Space Flashcards
what are 2 things artificial satellite used for?
- communicate
- orbiting telescope
what is it called when the planets do not orbit the sun in a perfect circle
elliptical orbit
- made mainly of rock and metal
- asteroid belt found between mars and
- made of ice and dust
- more elliptical orbits
collections of billions of stars
- main sequence star
- nebula ( cloud of dust and gas)
- overtime the attractive force of
gravity pulled the dust and gas
together to form a structure called a
protostar - force of gravity gets stronger and
denser meaning the temp rises - the particles collides
- when temp is high, hydrogen nuclei
undergo nuclear fission to form
helium nuclei giving out huge amount
of energy making the star core hot.
- main sequence star
- outward pressure from nuclear
fusion is balanced by the inward
pressure from gravity causing a long
stable period for billions of years - start to run out of hydrogen (fuel) so
the inward pressure takes over and
contracts the star into a small ball - star will become so hot and dense
that nuclear fusion can take place
again meaning the star will expand - forms heavier elements
- red giant
- after time, it becomes unstable and
expels its outer layers - leaves behind a white dwarf (hot,
dense solid core) no nuclear fusion - white dwarf then gets cooler and
darker until it emits all its energy - no longer has enough energy to emit
light so becomes black dwarf
- red super giant
- undergoes more nuclear fusion
- after several cycles of expansion and
contraction they eventually explode
causing a supernova - supernova forms even more heavier
elements that are ejected into the
- supernova
- Very big = neutron star
-MASSIVE = black hole
the curved path of one celestial object or spacecraft around another celestial object
Newtons first law
and object traveling at a certain velocity will continue to travel at that velocity unless acted upon by a resultant force
instantaneous velocity
the velocity right angle to the acceleration which keeps it travelling in a circle
stable orbit
- instantaneous velocity
- strong gravitational pull
size of orbit
smaller the object’s orbit the faster it has to be to maintain the stable orbit as the gravitational force will be greater
red shift
the wavelengths are all longer than they should be as they’re shifted towards the red end of the spectrum
Why is red shift happening?
the distant galaxies emitting the lights are moving away from us and are being stretched as they travel toward us
what are the limitations of the balloon model
- balloons burst where the real universe
isn’t likely to burst - should be galaxies inside the balloon
big bang theory
- initially all the matter in the universe
occupied a very small space (dense
and hot) - it then exploded
- space itself started to expand
- the expansion is still continued until
this day
redshift equation
amount of wave length been shifted (difference between observed and original wavelength)
/ original wavelength
recessional velocity of galaxy
/ speed of light in vacuum ( 300,000,000 m/s)