SP Patterns (deficiency) Flashcards
The SP governs …
Transformation and Transportation
The SP controls the ___ of Qi
What vital substance does the SP control?
The SP controls ___ and the four ___.
muscles, limbs
The SP opens to the ___.
The SP manifests in the ___.
A. eyes
B. tongue
C. lips
The SP controls
A. blood vessels
B. saliva
C. sweat
The SP houses the ___.
Intellect (Yi)
The SP is affected by ___.
What are the clinical manifestations of SP-Qi deficiency?
Fatigue, poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, lassitude, desire to lie down, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools
What is the tongue presentation for SP-Qi Deficiency?
What is the pulse for SP-Qi Deficiency?
What are the pathological precursors of SP-Qi Deficiency?
LU-Qi Deficiency
What are the pathological developments from SP-Qi Deficiency?
- Dampness/Phlegm
- Blood deficiency
- SP-Yang Deficiency/SP-Qi Sinking/SP not holding blood/SP-Blood deficiency
- HT-Qi Deficiency
- LU-Qi Deficiency
- KD-Yang Deficiency
What is the treatment principle for SP-Qi Deficiency?
Tonify SP-Qi
What are the clinical manifestations of SP-Yang Deficiency?
Fatigue, poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, lassitude, desire to lie down curled up, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, feeling cold, cold limbs, edema.
What is the tongue presentation of SP-Yang deficiency?
Pale and wet
What is the pulse of SP-Yang deficiency?
What are the pathological precursors of SP-Yang deficiency?
SP-Qi deficiency
What are the pathological developments from SP-Yang deficiency?
(Same as SP Qi deficiency) Dampness/Phlegm Blood deficiency SP-Yang deficiency, SP-Qi Sinking, SP not holding Blood, SP-Blood deficiency HT-Qi deficiency LU-Qi deficiency KD-Yang deficiency
What is the treatment principle for SP-Yang deficiency?
Tonify and warm SP-Yang
What are the clinical manifestations of SP-Qi Sinking?
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, fatigue, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency to obesity, a bearing-down sensation in the abdomen, prolapse of stomach, uterus, anus, or bladder, frequency and urgency of urination, menorrhagia
What is the tongue presentation of SP-Qi Sinking?
What is the pulse of SP-Qi Sinking?
What are the pathological precursors of SP-Qi Sinking?
LU-Qi Deficiency & Sinking of KD-QI
What are the pathological developments from SP-Qi Sinking?
Sinking of KD Qi Dampness/Phlegm Blood deficiency SP-Yang deficiency, SP-Qi Sinking, SP not holding Blood, SP-Blood deficiency HT-Qi deficiency LU-Qi deficiency KD-Yang deficiency
What is the treatment for SP-Qi Sinking?
Tonify SP-Qi, Raise Qi
What are the clinical manifestations of SP not Holding Blood?
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, fatigue, pale sallow complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, blood spots under the skin, blood in the urine or stools, excessive uterine bleeding.
What is the tongue presentation of SP not Holding Blood?
What is the pulse of SP Not Holding Blood?
Weak or Fine
What are the pathological precursors of SP Not Holding Blood?
LU-Qi Deficiency
What are the pathological developments of SP Not Holding Blood?
Blood and/or Qi deficiency (if bleeding persists),Dampness/Phlegm
Blood deficiency
SP-Yang deficiency, SP-Qi Sinking, SP not holding Blood, SP-Blood deficiency
HT-Qi deficiency
LU-Qi deficiency
KD-Yang deficiency
What is the treatment principle for SP Not Holding Blood?
Tony SP-Qi, stop bleeding
What are the clinical manifestations of SP-Blood deficiency?
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, fatigue, dull-pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, thin body, scanty periods or amenorrhea, insomnia
What is the tongue presentation of SP-Blood deficiency?
Pale, thin, and slightly dry
What is the pulse for SP-Blood deficiency?
Choppy or fine
What are the pathological precursors of SP-Blood deficiency?
LV-Blood deficiency Dampness/Phlegm Blood deficiency SP-Yang deficiency, SP-Qi Sinking, SP not holding Blood, SP-Blood deficiency HT-Qi deficiency LU-Qi deficiency KD-Yang deficiency
What are the pathological developments from SP-Blood deficiency?
HT-Blood deficiency LV-Blood deficiency Dampness/Phlegm Blood deficiency SP-Yang deficiency, SP-Qi Sinking, SP not holding Blood, SP-Blood deficiency HT-Qi deficiency LU-Qi deficiency KD-Yang deficiency
What is the treatment principle for SP-Blood deficiency?
Tonify SP-Qi, Nourish Blood