
contagious disease
a class of infectious which is spread by contact or indirect contact between people e.g. Ebola or typhoid
non contagious disease
a type of infectious disease that is not passes on between people. they can be spread by vectors such as mosquitoes or worms
a disease outbreak that spreads quickly through the population of a geographical area e.g. Ebola in west Africa
a disease that exists permanently in a geographical area or human group e.g. sleeping sickness in sub Saharan Africa which is transmitted by a tsetse fly
an epidemic that spreads worldwide e.g. Spanish flu in 1918-1919 which affected 1/3 of the global population
zoonotic disease
a disease that is passed from animals to humans
a carrier e.g. mosquitoes that transmits an infectious disease e.g. malaria
Expansion diffusion
when a disease expands outwards from its source into new areas
relocation diffusion
when a disease leaves its source/origin and moves to new areas. e.g. cholera outbreak in Haiti that came from Nepal
contagious diffusion
spread of disease through direct contact with a carrier
hierarchical diffusion
spreads through an ordered sequence of places usually from largest areas with high connectivity to smaller, more isolated areas.
the result of an unbalanced diet especially deficiencies in protein (Kwashiorkor) and vitamins (rickets - vitamin D, scurvy - vitamin C and pellagra - vitamin B)
too little food intake to maintain body weight
death rates and infant mortality
illness and the reporting of disease
The exploitation of medicinal drugs from wild environments by pharmaceutical companies with little to no benefit to indigenous people
Top down campaign
Disease eradication campaign which comes from the top/powerful global organisations such as governments and UN and trickles down onto local communities
Grass root campaign
Strategy to combat disease that starts with local people and grows up to national